This week my Word of the Week is:
This week has all been about family...I have had contact with all of my side of the family and it has been lovely.
On Monday my dad, his girlfriend Sarah and my great aunt came to visit....They decided to come up to start the girls birthday celebrations early.
I don't see my dad very often. Last time I did was just before Christmas last year. He runs his own business and struggles to get away. He always calls in on his way up to us and picks my great aunt up....She is my dad's aunt so that makes her my great aunt.
My great aunt was kind enough to bring some of what she had been baking....Fruit scones, cheese scones, banana muffins and chocolate chip muffins.....She is the best baker and everything is long gone...hehehe
The girls were spoilt rotten and we had a lovely time catching up....I speak to my dad most days on the phone but seeing him in person is better....
We received a card from my nephews mother on Tuesday....There was a few words inside about my nephew passing his driving test....I swear I still think of him as a 6 year old but he turned 17 earlier this year. It makes me feel so old....Why do kids have to grow up so quickly!
Speaking of kids growing up Ellie turned 11 this week....My baby isn't much of a baby anymore....She had a wonderful day.....We spent it together just the four of us and it couldn't have been better. The sun shined all day and we had the BBQ, she loved all of her presents and was overjoyed with her unicorn cake!
Thank you for all the birthday wishes on social media....Ellie read everyone's then I had to go through and explain who everyone
Thank you for all the birthday wishes on social media....Ellie read everyone's then I had to go through and explain who everyone
Yesterday we had a day out to Alnwick Castle.....I am going to have to write a whole blog post about it as there is so much to say (All good things). It is a fab day out and now we have paid once we are able to go again anytime over the next year for free! We saw wizards, dragons, amazing views and the fanciest looking furniture and decorations in the state rooms....
We were going to have another day out today but I feel like we all need a day of doing not much. It has been non-stop since Monday. I think we have earned a pj day plus there is a ton of housework to catch up on which we will be doing as a family....hehehe
We were going to have another day out today but I feel like we all need a day of doing not much. It has been non-stop since Monday. I think we have earned a pj day plus there is a ton of housework to catch up on which we will be doing as a family....hehehe