Friday, 24 August 2018

Meh! Is how I've felt about this past week. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Meh! Is how I've felt about this past week....

The weather hasn't been great....It has felt more like Autumn than summer. It has rained most days and it's just been gloomy & grey.....It's Ellie's birthday next week and she has her heart set on having a BBQ which is not going to happen if the weather is like how it's been this past week....I have tried to come up with something different to do but she is having none of it....It is stressing me out a little so keep your fingers crossed for a dry Wednesday

We have got to the point in the holidays where the kids think they are bored....They say they are bored but they are really not. A fine example of this is Ellie said she was bored so I suggested going to the park and she said it was boring....10 minutes later her friend called for her and she went to the park & had a great time. Becky was bored because she had used all her electronics time up and I wouldn't give her a job to earn more time so she went and tidied her room properly....Even under her bed. lol 

The girls have been rotten to each other....I now understand why my mother used to lose her temper with my brother and I when we would fight.....My most overused phrases this week have been. Be nice to your sister, Stop it, Do you want to lose time off your computer?

I double checked all the uniform during the week and I realised we needed another school jumper for Ellie....Ugh! I wished I'd realised a few weeks ago when I ordered all the stuff with the school logo on. I ended up paying £17.49 for one jumper....The price was bumped up by having to pay the £4.50 delivery. The kids are all ready to go back to school now though....Phew!

I know the only reason I have felt Meh! about this week is because we have so much going on next week which we are looking forward too....

I paid for the live stream for You Tubers boxing match tomorrow for Becky which I will probably watch too....She has no interest in boxing but does like some of the people taking part....On Monday my dad, his girlfriend and my great aunt are coming for a visit.....The kids are so excited to see them and so I am.....We haven't seen them since just before Christmas last year....It's Ellie's birthday on Wednesday and on Thursday we are going to Alnwick Castle.


  1. It does sound like you've a lot of fun things going on next week, I can see why this week must have felt 'meh' and like you were just biding time until next week. Sounds like it was quite productive, though, fingers crossed for a scorcher next Wednesday! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  2. Fingers crossed for Wednesday, we have still been using our barbecue despite the rain under a big umbrella. I always think the last week or so before school starts always feels a bit meh. It sounds like you have lots to look forward to next week though which is great !

  3. "Meh" certainly does sound like the right word for your week - it sounds like it's been a bit of a trying one in many ways. Keeping my fingers firmly crossed that next Wednesday will be dry and that Ellie will have a lovely birthday. Sounds like you have lots of lovely things planned for next week x #WotW

  4. Joe keeps talking about that boxing match! And yes they are ready to go back arent they? We have had a fab time but Joe has said he is bored or wanted to just wallow and do nothing some days which drives me mad x

  5. Tough week, fingers crossed for drier week. I too feel very familiar with them catch phases, we must have the patience of a saint to get though these periods of sibling hatred haha X #wotw
