Monday, 31 January 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 31st January - 6th February. #MealPlanningMonday

Our Weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate everything and even resisted getting a takeaway when it came to the weekend. We had the chicken nuggets, fries, garlic bread, onion rings and corn on the cob. It was as good as a takeaway and cheaper too. 

This is the week where we haven't had a food shop delivered so we're eating out of the freezer and cupboards and nipping to the shop for anything we need like milk and bread. Instead of buying fresh mushrooms I have got some frozen one's to try out. If they are just as good as fresh I think it will save quite a bit of money as we go through a lot in this house.

Ellie is at the hospital again this week to see the consultant after her MRI scan a few weeks ago and to get fitted for her hearing aid. She will be having a half day at school which she is looking forward to as she's not keen on the afternoons lessons. I think on the way home we will call into B&M as a new one has opened in town quite close to the bus stop which is going to be very handy.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Leftover roast dinner pie and mash. I am going to try and make the pastry from scratch.
Tuesday - Meatballs, spaghetti and garlic bread.
Wednesday - I will make extra meatballs to have in buns covered in cheese.
Friday - Fish, chips and mushy peas.
Saturday - Pork and apple sausages with potato wedges.
Sunday - Some sort of casserole cooked in the slow cooker.

I am linking up with Karen over at Cat's, Kids, Chaos who is the host of the meal planning linky. If you blog about your meal plan do come and link up!

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Feeding the birds. #MySundaySnapshot

This weekend is the Big Garden Birdwatch where you choose an hour and count the birds that you see land in your garden and tell the RSPB what you saw.

We always get plenty of birds in our garden thanks to the bird feeder that I received to review last year. We have been making sure to keep it filled especially with it being so cold out.

Do you feed the birds in your garden?

Bird feeder

My Sunday Snapshot

Saturday, 29 January 2022

Week 4 of #Project365. 22nd - 28th January. A photo every day for a year!

 I have had a very unexciting week. The weather has really got me down, it's been mostly grey, gloomy and cold this week. It has left me feeling unmotivated and grumpy. Everyone else seems happy enough. Becky is counting down the days until payday and Ellie is counting down the days until half term. I have just burst her bubble though, she thought she only had next week at school but they don't break up until the 11th. lol

We have a plan for half term. The girls have decided they want to swap bedrooms. Ellie wants less space so she has less room to make a mess and tidy and Becky wants more space and to get herself a double bed. It's fine with Stu and I but it's not something we'd be able to do in a day so half term will give us plenty of time. We might even give their rooms a lick of paint too.

We don't have much planned for over the weekend although if the weather is nice I do want to make a start on clearing the garden now that the council have started collecting the garden waste wheelie bin again. 

Now for a photo every day!

Family night watching TV
Playing the Sims 4
Grey sky and stir fry
Winter Spice Twix's and Kinder hamper
Chocolate cake

22/365 - 22nd January
We had family time in front of the TV watching The Masked Singer and Ant & Dec's Limitless Win.

23/365 - 23rd January
Had a lazy Sunday. I spent a lot of it playing The Sims 4.

24/365 - 24th January
It has been so grey and gloomy this week. I keep telling myself it's not that long until the weather will start to warm up a bit.

25/365 - 25th January
The start of a stir fry. We ended up with peppers, onions, mushrooms, beansprouts, carrot, chicken, egg noodles and rice. 

26/365 - 26th January
I finally found some of the winter spice Twix's in a local shop. They were very nice. 

27/365 - 27th January
Becky and her girlfriend celebrated 2 years together! They exchanged gifts and Becky received a Kinder Bueno hamper. Lucky girl.

28/365 - 28th January
Chocolate cake. I had a walk out for a look around the auction and stopped off in the cafe for a cuppa and couldn't resist some cake.

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Friday, 28 January 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Watching! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I really don't know what I have done with the past week. It has been one of just plodding on with life and not much going on. The kids have been to school and college, Stu to work and I have been pottering around at home. The weather has been rubbish and so cold. It has had me in such a grump so I thought the only way to cheer myself up is to escape and watch plenty of TV. It has worked, I am feeling much better with myself now.

We had a fun night on Saturday watching TV. It's a proper family night on the week that Becky isn't at work. We always guess along with the Masked Singer which of course causes arguments but it's all in fun. We then watch Ant and Dec's Limitless Win. I have seen a lot of people on Twitter are not fans but it is a good show to watch as a family, we all play along.

Sunday night TV is the best now. We love Dancing on Ice, Call the Midwife and I watched the first episode of Trigger Point. It had been advertised loads so I didn't expect it to live up to the hype but it did! I loved it and can't wait to watch more.

On a Monday Becky and I record Geordie Hospital to watch later. It follows the staff and some patients in the Newcastle hospitals which is very interesting for us as we've spent time in both the Freemans and the RVI. We saw the ward where the girls spent a week when they had their open heart surgery and recognise so much of the hospital. 

It got to that point where I seem to have watched all that I want on Netflix and my subscription is up at the end of this week so I decided to go back to Disney Plus. I had a few nice surprises when I logged into my account. This is Us is on Disney now, I thought it was just an Amazon show, people rave about it so I have started watching and I am loving it so far. I have obviously heard about the film Encanto but didn't realise it was free to watch. Ellie and I are planning to watch it tonight and the same goes for the Marvel film Eternals and Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. Stu has seen them and said they're not amazing but they're worth a watch. I still have half of Loki to watch and all of Hawkeye too so that should keep me occupied for a while.

I am sat here now watching Classic episodes of Coronation Street that I have been recording, all the way back from Christmas 1999! Some of it I remember watching but there is a lot I have forgotten about like Leanne Battersby taking drugs. I knew she was in with one of the bad guys but the drug part of it slipped my mind. I miss the likes of Mike Baldwin and Fred Elliot, he was funny.

What have you been watching on TV?

Word of the Week

Thursday, 27 January 2022

20 ways to avoid winter colds and bugs.

It's that time of year when we all get colds. Becky had a stonker of a cold a few weeks before Christmas, the worst she's had in years. We were worried that it could have been Covid but she was tested and got a negative result. I look back on my Facebook memories every day and at this time every year I complain about having colds. It seems to be a common thing for this time of year. I think it's being run down from organising Christmas, the January blues and it's just grey and cold.

Tissues and a hot drink

one hundred percent think that our immune system has been weakened by the lockdowns, seeing less people and wearing masks during the pandemic, I am not playing it down. I know those things needed to happen but with Covid still going strong, the restrictions being just about all removed as well as the normal winter colds and bugs we need to take extra care and look after ourselves a little bit more.

I have made a promise to myself to exercise more, eat better and sleep more this year and have been throughout January but I need to keep it up especially if I want to stay well. 

Here are a few ideas and a few reminders in how to avoid those winter colds and bugs:

1. Wearing a mask when out in public.
2. Using hand sanitiser frequently.
3. Eating immune boosting foods like oranges and spinach.
4. Staying in as much as possible.
5. Avoiding busy public areas like supermarkets.
6. Avoiding public transport.
7. Getting extra sleep.
8. Drinking lots of water.
9. Washing your hands frequently.
10. Staying warm.
11. Using nasal sanitiser frequently.
12. Taking relief medicines.
13. Wiping down door handles.
14. Eating spicy foods.
15. Ensuring you are in well-ventilated areas when indoors.
16. Eating five fruit and veg a day.
17. Doing plenty of exercise.
18. Getting the latest flu vaccine.
19. Working from home where possible.
20. Having tissues on you at all times.

What are your tips for avoiding winter colds and bugs?

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Sticky Toffee Steamed Pudding - Recipe!

This is the time of year when my family loves to have a pudding after tea, preferably one with custard and recently I was sent a recipe for Sticky Toffee Steamed Pudding to share. It sounds like a real winter warmer, comfort food at it's best.

Sticky Toffee Steamed Pudding

Sticky Toffee Steamed Pudding - Recipe!

Makes 1 x 17cm pudding (1 litre bowl)
Prep time: 20 mins

250g of chopped dates.
300ml of boiling water.
1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.
125g of unsalted butter, softened and 75g for sauce.
175g of light brown sugar and 75g for sauce.
2 eggs.
185g of self-raising flour.
75ml of double cream.

17cm/1 litre glass pudding bowl.
Mixing bowl.
Electric hand mixer.
Wooden spoon or spatula.

Preheat the oven to 160°C (fan). Lightly grease the glass pudding bowl with some butter, dust with flour and tap out any excess. Set to one side.

Place the chopped dates and boiling water in a saucepan and heat until the dates are soft and all of the water has been absorbed. Set aside to cool.

Make the batter by creaming the 125g unsalted butter and 175g light brown sugar in a mixing bowl with an electric hand mixer until light and fluffy. 

Add the eggs, making sure to incorporate them fully before finally adding the flour.

Mix the bicarbonate of soda into the dates and stir thoroughly before mixing into the batter with a spoon/spatula.

Pour the batter into the pudding bowl and bake for 40-45 minutes until risen, springy in the centre and an inserted toothpick/knife comes out clean. (Check after 30 minutes and cover with tin foil if the top is looking too dark)

Allow the pudding to cool slightly while making the butterscotch sauce. 

To make the sauce, put 75g butter, 75g light brown sugar and 75ml of double in a saucepan over a medium heat and bring to a simmer, stirring constantly until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved.

Using a tea towel, place a serving plate on top of the warm pudding and invert it, it should release by itself but you may have to encourage it a little. Drizzle warm sauce over the top and serve.

This recipe is from the Easy Peasy Baking campaign, launched by UK Flour Millers, making baking simple. You can find more Easy Peasy Baking recipes and information on the campaign over on the Fab Flour website.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

My girls are growing up, a little too quickly for my liking.

A few things have happened over the past few weeks which has made me realise that my girls are not children any more and they are growing up. It's obvious our children are going to grow up but sometimes little things sneak up on us and it's a bit of a shock. As a parent it's not a good feeling when they are too independent, especially when it makes me feel like I am a not needed. 

My girls

Ellie went for a MRI scan a couple of weeks ago. It was just procedure before she gets fitted for hearing aids and she was all Miss Independent. We went in and the nurse went through all the safety questions with Ellie and I was just there to butt in and expand on the answers Ellie gave, she did a great job and answered most things by herself and then when it came to Ellie going in for her MRI scan the nurse asked Ellie if she wanted me to go in with her and Ellie said she wasn't fussed. It was a bit of a kicker that my girl didn't feel like she needed me anymore to hold her hand. I sat in the waiting room twiddling my thumbs and when Ellie came out the nurse said that she did great, better than a lot of adults. 

Becky only has a few months left at college and she is making plans for her future. As it stands now when she leaves college she has a promise of a full time job, the one she is doing now part time in the care home. She loves it so it won't be an issue but what has made me realise that she is growing up is the talk about moving out. Eek! It's going to happen one day but I can't imagine Becky not living with me. It's not going to happen anytime soon, she has said that she want's at least 18 months to two years to save and then she is planning to rent somewhere. She had thought about moving to Scunthorpe to be more central to work and her girlfriend but has decided to stay in the little town where we live. I have told her that houses or flats to rent here are as rare as unicorn poop but she said there is no rush. Phew!! 

I have stepped back when it comes to Ellie doing her homework. She tends to do most of it buy herself now. She still sometimes needs a little help especially with maths but it's Becky she goes to not me. I am rubbish when it comes to maths and I am way past understanding what she is studying now. Me stepping back also means that she has to be responsible for getting her homework done on time and handing it in and that's where some problems are arising. Ellie had a detention last night for not handing her homework in, she had done it, I remember her doing it as she was telling me facts about the digestive system but had left it at home. I'd like to say it's a lesson learned but she'll probably do the same thing again before the school year is over.

Another reason that Becky is loving working is the wages. She has got the hang of online shopping and doesn't need me to buy her anything now, although I still do, things like food and some clothes. lol Yesterday I was sat here taking in parcels for her. There was 6 in total. At least there is one thing that she still needs me for, to answer the door. lol

I am so proud that my girls are growing up and are independent but sometimes it really stings that they don't need me as much anymore.

Monday, 24 January 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 24th - 30th January. #MealPlanningMonday

Our Weekly Meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well. We swapped a couple of days around but everything was eaten. When I was at the Co-op on Tuesday I spotted some quarter pound burgers in the reduced section and snapped them up. £1.20 for four was a bargain and they went straight in the freezer for the weekend which we had in buns. Reduced food tastes so much better than full price.

I was so excited at the middle of last week when I booked a Tesco delivery slot, I had forgotten to book one earlier so was surprised to get one. All was well until I checked why the money hadn't came out of the bank on Thursday which was strange. It turns out I had booked it for this week not last. lol Oops. Thankfully Asda still had slots left and I got everything I wanted and it was a few pounds cheaper so win, win.

Getting the shopping delivered fortnightly is working well. I didn't get any shopping for last week apart from milk, fruit and bread and this week with the shopping I have bought stuff for the freezer for next week, mostly meat and veg and some extra tins. It came to about £20 extra than our average weekly food shop. It feels like we are actually saving money at long last! Hooray!

On the menu this week we have:

Tuesday - Chicken stir fry with noodles.
Wednesday - Vegetable goulash.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Chicken nuggets, chips and baked beans.
Sunday - A roast chicken dinner.

I am linking up with Karen over at Cat's, Kids, Chaos who is the host of the meal planning linky. If you blog about your meal plan do come and link up!

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Best boots ever! #MySundaySnapshot

My dad was having a sort out and I got to get what I wanted out of a box of shoes and boots. There was nothing I fancied for myself but spotted some Doc Martens for Ellie. There was a bit of a panic when it took me a while to find the 2nd boot, it was in a different box.

Ellie has been wanting some proper Dr. Martens for at least a year but as they are so expensive I have been reluctant to buy her any while her feet is still growing. These were in her size and had hardly been worn. I've since polished them and they look brand new! Ellie is overjoyed with them!

Doc Martens

My Sunday Snapshot linky

Saturday, 22 January 2022

Week 3 of #Project365. 15th - 21st January. A photo every day for a year!

January is lasting forever!! It's still cold but this week has been brighter. Yesterday I actually went out in my hoodie instead of my big coat, it was warm in the sun. We've had a good week with a MRI scan for Ellie, exams for Becky, a couple of lunches out for me and my dad came with his trailer to take away the leftover wood from when we put the fence up. We have a quiet weekend planned. Ellie is off out with her friends and Becky will be sleeping off a night shift today. It will be housework for me and dying my hair. I have chickened out of going green and I am going back to the red.

Now for a photo every day!

Hospital and sushi
Rice krispie cake and blue sky
Sausage roll and a big breakfast

15/365 - 15th January
Ellie had her MRI scan and was a complete star (It was just routine before her hearing aid). She dealt with it brilliant and took it all in her stride. I couldn't be prouder. We have an appointment in a couple of weeks for the results and to get her fitted for a hearing aid.

16/365 - 16th January
Sushi for lunch, for Ellie anyway. It stunk the house out.

17/365 - 17th January
I decided to use up some of the chocolate in the tubs from Christmas to make rice krispie cakes. They were so good. A mix of mars bars, Twirls, Galaxy and Dairy Milk. I will never get the exact same mix again so I don't want to rush to make them again in case they disappoint. 

18/365 - 18th January
Blue sky and sunshine!

19/365 - 19th January
Pretty flowers. They're not mine though, they're Becky's off her girlfriend.

20/365 - 20th January
Sausage and cranberry roll. I saw these in Lidl in the reduced section. 50p for two and bought a pack. I wish I had bought more they were delicious and would have lasted a while as they were frozen and just needed cooking.

21/365 - 21st January
A big breakfast. Stu had a half day at work so we met up for lunch.

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Friday, 21 January 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Unknown! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


I am starting writing this without a word in mind. It's been one of those weeks where plenty has happened but it all doesn't fall under one word.

We started the weekend going to hospital for Ellie's MRI scan, it was just procedure before she gets a hearing aid so there's nothing to worry about. She took the MRI scan in her stride and the nurse even said she handled it better than most adults. The nurse was amazing and put us both at ease when she was going through the safety questions. I keep saying the nurses always seem to have more people skills than the consultants and I was proved right again. The nurse asked Ellie if she could to pull her mask down so she could understand her better with lip reading, when we last saw the consultant he never thought of doing that. It's those little things which really help. We already have got Ellie's next appointments. 10 minutes with the consultant and then another to get her fitted for her hearing aid. Exciting times. For a second I did panic thinking that the appointments have came really quickly what if there is something to worry about? I know I am just being silly and for all I know they could have booked her hearing aid fitting the same time as her MRI scan.

I spent Wednesday lunchtime like a lot of other people watching Prime Minister's Questions, what a circus! According to Boris and the government the pandemic is over, it's obviously not but wearing masks is being scrapped, Covid passes will be no more and as of the 24th of March we won't have to isolate if we have Covid. It seems like madness to me and that it will be survival of the fittest now. Thankfully Stu, the girls and myself have been lucky and have got away without catching it so far but I don't know how long that will last with all the precautions being scrapped. I for one will still be wearing a mask on public transport and in shops.

Becky had her first exam at college in a long time. She was supposed to have some last year but they were cancelled because of the virus. It was Anatomy and Physiology and she thought it was quite easy, it wasn't just her though, a lot of her friends said the same. She said most of it was common sense the only thing that stumped her was "where in the body is the Thymus gland and what does it do? She took a guess and said in the chest and it produces hormones which should get her a couple of marks out of the 3 available. She has a full week of exams in a couple of weeks which when she was telling me about them made me chuckle. On the first 2 days she can use Google and Teams where all her notes and work is stored. Her tutor has said he is going to upload more information and things that could help too. Exams sure have changed since I was at college. We weren't allowed anything like that which could help us.

We have a quiet weekend planned hopefully. Ellie is off to town tomorrow with some of her friends. It's the first time she's going into town without us. She's done the bus journey plenty of times but as much as I trust her friends they remind me of excited puppies getting a little too loud and bouncing around. I really hope they don't get themselves into trouble.

I got my word by the end of writing this blog post: Unknown! There is a lot of unknown things about Ellie's MRI scan results and her hearing aid. Everything seems uncertain and unknown when it comes to Covid and Becky had unknown things in her exam.

How has your week been?

Word of the Week linky

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Baking tips and tricks for the perfect cookie!

I would class myself as an OK baker. I can make cupcakes, big cakes, scones, bread and goodness knows what else but one thing I am useless at is baking cookies! I have never had a perfect batch. They're either too thin and burn or too thick and don't taste cooked. I just can't get cookies right but the Fab Flour Easy Peasy Baking campaign has compiled the ultimate list of cookie tips and tricks so bakers like me can enjoy scrumptious cookies, every time! 

Chocolate cookies

Mixing: When mixing the butter and sugar, don’t mix too quickly or for too long! If there’s too much air in the mixture and it’s light and fluffy it’ll sink when cooking.

Weigh: If you’re after uniform cookies, weigh each ball of cookie dough before placing it on your baking sheet.

Flour: Different flours will affect the shape and texture of your cookies. Flour with a higher protein content like bread flour, will spread less when baking and create a chewier texture. As self-raising flour typically has a slightly lower protein content than plain, mixing flours can give you more control over your cookie shape and consistency.

Chilling: Once your cookies are laid out on the baking tray, chill the unbaked cookies in the fridge overnight. This will ensure your cookies do not spread too thin and have thick, soft centres once baked. (Remember, your cookies will continue to bake on the cooling rack, so you want them to be slightly under baked in the middle when you take them out of the oven).

Space: Give your cookies at least 1-2 inches of space between each other on the tray, so they don’t mould into one giant cookie in the oven.

Batch: If you’re baking cookies in batches using the same tray, wait for your tray to cool down in between batches.

Cookies bake really well in the middle of the oven, so it’s better to bake your cookies one batch at a time that way they can go in the centre of the oven every time.

Preheat: Make sure your oven is up to temperature before you put your cookies in to bake – this may take 10-15 minutes but it’s worth the wait.

Shape: Once your cookies have come out of the oven, whilst they are still hot and pliable, take a tumbler or round glass that is slightly larger than the cookie and place it over the top. Jiggle the glass in a circular motion around the cookie to smooth off the edges and mould the cookie into a perfect circle.

You can find more Easy Peasy Baking recipes and information on the campaign over on the Fab Flour website or on social media.

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

(Ad - Gifted) Brain health supplements for all the family from Efamol!

The past year has been a challenge for millions of people all over the world, with many people using this time to focus on their health, headspace and diet. Now that the new year is here has never been a better time to focus on your brain health.

I think January is a great time for a change in lifestyle, a new start and all that. Recently my family and I have been sent some products to help with our brains from Efamol!

Brain health supplements for all the family from Efamol

Our brains are mostly made up of fat, with DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) being the most abundant omega 3 fatty acid, making up to 70% of the fatty acids found within the brain structure. DHA is present in the outer structure of our cells and has consistently been found to play a unique role in normal brain development of children and normal brain function throughout life. Yet despite the importance of DHA, dietary intakes are below current recommendations for most of the population.

Efamol has a product range to provide the required daily intake of Omega 3 DHA for all the family:

For 6 months plus.
Formulated with little ones in mind, Efamol Kids Omega 3 DHA Drops are a simple and effective way to top up your child’s omega 3 levels. Suitable for babies and children as they progress through school. Each tiny 1ml daily dose contains 400mg of DHA, well above the 250mg required to support normal brain function and vision. 

For 3 years plus.

Efalex Brain Formula Liquid

Efalex Brain Formula Liquid is a unique blend of Fish Oil and Evening Primrose Oil including DHA and EPA (Omega 3 fatty acids) and GLA and AA (Omega 6 fatty acids). Coming in liquid form for those who can't or don't like swallowing capsules.

For 5 years plus.

Efamol Efalex Brain Formula

Efamol Efalex Brain Formula, these tiny capsules are easy for children to swallow as they are only 15mm by 10mm. They are high in the omega 3 fat DHA which helps support normal brain function and vision, uniquely they also contain AA, the second most abundant fat in the brain and the omega 6 fat GLA from Evening Primrose Oil.

For adults.
Efamol Efamax High Strength Pure Fish Oil, this ultra-strength formula is one of the strongest on the UK market containing 800mg of DHA and EPA. DHA supports normal brain performance and vision, and DHA and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) contribute to the normal function of the heart. This product is also suitable during pregnancy.

For older adults.

Efamol Active Memory

Efamol Active Memory contains a high strength omega 3 DHA fish oil, to support normal brain function plus Vitamin B12  & Folic Acid which support normal psychological function and Ginkgo Biloba, which helps to maintain memory with age decline and preserve cognitive function.

Remember that food supplements should not replace a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

These products vary in price depending on what you are buying and can be bought from high street stores like Boots, Amazon and the Efamol website.

I was sent the Brain health supplements for all the family from Efamol free of charge in exchange for this blog post.

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Some random thoughts that I've had lately. Part Seven!

It's been a while since I have done one of these posts. Some of  my random thoughts, thoughts that don't fit into a blog post but I want to mention them and share them with you. You can read my previous mind dump here.

Question marks

The government had more parties during lockdown than I have probably been to in the last 15 years. I feel so sad for those who couldn't be with loved one's when they were dying, be at their funerals and all while the MP's were partying. 
The sooner Boris goes the better.

Meena off Emmerdale was totally psychotic but she is a bit brilliant. I have laughed out loud at her and also spent plenty of time shouting at the TV. She is one of the best baddies on the soaps in years.

Ellie said she was brave enough to go in the room for her MRI scan herself after we'd been through the safety questions with the nurse. It made me quite sad. She's growing up so fast.

 Becky is making plans for her life and they are exciting but it's another case that one of my kids is growing up and now she's thinking about leaving home. Not yet though, it won't be for at least another couple of years.

I am obsessed with how many steps I do per day since I got my fancy new watch for Christmas. We all have one now apart from Ellie and she want's one too.

Someone locally keeps doing DIY on a Sunday morning usually starting at about 8am. That is too early to be making a noise!

I am going to try a new hair colour this week. Alpine green. I don't know how it will look, I usually go for reds, purples, pinks and blues. My family isn't convinced and they said they're going to hate it but it's my hair and want to give it a try.

We are spending our Saturday nights shouting at the TV watching The Masked Singer. It's proper Saturday night TV that we can join in and guess who's under the masks and of course disagree about it.

I bought Ellie a coat over the weekend, she's finally given in and says she's going to wear it for school, she better! She hasn't worn a coat for school for so long but come to think of it the weather is colder and this time last year she was doing home learning and only went to school when the weather was getting warmer.

I have been using my personal Facebook account more just to keep family more updated about our lives and it freaks Becky out every time I update my status, she is not used to it. 

Despite the government changing and relaxing the rules to do with the virus us as a family we are not relaxing. We're still wearing masks, staying away from people and testing when we have to.

I can't stand Ricky Gervais but love his Netflix show After Life, I watched it all in a couple of days.

White clothes are not for me. I got a lovely white and grey jumper and within half an hour of wearing it I had dirtied it. Hmmf.

We are still eating chocolate and treats left over from Christmas and probably still will be by Easter. In December will someone remind me not to overbuy! I even made rice krispie tray bake with some of them melted down.

I have realised that I struggle to exercise if I am stressed and exercising when I am stressed just makes me feel rotten.

As much as we all knew the Hillsborough disaster shouldn't have happened and was devastating for all the families involved seeing it from one mothers point of view was heart breaking. I watched Anne and cried nearly all the way through the 4 episodes. It was a bit of a shock she had died, I had no idea.

What random thoughts have you had lately?

Monday, 17 January 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 17th - 23rd January. #MealPlanningMonday

Our Weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan was a huge success. We ate everything on the day it was supposed to be eaten and we all loved everything which was an extra bonus. The Sausage and apple traybake was the biggest hit of the week. I did add sliced onions and peppers to it and skipped on the cubetti di pancetta as I didn't have a clue what it was until I Googled it and the spinach as we are not keen. When I was dishing it out the kids were asking for gravy as they thought it was dry but as the olive oil and apple mixed together it made a sweet sticky sauce/glaze and they were pleasantly surprised.

We are trying something new with the food shopping. Instead of getting a food shop every week we're trying to get it fortnightly and then just do little top up shops for bread, milk, fruit and things like that. So far so good, we didn't get any shopping delivered over the weekend have been to the local shop for bread and milk and we're not missing a big shop. We are hoping it saves a bit of money. When I get the food shop I buy fresh treats like doughnuts or silly things like ready made sandwiches which really do add to the bill.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Easy beef stew and mashed potato.
Tuesday - Soup with ham sandwiches to dip in.
Wednesday - Richmond Family Tomato Sausage Pasta and garlic bread.
Thursday - Fish fingers chips and baked beans.
Friday - Homemade pizza.
Saturday - Burgers in buns with corn on the cob.
Sunday - Chicken pies, mash & veg.

I am linking up with Karen over at Cat's, Kids, Chaos who is the host of the meal planning linky. If you blog about your meal plan do come and link up!

Sunday, 16 January 2022

The nights are getting lighter. #MySundaySnapshot

I noticed the other night when I was cooking tea that it was nearly 5pm and it wasn't fully dark. When the dark nights first start coming I don't mind them, in fact I like shutting the curtains and getting cosy but now I am ready for spring and summer to arrive and it being lighter longer on an evening is the first sign that brighter, warmer days are coming.


My Sunday Snapshot

Saturday, 15 January 2022

Week 2 of #Project365. 8th - 14th January. A photo every day for a year!

Hooray for the weekend. I have had a bit of a stressful week but all the issues are dealt with and my family have all learned some lessons from the past week so it's not all bad. Today we're off to the hospital for Ellie to have her MRI scan which surprisingly I am not that worried about. It's just a check before she gets fitted for her hearing aids, just routine and it's not expected to throw up any other problems, it might even shed some light on why she is deaf in one ear. Ellie is looking forward to it, she loves hospitals.

Now for a photo every day!

Quality Street and dare shake
My dad's car and wraps
Pancakes and fruit and me!

8/365 - 8th January
I think we are going to be eating the Christmas sweets until Easter. lol I think Quality Street are my favourite over Celebrations and Heroes. The strawberry creams are the best.

9/365 - 9th January
I was sent some motivational Shakes from dare to try out. I have been drinking one on a morning instead of coffee. I think they're great.

10/365 - 10th January
I made meatloaf for tea. It's such a faff and it reminded me why I don't make them very often. It did taste amazing though and my family loved it, it was worth all of my effort.

11/365 - 11th January
My dad popped over to drop something off and gave his little car a run out. He build it up from just the base and even though he says it's finished now he keeps working on it. It is of course legal to be on the road. He took Becky for a run out in and she wants it. hehehe

12/365 - 12th January
I messed up and bought wholemeal tortilla wraps instead of the plain white one's. I didn't think my family would approve but apart from a slight grumble they wolfed them down, it was me that wasn't that taken with them, they were nice but not the same as white wraps.

13/365 - 13th January
Pancakes and fruit for brunch.

14/365 - 14th January
Me. I went into Ellie's room to open her window and took advantage of her mirror. It really is the best one in the house and would be even better if there wasn't a pile of clothes in front of it. lol

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