Friday, 30 September 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Blogtober! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Blogtober is where bloggers from all over the world publish a post every day during the month of October. They also link up with other bloggers who are also taking part to share the love. I have taken part in Blogtober since 2016, following the prompts and I think it was last year when there were no prompts we all met up in the group and supported each other and still posted every day.

I was very excited to a month ago see that the Facebook Blogtober group change their name from Blogtober 2021 to Blogtober 2022 which meant that Blogtober was going ahead. Over the last week the lovely Jenny who blogs at Midwife & Life added a list of prompts to use. There is of course no pressure, you don't have to use them and can use your own prompts or can but in a different order. I will be swapping a couple of the prompts around just to fit with things I post every week like meal planning Monday.

List of Blogtober prompts

The prompt list is:

1. 10 things you don't know about me.
2. Best books to read in October.
3. Autumn bucket list.
4. Autumn decor loves.
5. Day in the life.
6. Mental health (mental health awareness week).
7. Gratitude list.
8. Autumn fashion loves.
9. October / Season goals.
10. Eco Halloween.
11. What are you scared of?
12. My favourite bloggers.
13. Winter comfort foods.
14. Halloween events in your area.
15. How I practice self care.
16. Journal prompts.
17. Favourite drinks.
18. Halloween on a budget.
19. Rainy day ideas.
20. Favourite Halloween/ autumn recipes.
21. Autumn/ winter roundup.
22. Favourite side hustles.
23. Anything pumpkin.
24. Autumn winter skincare.
25. Halloween costumes.
26. Autumn/ Halloween crafts.
27. My Halloween traditions.
28. Anything apple.
29. Favourite scary films.
30. Pumpkin carving.
31. Happy Halloween round up of the month.

I publish a new blog post every day anyway so that isn't much of a challenge for me to blog every day but writing to fit in with the prompts is. I enjoy the challenge and I think of out the whole list there is just one prompt I won't be using, Journal Prompts. That one has me stumped, although I have said that about prompts over the years and then came up with something at the last minute.
On Monday when the prompts appeared my family thought I was mad. I was so excited but they understand that I love blogging in October. hehehe It gives me the chance to write about things that I wouldn't normally and find new blogs to follow and old one's that I've lost touch with. Over the last few days I have been a busy bee writing blog posts and I am having great fun. I want to get as many 
scheduled as possible and when I have finished posts for October I can start writing blog posts for the run up to Christmas. hehehe

If you want to join in, join the Facebook group which I linked above. It is a friendly bunch of people and there really isn't any pressure to blog every day in October.

Have you taken part in Blogtober before?

Word of the week linky

Thursday, 29 September 2022

Thrifty food storage & fridge hacks to reduce waste.

Every year the typical UK household wastes hundreds of pounds worth of food. Knowing how to make fresh food last longer has become essential especially with the cost of living rising. With less food waste there is ultimately less cost.

A Fridge

10 Expert tricks to make your weekly shop go further!

1. Add salt to your milk once opened:
Depending on the sort of milk you use, it can be refrigerated after opening and last for four to ten days. However, you can extend that period of life by immediately after opening, adding a pinch of salt to the carton. This is because salt is a preservative and prevents germs from forming. But make sure to shake the carton well and put it in the refrigerator as soon as you can.

2. Store your milk in the coolest part of the fridge:
It's also advised to stay away from putting milk in the refrigerator door. Due to its distance from the cooling system, the refrigerator's door is really the section that gets the warmest. To maximise cooling and increase the shelf life, store your milk near the rear of the middle or higher shelves.

3. Wrap hard cheese in parchment paper:
Instead of wrapping hard cheese in plastic wrap it in parchment or baking paper. This allows the cheese to breathe, preventing drying out, it also stops any additional moisture from accumulating and prevents the growth of mould. Hard cheese often keeps for up to four weeks if stored properly in the refrigerator.

4. Vinegar bath your veggies:
Giving all of your fruits and vegetables a vinegar bath is a fantastic method to clean them. In a bowl or your clean sink, make a vinegar solution with a 1:3 vinegar to water ratio. Fill the solution with your produce, then let it set for 15 minutes. After that, rinse and completely dry your produce before putting it in the appropriate storage container. The vinegar solution sanitises, purifies, and eradicates any germs from the vegetables that could hasten the breakdown of them. Your vegetables can last up to two weeks and the solution is not so potent that you can taste it on the produce afterwards.

5. Store berries with a paper towel:
Berries should be kept in airtight glass containers with a dry paper towel once they have dried. Any surplus moisture is absorbed by the paper towel, which stops the growth of mould. Changing the paper towel every other day will allow for maximum freshness and a shelf life of up to three weeks.

6. Keep your bananas separate from other fruits:
All fruits release a certain amount of the gas "ethylene," which has the effect of accelerating the ripening process. Fruits like bananas release a higher concentration of ethylene when they are ready to ripen. Apples, peaches, pears, melons, and avocados are a few other fruits that are major ethylene producers. Keeping the ethylene producing fruits, specifically bananas, away from your ethylene sensitive fruits will prevent excessive exposure to the gas, allowing the fruit to ripen naturally and therefore lasting longer.

7. Treat your fresh herbs like flowers:
For those who prefer fresh herbs to dried is to treat them like flowers. The herbs should be added to a jar with water, and the top should be covered with a plastic bag. The water helps to keep the herbs fresh whilst the bag acts as a barrier against any excess moisture. If your fridge doesn't have space for upright jars, you can alternatively store fresh herbs with a moist paper towel in an airtight glass container (or plastic bag, if you prefer). This will assist the herbs keep moisture and prevent them from wilting by preventing them from drying out too rapidly.

8. Freeze your fresh herbs:
You can also freeze herbs if you prefer fresh herbs but discover that you don't use them up quickly enough. For precise quantities, you can freeze freshly chopped herbs in olive oil in ice cube trays. The alternative to using oil is to use water. Fresh ginger and garlic can also be prepared this way too.

9. Ice your bread
If your bread appears to have gone bad, use an ice cube to refresh it before putting it in the oven for 10 minutes. As an alternative, you might alternatively wet the loaf. By rehydrating the bread, this makes it suitable for eating once more. The bread must then be consumed that day. 

10. Freeze your nuts:
The average nut and seed has a three to six month shelf life. They should be kept in cool, dark places to increase their shelf life; while the back of the cabinet is fine, keeping them in the refrigerator can help them stay fresher for longer. You'll be happy to know that nuts may be frozen, extending their shelf life to one year if you find that six months is not long enough to consume all of your nuts.

What tips to do you have for reducing food waste?

Wednesday, 28 September 2022

(Ad - Gifted) B’liev, a new plant based, high protein shake! - Review!

Stu started a new job a couple of months ago and most days he is out of the house for 12 hours a day. He is working in an office and the temptation is there to snack, get takeaway for lunch and snack some more. He has been trying to eat well and has been on the look out for healthier alternatives which fill him up and have no nasties in so when I was offered the chance to try the new plant based protein shake from B’liev I thought of him.

B'liev is a brand-new plant based protein shake with a whopping 20g of protein in each of it's three unique but delicious flavours. It includes additional vitamins and minerals, doesn't have any added sugar and is 100% natural with no nasties and defiantly nothing artificial!

B’liev, a new plant-based, high protein shakes

Each 330ml bottle, created in the UK and produced in the EU, has a high level of fibre, contains the full recommended daily intake of calcium, vitamins D3, B5, B6, and B12, is low in sugar and has 20g of pure plant based protein, which is from a mix of fava beans, pumpkin seeds, and pea protein isolate. It is 100% plant-based and simple to digest and use by the body.

Too many protein drinks fall into the nice but somewhat dull trap of being just vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry flavoured but B'liev's flavours are something different: Blueberry Muffin, Cookies & Cream and Chocolate Brownie.

Cookies and Cream protein shake.

Thick, creamy & seriously indulgent, Bliev Cookies & Cream plant-shake makes a creamy high protein drink and is an alternative to milk based drinks. Drink on the go between meals, for additional protein with a great cookies & cream taste with low sugar and high fibre. With 20g of plant protein power from four different sources (fava bean, flax seed, pumpkin seed and Pea)

Blueberry Muffin protein shake.

All of the bakery, none of the fakery! Fight the boredom! A blueberry muffin plant shake offers a dessert and drink in one, packed with 20 grams of plant protein, high fibre from chicory root and is low in sugar. The blueberry muffin plant shake is high in antioxidants, low in calories but most importantly high in flavour.
Chocolate Brownie protein shake.

Every day can be a brownie day with this delightfully creamy brownie plant shake! Great for drinking on the go or just on the way to work to get your daily intake of vitamin B6, B12 and D3 as well as an additional 20 grams of plant protein power which can contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue throughout the day!

I don't know what I was expecting when I tried these drinks, I thought they would be OK and nothing special but I really like them even the blueberry muffin one and I'm not even a fan of blueberries. They taste different from other protein drinks on the market and that is because of their unique flavours. They are something different. Anything chocolate is usually my favourite but I thing the Cookies and Cream one is the best. 

Stu has been taking one to work each day and he is enjoying every one of the flavours and they are a great alternative to snacking.

B’liev is designed to support our busy lifestyles and recognizes that it is not always easy to get all the nutrients we need into our diet each day. B’liev is 100% natural and can be consumed any time of day, safe in the knowledge you are getting a flavourful burst of goodness with your hydration. says Aria Beheshtaein, founder of B’liev.

B’liev is available from independent health food stores, gyms and from their website in packs of 6, 12 or 24 bottles. The pack of 6 costs £17.99 and at first I did think that was a lot but by the time Stu buys a chocolate bar, coffee or sugary drink the cost comes to the same as one of these protein shakes. At least these shakes are better for you.

We were sent a selection of protein shakes from B’liev free of charge in exchange for this blog post.

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

My youngest seems to have levelled up.

As much as I love Ellie she has been hard work especially over the last couple of years. I don't know if it's because of Covid, her hearing issues or something else. She hasn't been badly behaved, the only way I can explain it is she has been lazy. To get her to do anything was a chore but recently things have changed.

My youngest playing pool

Over the past month or so Ellie has changed massively. The change is certainly a good thing and was needed. I keep joking with her and say she has levelled up or like a Sim, aged up. lol I can't really pinpoint the change but it was just after her 15th birthday just as she went back to school starting year 11, her last year. She seems to have grown up a lot.

Ellie has never been easy to get out of bed, especially on a school morning but buying her an alarm clock for her birthday was the best thing I have ever done! She has a high bed so she has to get out of bed to switch her alarm clock off and that means she's up for the day. Most mornings by the time I get downstairs she is dressed and is putting her shoes and socks on getting ready for school. I still have to nag her about eating breakfast but it sure does make mornings a lot easier and a lot less stressful. She is also taking herself off to bed when she is tired instead of just carrying on until she is in a foul mood and practically falling asleep where she is sitting. She has never had a good sleep routine despite all of our efforts. I remember sitting with her when she was a toddler until she fell asleep, just to keep her in bed.

Little things that I used to have to nag at her for she is doing herself without me even having to tell her. Brushing her teeth, putting her dirty clothes in the wash basket, tidying her bedroom and going in the bath. I am not saying she was dirty but caring about her personal hygiene has improved greatly. 

What surprised me the most is that she is doing some revision for her GCSE's every school night. I know it might be a bit early to start but the more she revises the more chance some of it will sink in ready for her exams next year. Stu and I did tell Ellie that when she started year 11 she would be revising but we expected arguments and her being reluctant but that hasn't happened, I would go as far to say she is enjoying it.

Now that Becky is working full time and Stu is working longer hours I told Ellie that some help around the house would be appreciated and she has stepped up. She doesn't do much but does help more with washing and drying the pots, bringing the washing in off the line and sorting it out, emptying the bins and keeping her corner of the living room where her computer is tidy. I thought she would expect extra pocket money or extra treats but she hasn't asked for anything in return, yet! 

I am loving the new Ellie, this improved version. I think because of me not having to nag we are getting along better. She really is a pleasure to be around 99% of the time, she's still a teenager and of course still has her moments. hehehe

Did you children hit a certain age and suddenly seem more grown up?

Monday, 26 September 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 26th September - 2nd October. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well. The kids ate everything and it was Stu and I who changed things for us. There wasn't enough leftover meatballs for us so we had scampi, chips and peas. We made our own pizzas on Saturday night, well I made them. 2 and a half hours I spent making pizzas to order. We had 2 little one's each all with different toppings. Never again. They either make their own or I just do one each.

When it comes to the weekly food shop I have given up with Tesco and have even cancelled my delivery saver because since the Covid lockdowns it has been so hard to get a slot and their prices seem to be jumping up. I know prices are rising everywhere but I have noticed it with Tesco more. We have been using Asda more, especially since they started their new Asda Rewards app. You get money back for buying certain things and missions like buy 3 pizzas and get £1 back. It isn't making me buy things that I wouldn't normally but it is making me want to shop with them more. I am considering subscribing to their delivery pass. Christmas is coming and I want a priority delivery slot somewhere. lol

We don't have much on this week. In fact I can't think of anything out of the ordinary. I hope it's going to be a nice quiet week.

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Sage and onion pork meatballs with mash and veg.
Tuesday - Veggie fajitas.
Wednesday - Slow-cooker Mexican corn chowder. I am taking a risk with this. I am sure Ellie and Stu will eat it but I am not 100% sure about Becky or myself. I will tone the spice down a bit and we'll see.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Fake KFC. Fried chicken, fries, garlic bread, onion rings and coleslaw.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?

Sunday, 25 September 2022

A new desk. #MySundaySnapshot

Becky has been testing my patience over the last week. She decided to buy a new desk and a chair to go with it too. I don't know why but apparently she needs it. I told her she would have to tidy her bedroom before it came and she did go upstairs the day she ordered the desk with good intentions and changed her bedroom around and just moved the mess with it. Grr! She had a day off on Tuesday but seeing friends was more important than tidying her room. The desk came and I wanted it out of the way but she decided between us we couldn't carry it upstairs and didn't want to wait for her dad to get in from work so she opened the box at the bottom of the stairs and took it up piece by piece.

It's still up there, not put together. The piles of dirty clothes are still in her room and I'm not even going to think about all of the rubbish. She keeps saying she will get it done, it will probably be next week now. And don't even ask about the peg on her hood, lol Her sister thought it was funny to put it on and she didn't realise.

My eldest unpacking her desk

My Sunday Snapshot linky

Saturday, 24 September 2022

Week 38 of #Project365 17th - 23rd September. A photo every day for a year!

It has been a strange week with the Queens funeral, the bank holiday and we have had lots going on here. Becky bought herself a new desk and chair for her bedroom, I don't know why but that's what she wants, who am I to argue. She has that to sort out over the weekend and tidy her bedroom. Ellie was helping out at the school open evening and didn't get back in until after 8pm on Thursday evening and Stu has been working different shifts over the past week. I didn't know when to expect him in from work.

I am looking forward to a nice, quiet weekend. I did a lot of the weekend jobs yesterday so we could have a lazy weekend. We're having home made pizzas tonight for tea and then will be settling down in front of the TV to watch Strictly! I can't wait!

Now for a photo every day.

News on the TV and a firepit
Queens funeral and chicken pie
Youngest with drawing on her hand and mince pies
Packaging from parcels

260/365 - 17th September
Of course I was watching more of the news and Queens grandchildren surrounding her coffin. So sad and to think one of them was around the same age as my youngest.

261/365 - 18th September
Stu decided to burn all the cardboard out of the garage in the fire pit that he made earlier in the year from a washing machine drum. It really helped us with the recycling which we still haven't caught up with from the kids birthdays.

262/365 - 19th September
The day of the Queens funeral. She had such a good send off. I hope the family is getting chance to grieve properly now without the words media watching.

263/365 - 20th September
Sweet potato topped chicken & mushroom pie. It was so good and made a change from using normal mashed potato. The kids thought I had actually put food colouring in the mash. lol 

264/365 - 21st September
I am sure Ellie could have been a tattoo designer in a past life. lol She is always drawing pretty patterns on her hands while she is at school. She is never so keen to wash them off.

265/365 - 22nd September
It's that time of year. hehehe and no it's never too early for mince pies. Got them on Thursday and I think there's only 1 left. We will probably be sick of them come Christmas.

266/365 - 23rd September
The postman had been with an armful of parcels.

Friday, 23 September 2022

This week my Word of the Week is: Discombobulated! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


This week has been a really strange one. I have felt rather discombobulated. hehehe It sounds a very fancy word but just another way to say confused. There were times when I didn't know whether I was coming or going.

We of course had the Queens funeral on Monday. I watched all the coverage from about half past 9 in the morning and ended up crying a few times. The first time when they first moved the coffin on the carriage and then when I saw her horse watching the funeral procession and then the Corgis. Bless them. I felt so sad for the Royal family but Princess Charlotte and Prince George did a great job. I was feeling quite worried for them but they seemed to handle it well, the little princess especially. What a sweetheart she is! They all must have been exhausted, I was and I was just sat at home.

Since Monday I have been so confused about what day it was, I've either been a day ahead or a day behind and just to confuse things even more I got the shopping delivered yesterday and went to see my dad which are usually things reserved for a Friday. 

The reason I went to my dad's yesterday was because I didn't want to be home alone right until half past six in the evening when Becky got up to do her night shift. Ellie was staying at school to help out with the open evening and wasn't coming home until just after 8pm and Stu is on the late shift so was getting off the bus a stop early and meeting Ellie from school. As much as I like time to myself during the day I do start to miss everyone by the late afternoon. It was so strange having the early evening to myself. I didn't like it one bit. 

The weather is knocking me off kilter too. When I get up on a morning it's so chilly and when the sun goes down it gets cold too but during the day it's still quite warm. I went out earlier in the week, first thing with a coat and regretted it a couple of hours later when I was sweating buckets. I want to fully embrace everything Autumn but during the day it's still too warm. I am making it up on an evening though, blankets are out and hot chocolate is being drunk. I shouldn't complain, at least during the day I can still get the washing out on the line.

This has been the first full week where Becky is working her set hours at the care home. She does 4 shifts one week and three the next. It is taking some getting used to her shifts not being all over the place but at least we can plan things now. She's already worked out she gets Halloween, Bonfire night and New Year off but will be working Christmas Eve and Christmas day night. She's gutted but we will work something out, she won't miss out celebrating, I'm sure.

How has your week been?

Word of the Week linky

Thursday, 22 September 2022

7 ways to boost your confidence.

The older I get it seems that I have less confidence in myself. I know I should be a confident person, I am happy in my body, with my family and in my life but sometimes I need reminding that I am just as good as everyone else and I am all that! I think it's because I am at a new part of life. My girls are pretty independent. Becky is 20 years old and Ellie is 15 years old and don't need me as much as they did. It is taking some getting used to.

Believe in yourself.

Here are some ideas on how you can boost your confidence.

1. You are still you!
Take some time to visualise yourself before you started losing confidence, the individual who exuded confidence in every occasion, who was completely at ease with entertaining friends or the person who would happily chat with everyone! Trust that you are still that person, despite how you might feel right now.

Now picture a time when you were at your most secure and comfortable. What kind of setting were you in? Who or what were you? With whom were you? Try to pinpoint the elements that led to the sense of empowerment and see if you can duplicate them. Your best tool is visualisation. Try it for a few minutes each day.

2. Comparing yourselves with others is just not healthy. 
Your confidence and self belief will be destroyed if you make comparisons to other people. It is a very challenging habit to break especially in the age of social media when we always see those living their best lives. Social media sometimes feels just like an opportunity to compare ourselves to others, many of whom we have never even met. They have the ideal lives, perfect homes and sail through life in a blur of creative or positive endeavours. It's enough to make anyone feel depressed and I know it makes me feel like I am a failure. Stop it!! Change your focus and focus on what you already have and how lucky you are.

3. You are worth investing in.
The best investment you can ever make is in yourself. Your confidence can be increased by picking up new talents, skills and broadening your knowledge. You can be motivated to attempt new things and push yourself beyond of your comfort zone by even making little, positive adjustments. Try taking a course to learn something new. There are lots of inexpensive online courses available online. Taking regular exercise and eating nourishing food invests in your health and invest in your creative abilities by pursuing a new hobby such as playing an instrument, painting, gardening or cooking.

4. Self confidence and standing tall. 
You'll feel better if you try to walk tall and hold your head high. 
Try experimenting with how your stance and posture affect your mood and how you feel. Lift your head, and make an effort to straighten your body.

5. Try a different perspective.
Consider your own thoughts. Are they joyful or depressed? Positive or negative? Do they make you stronger or weaker? Because they are so strong, our thoughts can significantly influence how we feel. We can choose our ideas in the same way we would choose items from a menu and how we feed our minds is just as essential as how we feed our bodies. If you were aware that something wouldn't make you feel good, would you still order it? You have the power to choose the way you think about a situation, no matter what the circumstances and in day to day life that means making choices that reflect your values and supports your dreams. With practice, you'll develop a skill that will become second nature to you.

6. Use positive affirmations.
There are many positive affirmations available online, but choose them wisely and change them to match your needs and goals. Nothing will happen if you simply repeat an affirmation without any sentiments attached. Consider your goals and use them as your affirmation.

7. Be kind to yourself. 
Rebuilding and improving your confidence may take some time so be patient with yourself and give yourself some leeway. It can be a good idea to take stock of your life now and determine what is helping you and what is hurting you. Make time for relaxation, surround yourself with good people and try not to be too hard on yourself.

Do you sometimes suffer with a lack of confidence?

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Hidden Veg Shepherd’s Pie - Recipe!

The cooler and colder months are almost here and we all love a hearty, warming meal at the end of the day. Today I am sharing a recipe for a classic Shepherd’s Pie packed with hidden veg, topped with Idahoan Cheddar Cheese Perfect Mash for a tasty shortcut which the whole family will love!

Hidden Veg Shepherd’s Pie

Serves 4.


For the filling:

1 tbsp olive oil.
onion, finely chopped.
carrotspeeled, finely chopped.
courgettepeeled, finely chopped.
100g of frozen peas.
400g tin of chopped tomatoes.
400g of lamb mince. (or 400g leftover roast lamb, shredded)
2 of tablespoons of plain flour.
tablespoons of tomato puree.
Half a teaspoon of dried rosemary.
lamb stock cube.
Salt and freshly ground black pepper.

For the topping:
100g of mature Cheddar, coarsely grated.

1. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6.

2. Heat a large, non-stick saucepan over a medium heat with 1 tbsp olive oil. Add the onion, carrots, peas and courgettes and fry for 8 10 minutes, stirring regularly until the vegetables have softened.

3. Allow the vegetables to cool slightly then add to a blender along with the tinned tomatoes and blend until smooth.

4. Fry the lamb mince until it has browned or warm the leftover shredded lamb through . Sprinkle the flour over the lamb and stir well. Add the vegetable purée, 100ml boiling water and
dried rosemary and stir again to combine. Crumble over the stock cube, season with salt and pepper.

5. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 25 30 minutes, stirring regularly, until the sauce has thickened.

6. Prepare your Idahoan Buttery Perfect Mash as per packet instructions. Stir in half of the cheese.

7. Spoon the mash on top of the lamb and vegetable mix and spread evenly. Sprinkle over the remaining cheese. Bake for 25 30 minutes, or until the cheese has melted and turned golden brown and the filling is bubbling.

Recipe from Idahoan Perfect Mash. You can find more recipes and information over on their website.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

The Monday Housework.

I do love the weekend. I always give the house a good clean on a Saturday, get as much of the washing done as I can and make sure everything is in order because I like to have a Sunday off from doing the housework. It's great having a lazy day but not when it comes to Monday morning, the house is a tip again.

Washing on the line

I wrote this blog post a couple of months ago when we had had a lot of busy Saturdays and there were a few where I didn't get all of my jobs done and still had my Sunday off which means I have had so much to do on a Monday morning. Ugh! With both Stu and Becky working and me at home it seems wrong to ask them to help more than pick up and put their own stuff away so when we've had a busy weekend my Monday's seem rather manic.

Some jobs I don't mind doing like hanging the washing on the line and tidying the kitchen. What I hate doing it walking around the house finding all of the dirty washing and cleaning the bathroom. We have shelves all around the bathroom which are filled with bottles of things like shampoo, deodorant, shower gel and things like that. They all have to be taken off while I clean and then put back on.

Pile of washing

The mountain of clean clothes on the dining room table on a Monday morning always seems daunting but once I've got it all folded and sorted that's another job done. I have stopped putting kids piles of clothes away now, that is now their job which they always complain about and usually the piles end up sitting on their bedroom floors until they want to wear what is in the piles. lol

Music is a must when it comes to doing the housework. Usually I will play one of my playlists off Spotify but on this particular Monday I decided to listen to the radio. I started off with Viking FM a local radio station but got bored of it, I didn't know most of the songs so started to listen to Magic Radio. I did make myself chuckle. Years ago when I was a teen in my dad's car I used to nag at him to put a better radio station on because all the music on Magic Radio was for old people. It turns out I am now an old person. lol

For years I have got out of doing the washing up, it was always the kids jobs but I have taken up the job of washing the pots during the day, especially if the kids have been busy and they have been left from the night before.

Washing the dishes

I have a stupid fear of washing anything made of glass. It all comes from when I was a teenager, I was doing the washing up and was on with washing a glass when it smashed. I didn't hear it smash as it was in the sink under the water and the first thing I know about it when the water turned red from the big cut on my knuckle. It was a bad cut and I still have the scar to prove it so when it comes to washing the pots there is always that fear in me. 

One Monday when the house was really messy Becky said why don't you do a video and make it into a blog post to motivate you. I did and this is where the idea for this blog post came from. I walked around with my phone on a tripod and recording what I was getting up to. It did make the housework a little more fun but it's not something I can do every week. Is it? lol

What jobs do you hate doing around the house?

Sunday, 18 September 2022

Our weekly meal plan! 19th - 25th September. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

It is going to be a strange day with it being the Queens funeral. I of course will be watching, Becky finishes work at 8am and is going to have a few hours sleep and then will be getting up to watch it. Even my fella who usually has no interest in the Royal Family has said he will be watching. The chances are we will never see another Queen in our lifetime so we think it is something which needs to be remembered, she needs to be remembered. It is going to be such a sad day.

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate everything on the day I had planned too which is a rarity. Asda had a good deal on with their fresh, chilled pizzas. 2 pizza's and a bottle of pop for £6. It was good because the pizzas by themselves cost £3.50 each and the pop a couple of pounds a bottle. The BBQ chicken and bacon one is our favourite. 

On Friday Becky and I went to visit my dad and he introduced us to something new, a mushroom omelette in a sandwich! Why haven't I thought of that before. It was so good. It's not very often he cooks for us but when he does it's always so tasty! It's something to add to our list of things to have for lunch, especially in the colder months when we want something warm in our belly's. 

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - In tribute to the Queen we're having an afternoon tea for our evening meal. Sandwiches, cakes and of course scones with jam and cream.
Wednesday - Turkey burgers, chips and baked beans.
Thursday - Meatballs cooked in the slow cooker with spaghetti and garlic bread.
Friday - Leftover meatballs in buns, covered in cheese.
Saturday - Home made pizza.

What are you eating this week?

Driving a lawnmower. #MySundaySnapshot

My dad had a few problems with his phone during the week and in the ended up helping him out and doing a factory reset on it which fixed it but before I did I had to get his photos off. He isn't one for taking photos and only had about 120 that he had taken over the last 4 years or so. Most were pictures of electric meters and QR codes but he did have quite a few of my girls which I thought was so sweet. There was many that I hadn't seen before.

This one I am sharing with you today was taken back in July 2019. It's something that I didn't even know that had happened, Becky driving my dad's ride on lawnmower. At first I thought she was just sat on it but no, there was a video of her driving it too. With the expression on her face I can just imagine my dad shouting instructions, rev it, turn, don't rev it that much. lol

My eldest driving a lawnmower

My Sunday Snapshot linky

Saturday, 17 September 2022

Week 37 of #Project365 10th - 16th September. A photo every day for a year!

The past week has been a strange one following the death of the Queen. I have felt quite sad about it all. I got to the point where I knew I had watched too much of the news, it was depressing me. I have been trying to keep myself busy and distracted which seems to be working, I have been in a much better mood over the last couple of days. 

This week has felt a lot chillier, fluffy socks have been worn and jumpers have been brought out. Yesterday was the first time that I've worn a jumper outside in ages. At the moment we are nowhere near putting the heating on. We still have blankets to get out before that happens.  

Now for a photo every day!

My girls and apples and pears
Pear crumble and apple pie
My youngest and a messy living room
My girls and berries

253/365 - 10th September
Becky's birthday and we didn't do much apart from go to the pub for a few games of pool and get a takeaway. She had a great day though. It just seems the older the kids get the less they want to do for their birthdays.

254/365 - 11th September
My dad dropped some apples and pears off. They came off his fruit trees. I saw the trees yesterday and the apples are even bigger now. 

255/365 - 12th September
I made pear crumble and an apple pie. They were both so good. 

256/365 - 13th September
Ellie came in from being out with her friends and I took this photo so she could see the difference in the colour of her arms and hands. Her arms caught the sun during the summer but not her hands, she walks around with her hands in her jeans or tracksuit bottoms.

257/365 - 14th September
I decided to change the living room around and stopped and sat down half way through. I did not want to get back up and finish the job that I had started. I did though.

258/365 - 15th September
Now the living room has changed around I get to see both of my girls at the same time ignoring me while they're on their computer and laptop. lol Like someone said at least they're in the same room as me, it's not all bad.

259/365 - 16th September
The hedgerows are filling up with berries which is a sure sign that Autumn is here and winter is coming!

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