Friday, 18 October 2024

What I have loved this week! Week 42. #FridayFavourites

Hello there and happy Friday! This week has flown over even though I don't seem to have much to show for it. Everything I seem to have done this week is planning things for the rest of the year. I spent the first half of the week trying to avoid getting my eldest's cold and the 2nd half of the week trying to fight it off. Ugh. I am here today sharing my favourites from the week and of course linking up with Erika and Andrea.

What I have loved this week

Christmas shopping!
On Monday we went out Christmas shopping and it was a really productive trip! We picked up quite a few things for Ellie, my youngest and apart from a few stocking fillers and chocolate treats I am just about done buying for her. Well, after I have done the order from Shein. She had a list a mile long of things that she wanted, we cut it down a bit and it's a bit more sensible now. I got Becky, my eldest to make a list too and I added the things to the Shein order which I will be placing sometime over the next couple of weeks. I am going to take her out shopping to pick out a few things sometime over the next few weeks and then I will have a good chunk of the Christmas shopping done. Everyone else is easy to buy for even my dad who I usually struggle with. I am getting him fancy cheese, chutney's and of course his usual Turkish Delight and Jelly Baby sweets.

Autumn is well and truly here! It's getting dark by 6pm, I am shutting the curtains early, we've had the heating on a couple of times and the leaves are so pretty! My dad always has the best leaves at his place as he has so many trees. I love watching them change colour and cover the ground.

Autumn leaves

Grey's Anatomy!
It's back on the TV here in the UK. We're a few episodes behind the US but it doesn't matter. I love that they've brought Sydney back. She's so annoying and too happy and it was nice to see Jackson. Bailey will always be my favourite though! My youngest is not liking having to wait a week between episodes though, she only got into Grey's Anatomy earlier this year so has been able to watch without any cliff hangers until now. hehehe

Becky started with a cold on Sunday and apart from a sore nose and running nose didn't feel too ill. She dosed herself up with cold and flu tablets and had a lazy day on Tuesday which seems to have helped. I have a bit of a tickly cough and a runny nose but I don't feel too poorly with it apart from the fact I am constantly blowing my nose. We have gone through so many tissues this week. I was using toilet roll until my nose started getting sore from blowing it.

Bathroom cleaner!
Becky is a big Friends fan and I did think about buying her this bathroom cleaner to encourage her to clean a bit more. hehehe It made me chuckle.

Friends Bathroom cleaner

Booking things!
I know I am having a no spend month but I have spent a bit of money booking some fun things for later on this year. I'm not going to say what until we have been, just for our own safety but I spent a good half hour checking and double checking that I had the right tickets for something and now they're booked I am hoping nothing goes wrong and we get to enjoy these things. Becky has 2 breaks away planned over the next few months and she has booked everything, well I say she has, I ended up doing most of it. I said what would you do if I wasn't here to help? She said she wouldn't go away anywhere, I can quite believe that too. She gets just as nervous as me when she's booking something.

What have you loved this week?

Friday favourites linky


  1. I've also been suffering with the endless runny nose cold this week and getting through mountains of tissues, I hope that you are over it now! I'm so impressed that you are nearly done with your Christmas shopping, I haven't even thought about it and we are away in December so I need to get it all done early this year!

  2. This time of year has so much going on - and it's mostly fun stuff. Have a great weekend.

  3. Great job on your Christmas shopping! Love the cleaner.

  4. Oh no! Sorry to hear you've been having illness running through the house. I get so nervous when we have a trip coming up too I'm always afraid someone will get sick or our plans will get canceled at the last minute and I'll be out all the money for those things we already paid for (though I do try to get trip insurance whenever I can). It sounds like you had a very productive week!

  5. Well done on getting most of your Christmas shopping sorted! I haven't even started thinking about mine—oops! The bathroom cleaner made me laugh. It's funny how products aimed at kids often have popular culture packaging, and now they're doing the same for adults. Haha! I hope you and Becky get over your colds soon. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. I love the Friends bathroom cleaner! Sorry to hear about the colds. I hope you're all well again now :)


  7. Oh my goodness I am the HUGEST Friends fan and I've always said I was just like Monica... I need that cleaner! Haha.
