Thursday, 31 July 2014

Lemonade and Haribo bear Lollies....

In this weather Ice lollies are a must! If given the chance my girls would eat four or five a day.....

I was in Poundland and saw some Lolly Ice Moulds.....I just had to have it....If nothing else it would kill 10 minutes and give the girls something to do.....

We decided to make Lemonade and Haribo bear lollies....

It was simply a case of adding the bears.....Filling the mold's up with lemonade and putting it all in the freezer then trying to keep Ellie away from the freezer to give them chance to freeze.....Not an easy task!!

I checked on them at teatime and they still hadn't frozen....They took about 6 hours to fully freeze....

I think they look quite funky and they do taste so good.....The kids of course love them....They licked, sucked and bit till they got all the bears out....I must remember to fill them fuller next time though!!

A fantastic item for only a pound.....We've now got our thinking caps on planning what else we can make lollies out of.....So much cheaper and more fun then buying pre-made lollies....

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

A Little Make Up! #wickedwednesdays

After posting this photo on Instagram I was told I should join in with the Wicked Wednesdays linky.....So here I am...

Ellie was asleep or so I thought!

Suppose at least it was only her sisters eye shadow not permanent marker pen.....

I had an epic parenting fail.....I couldn't tell her off for laughing!

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

What Am I Doing Now?

I was tagged by lovely Mandy from Life With ASD And Me and Jocelyn from The Reading Residence in the What I'm doing now meme.....

I do like a good meme so here goes.....

Currently I am:
I've just sorted the girls clothes out.....One bag for the charity shop, a bag of school uniform for my friend, old trousers to donate to the school for all the little kids who may have accidents and Ellie has a whole heap of new clothes which Becky has grown out of....So now I'm looking online for new clothes for Becky.

Blogs....Lots of blogs! lol Long gone are the days of me reading books....All I read now are blogs....Much more interesting!

Listening to:
The radio and my girls playing upstairs.....They're so bossy towards each other when they're playing schools....

Laughing at:
The fact I am eating the girls chocolate and they haven't a clue....hehehe

Swooning over:
Jamie Dornan...Him who plays Christian Grey! Wow! I can't wait to see the film....February seems such a long time away.

What to buy my fella and the kids for their birthdays.....The middle of August for Stu, 29th of August for Ellie's and the 10th of September for Becky's.

Eating lots of:
Ice lollies and ice cream....The perfect weather for it....

Tired.....I haven't slept properly for the last week or so....It's far too hot.

 A lot of things.....All due to Becky's homework! We've been learning about the Romans, Acids and alkalines and saints for RE...

Looking at:

The mess in the living room.....Toys, toys everywhere!

Black tracksuit bottoms and a green vest top....Indoor I never wear tracksuit bottoms out.....

Cakes soon!! I said I would bake with the kids if they tidied their rooms....

  Why the girls are actually playing upstairs when it's such a lovely day out and why I agreed to bake on such a hot day!

Trying out:
A new type of wine tonight....Not my usual brand but half the price of it.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

This post nearly never happened....Sunday night I was sat browsing twitter and saw someone mention their meal plan....That was enough to have me rushing to write this....I totally forgot! Eek! I'm all mixed up with my days!

Last weeks meal plan went ok....By the end of the week I had just lost the will to cook.....It was too hot.....On Saturday we decided to go out for Sunday lunch but there was an accident with the paddling pool and it burst....So Stu and the girls went out looking for a new one....Argos was sold out and Asda had nothing....Grrr! So they decided to go for an adventure round the woods and ended up in McDonalds.....They were kind enough to bring me a McChicken burger and a hamburger back for me....

This week on the menu we have a lot of meals which don't require me to be stood in the kitchen for long apart from the Cottage pie which we were supposed to have yesterday....

Monday - Cottage Pie....
Tuesday - Sandwiches, cakes, crisps and fruit....
Wednesday - Grilled Salmon Salad....
Thursday - Chicken Stir Fry....
Friday - Fish Finger Sandwiches....
Saturday - A BBQ if the weather is ok....
Sunday - Pulled pork sandwiches....

 As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Water Fun....

I was in our local Poundland a couple of weeks ago and came across a water toy....A water sprinkler which looked like a spider....I had to get it....For a pound who wouldn't....

I got it home and left it hidden from the kids waiting for a very hot day.....That day came earlier on in the week.....

We had a problem though.....There wasn't enough water pressure coming through the hose pipe to really do anything so I hung it on the washing line.....Then the fun began!

They had a good hour of fun.....Cooled themselves off and all for £1!! Good job we're on a fixed price for our water and not having to pay for the amount we use....hehehe

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Friday, 25 July 2014

A week of relaxing....

Friday already.....This week has flown over!
After the emotion of last week with Becky leaving Primary School it has been nice to.....

 We haven't done anything really exciting this week.....We did make a start on Becky's Unfair Summer Homework which hasn't been as bad I expected.....

 This week we've played out in the sun....Made ice lollies....Dressed up....Had a movie day.....Ate popcorn and sweets....Painted....Had water fights....Played with ducks....Bought new trainers....Been lazy....

And do you know what....We've thoroughly enjoyed it....It was just what we needed!!

Tonight Stu and I are getting some time to relax together without the kids....We're going out for a meal with friends and a few drinks....We're making the most of the freedom!! I think the last time we were out together without the kids was about two years We have no regular babysitter but tonight though the kids are at a sleepover with Stu's niece so we're going to make the most of it!!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Pre-Pregnancy Bucket List...

A recent survey by OvuSense has made a list of the 25 things every woman should do before having a baby.

For the survey 1,000 women all of whom had had a baby in the past year or plan to have a baby in the next two years were asked what they'd put at the top of their pre-pregnancy to-do list.

Here it is...

1. Be married
2. Own my own house
3. Matured enough to be a mother
4. Have travelled
5. Cleared my debts
6. Completed further education / got qualifications
7. Have a garden
8. Been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday
9. Passed my driving test
10. Own a nice car
11. Have £10,000 in savings
12. Said goodbye to my party days
13. Lost weight
14. Earning £30,000
15. Reached management level
16. Got a long-awaited promotion
17. Reached the top of my game at work
18. Own my own business
19. Cut down on my alcohol intake
20. Earning £40,000
21. Paid off my student loan
22. Earning £50,000+
23. Moved back to be near my parents
24. Completed a sporting accomplishment
25. Earned enough to afford a nanny

What do you think?

Personally I think it's a load of rubbish.....I completed just two of those things before having

A lot of women and adults in general don't achieve this in their life....

I think the list implies that once you've had the children, your weight will go up, job prospects down, you won't have a chance of furthering your education, going on holiday or achieving anything....

My kids would never of been born if I waited to complete even half of that

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Unfair Summer Homework....

I have held off writing this post as I was so livid and emotional.....I didn't want it to be a huge rant.....

Last Thursday I got a text message from the school saying to check their website as they have added the list of the homework that needs doing by Becky over the summer holidays.....

I had a look and I was quite shocked at the amount of work there is to do!!.....Then on Friday they added more.....Becky finished Primary school on Friday afternoon!!.....

I have picked out the main things that Becky has to do.....

Year 7 will be studying the novel Treasure Island when they start in September. They will be reading the novel and working on the key assessment for reading You can help your child to prepare for English by reading about and researching Robert Louis Stevenson and the history of pirates. Students should bring into school evidence of this research in any form they choose ... a mood board; a pen portrait; a google presentation; etc

PLUS English tests on the website!!

Tests on the website.

Year 7 will be looking at crime scene investigations and working as detectives to discover who committed the crime using Scientific skills along the way. You could support this by doing some research into what things are acidic and alkaline in the home and kitchen.

 PLUS a test on the website!!
This summer we’re challenging our Students to recreate their favourite paintings, prints and portraits in ‘selfie’ form... Can you raid the fancy dress box and become Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa ' or master face paint to personify a Roy Lichtenstein weeping woman? Go for detail and reproduce the exact composition and colours or think outside the box and put your own creative twist on a classic artwork...Now’s your chance to showcase your set design dexterity, exhibit your model looks or flex your Photoshop prowess. You should bring your finished work in with you in  September in whatever form you decide to use.

Year 7 will be working on map skills.
When they come to school in September students should bring with them evidence of researching map symbols. This can take any form for example a hand drawn symbol with an explanation; an electronic presentation with an image included or any other method that shows evidence of research.

PLUS a test on the website!!
Year 7 will be working on a topic about the Romans.
Students should research one of the questions below and bring in evidence of that research.
How did the Roman Empire begin?
Why were Roman army tactics so successful?
How did the Romans expand their Empire?

PLUS  a test on the website!!

Tests on the website.

Students should also think about how to keep themselves safe when using ICT and online tools. When they start in September they should be prepared to share their ideas with the rest of their class. 

PLUS a test on the website!!
In September the boys will be playing Football and Rugby and the girls Hockey and Netball. Students should spend some time researching the rules of these sports and be prepared to share their findings with the class in September

Students should research one of the Saints (Aidan, Cuthbert, Hild or Oswald) and bring with them in September a thumbnail / pen portrait / powerpoint / google doc presentation of the Saint of their choice.

For the tests on the website they have to get over 75%.....They are not easy....We have been Googling a lot! There is French words that Becky has never heard & science terms I didn't have a clue about never mind Becky.....The Geography one for example is all about maps. The most she could get is 50% ...I could only get 65%......What hope does she have....

Most of the homework is about things she will be learning in September not things she has previously learned.....I think it's so unfair!! 

Is this normal because I just can't understand it?......There is enough pressure on them starting a new school without adding a mountain of homework.....

Becky is a worrier and before she had even finished Primary school she was already stressing about starting secondary school.....She's got it into her head that she will have this much homework all the time.....So we're going to spend the next 6 weeks with it hanging over us.....I have told her that it won't be like this all the time....My friends daughter said she had a lot to start with and now she hasn't had any since February.....

I think homework should be for term time only.....What would happen if we were going away for the whole of the holidays would she still be expected to do it? How many adults would agree to be given work from their employers whilst they were on their annual holidays?

What was an exciting time in Becky's life has turned into a very stressful and upsetting time....A great start to her Secondary education!!

So now I'm off to learn what mood boards / pen portraits / powerpoint / google doc presentations are because Becky needs to use them.....I'm guessing something to do on computers? Whatever happened to using a pen and paper!!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

The Burger Ka-Pow - Review!!

A couple of weeks ago I was the lucky winner of the My Family Club #ThriftyThursday giveaway.....

They have a chat every Thursday at 1pm where you answer their 10 questions using the hashtag #ThriftyThursday...It's such fun....

Anyway I was lucky enough to win some cookbooks....The one I was excited about was The burger one!! 

Master the art of preparing, cooking and building unbeatable burgers with this awesome collection of recipes from across the globe. Featuring a collection of timeless favourites certain to please the most discerning burger-lover, plus some show-stopping new ideas to introduce to friends and family. The Burger contains 100 juicy recipes, with fun comic-book style editorial, step-by-step photos and easy-to-follow recipes - get ready for an action-packed and tasty adventure - ka-pow! 

Even Stu was excited by this....He isn't much of a cook and never follows recipes but this is one cool book!!!

This book is so eye catching and lots of fun....It reminds me so much of a comic book! 

I didn't realise there were so many ways to cook burgers.....Beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, fish, veggie, and tofu burgers and all the toppings have me drooling.....

As well as every type of burger you could think of there are recipes for side dishes too and drinks....The kids have already said they want to make their own lemonade and we're planning to do it over the next few weeks sometime....  

 This is such a great book....We have grown a bit bored of 'normal' burgers.....This has given me so many ideas.... 

Stu is taking over the kitchen tomorrow and is making Hawaiian burgers with chargrilled pineapple....They sound and look absolutely delicious!! So simple to make too....That is another thing I have noticed....I'd say most of the recipes are very easy to make....Perfect for Stu & I.....

This book is available from the usual places you will find books but I have seen it at The Works for £5.99....A bargain price!!

Monday, 21 July 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Yay! It's the summer holidays....We haven't got much planned for this week apart from doing Becky's homework....That may take us all week!....We're going to relax and just take things easy.....

On Friday the girls are going on a sleepover to Stu's nieces....We are going out for a meal with friends and a few drinks afterwards....Freedom!! Stu and I don't get out together often so we're going to make the most of it....I think the last time we were out together without the kids was a couple of Christmases ago and even then we had to come home early to let the babysitter go home.....

This week on the menu we have....

Monday - Chicken curry....
Tuesday - Lasagne and garlic bread....
Wednesday - Stu is making burgers....
Thursday - Corned beef pie, chips and beans
Friday - A meal out with friends....
Saturday - Pizza....
Sunday - Cottage Pie...

 As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Primary School - Done!

Yesterday Becky finished Primary school......How is that even possible!! At her levers assembly we saw photos of all the kids through the years....As well as getting me all emotional it made me realise how much Becky has grown up over the years at school....

I remember leaving her at nursery school and she used to spend at least an hour or so crying and following the teacher around asking when I would be back.....It broke my heart but I knew it was for the best to leave her....By the end of nursery she loved it.....

In reception class she loved it.....She really took to life at school and seemed to do much better when there was structured activities and learning to do....She had her first class assembly and first school trips...

In year one she spent the first half of the year hating her teacher....It was the first male teacher she had and Becky took a dislike to him and went through a phase of being very naughty.....She soon got over it though....By the end of the school year she loved him and actually cried when it was the last day......

Year two flew over....

By year three she had really knuckled down at school and was learning so much even though I hated her teachers.... They had a job share and neither kept in touch with the other.....

Year 4 happened in a flash.....Another male teacher which she really loved.....Becky had been so shy until this year.....In year four she came our of her shell and started putting her hand up in class and being a bit louder....This was the year she went from hating PE to actually enjoying it....She came out of school one day all excited about playing
By year 5 Becky was being told off for shouting out in She had gained so much confidence! Becky learned how to swim with the school after having a shaky start to the lessons.....Her and her teacher ended up in the pool helping each other.....

Year six....What a journey! She was the house captain and did so very well at her SAT exams....Becky has grown up so much.....

She has changed so much from that little girl who was scared to say anything to anyone.....Now she's confident & so clever....I'm so very proud of my girl....

Secondary school.....Here she comes!!

How to keep your family safe when rebuilding your property....

Having a family is a wonderful experience, but it doesn’t come without its stresses.

As a parent, you’re always worrying about your children’s safety. Whether they’re off on a school trip or just playing in the front room; you never fully stop worrying about them.

Keeping the home safe is a top priority and often a full time job. This is especially true when it comes to renovations. So, if you’re planning on renovating the home, there are numerous safety tips you need to follow.

To make sure your little ones don’t get in harm’s way, here are some of the best renovation safety advice and tips from the experts.

Assessing the risks

Before you start your renovation project, write a list of all the potential risks to you and your family. Have you had a safety inspection? It may seem like an unnecessary expense, but getting a professional assessment can help you to detect potential problems you might not have thought of. For example, if you’re tearing down walls, lead and asbestos may be a potential problem. Asbestos exposure can have serious consequences so you need to ensure your property is safe.

Entertain the kids

Some renovation jobs produce more of a risk than others. For example, if you plan on installing a balcony, it’s a good idea to make sure your children can’t venture outside until the work has been done. To prevent them from waiting to go out and play in the garden, entertain them by taking trips to the park and coming up with creative indoor family games.

Install safety gates

If the renovations are taking place inside the home, installing safety gates for young children is a good idea. That way they will be confined to one room and there’s no chance they’ll stumble into the temporary building site.

Tidy up!

It’s also a good idea to make sure you don’t leave any equipment lying around. When you’re caught up in the renovation it’s easy to forget to pick up the drill or nails that you’ve on the floor. In the wrong hands these could be extremely dangerous.

Overall, planning a home renovation project takes a lot of hard work when you have a family to think about. Follow the advice and tips above to ensure you keep your kids safe while work is being carried out. 

Guest Post

Friday, 18 July 2014

A Mixed Week....

This week it has been so hard to pick just one word to describe our week....Scary, stressed, laughing, emotional, happy, dread, proud, ending, crying, concerts....It could of been any of them....I have given up trying to pick just one and went for the easy option.....A bit of a cheat but I've gone with......

 We've had two concerts this week.....The first one was Ellie's....All the year twos from the schools in the area all met at the secondary school to put on a concert....Each school sung a song and then they all sung a few songs together....It was very strange to think that in a few years Ellie and the kids there will all be at the Secondary school together....Scary!!

For the last month or so Becky's class had been rehearsing their leavers assembly/concert....She brought home the script on Monday and I was nearly crying....On Wednesday they had done a full rehearsal and were shown the video messages from their old teachers and half the class was crying.....By Thursday came I was an emotional wreck....I had been dreading it for weeks.....I actually felt sick! 

They were awesome.....I wish I could of videoed it! It was based around Big Brother and they all had were trying to win a place at secondary school....Sounds crazy but it worked and yes it was emotional.....I laughed and cried....

We have had the girl's school reports.....Becky's was amazing! She has done so well this year and her teacher has said she will do brilliantly in her new school.....The head teacher said she has been a delight to have in the school and will be sad to see her leave.....She wants more pupils like Becky....I couldn't be more prouder of her....

Ellie's was better then I expected....She is at all the levels she should be apart from reading where she is at a higher level than expected!!! She is a lovely class member but has to remember how to behave around school when not in the classroom....The headteacher said if she applied herself more she has so much potential.....After the trouble she's been in at school the last couple of months I expected much worse to be said....

Becky came home from school on Thursday with her shirt signed by her friends and teachers and a pile of photos from nursery.....Off I was crying again!!

We also got a message from the school about the homework being on the school website for Becky's year....That's a whole different blog It had me crying and so stressed.....As it stands now she hasn't finished Primary school and already Becky is stressed about Secondary school....She is not looking forward to the holidays and doing the homework!! I will blog about it when I calm down a little....

And there we have it....The last day of the school year....Well half day! They finish at 1pm!! My little girl finishes her Primary school education....Please don't let me cry in the school

Sorry this post is a little long....It's been a strange week with a lot happening!!

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Tips to Survive the School Holidays....

It's nearly the start of the school holidays.....I'm half looking forward to it and half dreading it.....The kids of course cannot wait....

1. Make a Plan
Try to plan ahead and look at options that allow you to spend time together.....Start making arrangements early on.....Include your kids in the planning stage by asking about their own plans and integrating them into the family plans. And don’t forget to have a range of rainy day options up your sleeve!

2. Create a Routine
During the school year we have more routine but even in the holidays we try to keep somethings the same.....Even though the girl's bedtime is later and we have a few lie in's we still keep to a routine....Such as eating breakfast together then tidying up the house....We try to keep the same meal times...Spontaneity is great, but without any structure at all my girls can feel a bit lost and bored.

3. Build up a Support Network
Check with the kids’ school for a holiday programme.....My girls put on day trips and activity days....Community centres/Sure Start centres may also offer activities and events that allow kids to try something new, learn different skills and develop interests outside of their school curriculum....

4. Family is Key
If you’re lucky enough to have family members living close by include them in your holiday plans for day trips, sleepovers etc. Visiting family members is a fantastic opportunity for your kids to bond and have fun with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.....Your family will appreciate spending time with the kids, too, and it takes the pressure off you as a parent.

5. Mind your Work
Most working parents are unable to take time off work for the full duration of the holidays and even if you have flexible working arrangements there will be a time when you simply do have to work....Make sure these times are part of your joint holiday planning to avoid becoming more stressed out than you would be during the school year.

6. ‘No Parents Allowed’
Most children love socialising with their friends and the holidays are a great opportunity to arrange ‘play dates’ with them. Speak to fellow parents and your neighbours about taking turns in hosting the kids.....This will allow you to retain some ‘me time’ whilst giving your kids a chance to develop social skills and simply enjoy themselves....

Enjoy the holidays!

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

The Fairytale Tag!

I saw this tag a few weeks ago on a blog I was reading (sorry I don't remember which one) and there were so many fairy tale characters I hadn't heard of so just gave it a miss....

A few days ago I saw a newer updated version of it over on Lisa's Life with all the characters I knew....Hooray!! So here it is!

Snow White – Do you consider yourself beautiful? 
I am certainly nothing to look at but I think I am beautiful on the inside.......hehehe....I'm not fishing for compliments....

Sleeping Beauty – How many hours do you sleep at night?

Not enough! Probably about 7 hours...I can't even blame getting up for the school run as when they're off school I stay up a bit later and get up a bit later....

Cinderella – Do you have a curfew?

hahaha....No! I should though especially when I go out with friends.....Maybe being home by say 11pm would be better for me then staying out until

Rapunzel – Do you love being outside? 

If the weather is nice yes.....I'm planning on spending a lot of time outside during the school holidays.

Red Riding Hood – Do you trust strangers easily?
No....I have been let down and hurt by people in the past so people have to earn my trust....

The Wolf and The Seven Young Kids – Are you easily fooled?

I have been in the past but now I tend to keep my guard up....

Beauty and the Beast – What makes someone beautiful in your eyes?

Honesty and kindness....

The Little Mermaid – What would you sacrifice for love?

Nothing....Love shouldn't be about sacrificing anything....

The Frog King – What do you find disgusting?
Feet....I don't like feet...Not even my

Jack and the Beanstalk – What plants do you have?
None....I’m not green fingered at all and when I do plant them Ellie seems to wreck them....

Puss in Boots – Do you have pets? If not, do you want them?

No....and no I don't want any pets....The kids are enough work without adding a pet to the mix.....  

Bluebeard – What is your weak point?
procrastinate a lot...I put off things that I don't really want to do a lot...

Pinocchio – What is your biggest wish?
For all my family to be happy and healthy for the rest of their life...

Peter Pan – What is your mental age?


The Star Money – What is your most valuable possession?

My girls.....but in money terms probably my laptop....

Golden Mary & Pitch Mary – Are you a hard worker or a lazy one?

A bit of both....I do work hard but I do have my lazy days where nothing gets done....Usually a Sunday....hehehe

The Snow Queen – Who is your best friend and what would you do for her/him? 

Stu my fella of course.....I would do anything for him....Well apart from the yucky things like cutting his

The Princess and the Pea – Are you sensitive? 

Yes I always take things to heart.... 

Godfather Death – What qualities make a good parent?
Having a lot of patience, being loving, kind and caring.....

The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes – Do you like parties?
Oh yes....Only on Saturday I had a great night at my friends 30th birthday....Far too many drinks, lots of laughs and a bit of dancing....

The Emperor’s New Clothes – Do you care a lot about your clothing?
Not really.....I choose comfort over style....

The Brave Little Tailor – Do you consider yourself brave?
No not at all....A lot of things scare me....Spiders, wasps, public speaking, heights and anything happening to my girls...

The Seven Ravens: Do you have brothers or sisters? How is your relationship with them?

I have one younger brother....We don't see each other often but do chat on the phone.....I know he would be there if I needed him....The same as I would for him....

If you want to copy this and do it....Go for it....Consider yourself tagged!!

If you want to do it, you're tagged.
If you want to do it, you're tagged.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Boredom Busters Book - Review!!

Recently I was lucky enough to win a giveaway from CICO Books on Twitter.....The book was Boredom Busters....I have so far kept it hidden away from the girls until the summer holidays start...

50+ activities to entertain kids at home, in the classroom and even on holiday! 

Let's get crafty! You will never be bored again with the brilliant things to make and do in Boredom Busters. The book is divided into five themed chapters: Art, Craft, Science, Food and Travel. Art Activities shows you how to create pretty pictures using homemade paint, recycled crayons and even coffee filter paper and shaving cream! In Craft Activities, reuse milk cartons for your own bowling game, turn a baby food jar into a snow globe and make cinnamon clay decorations. You will love the cool experiments in the Science section - from growing your own crystals to setting off plastic bottle tornados and creating 'lava' in a cup. Cook up a storm with the great recipes in Food Activities: cool ice cream cone cupcakes, delicious chocolate mug cake and colourful pizza faces. Finally, discover ways to keep yourself busy on journeys and holidays in Travel Activities, such as making a T-shirt pillow, wooden spoon puppets and a homemade travel journal.

Sounds fab doesn't it....

I know this book is going to come in handy towards the end of the school holidays when the boredom has set in....

Each activity has clear and easy to understand instructions and the every page is colourful and the pictures make you want to find out more....

It says its for children aged 7 and over but I think most of the activities can be done by younger children if they are supervised....

This book can be bought for £9.99 from Ryland, Peters and Small....I've also found it on Amazon & eBay too. 

Monday, 14 July 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Monday again.....

It's the last week for the girls at school before the summer holidays and it's going to be emotional...On Wednesday Ellie is singing in a concert which she is looking forward to....She's singing the R-Kelly song - The Worlds Greatest with the rest of her class....She is so cute when she sings it.....It's Becky's last week at primary school before she starts secondary school in September....Eek! I'm absolutely dreading it....I have to get through the leavers assembly on Thursday and then her last day.....There will be tears from me I'm sure...

There' nothing fancy on the menu this week.....I want an easy week to prepare me for the school

On the menu this week we have....

Monday - Mince pies, mash & peas...
Tuesday - Tuna & sweetcorn pasta salad...
Wednesday - Pork stir fry...
Thursday - Ham & mushroom omelette...
Friday - Chinese fake-away! Sweet & sour chicken, egg fried rice, spring rolls, chow mein & prawn crackers...
Saturday - Pizza...
Sunday - Roast chicken dinner...

 As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...