Friday, 18 July 2014

A Mixed Week....

This week it has been so hard to pick just one word to describe our week....Scary, stressed, laughing, emotional, happy, dread, proud, ending, crying, concerts....It could of been any of them....I have given up trying to pick just one and went for the easy option.....A bit of a cheat but I've gone with......

 We've had two concerts this week.....The first one was Ellie's....All the year twos from the schools in the area all met at the secondary school to put on a concert....Each school sung a song and then they all sung a few songs together....It was very strange to think that in a few years Ellie and the kids there will all be at the Secondary school together....Scary!!

For the last month or so Becky's class had been rehearsing their leavers assembly/concert....She brought home the script on Monday and I was nearly crying....On Wednesday they had done a full rehearsal and were shown the video messages from their old teachers and half the class was crying.....By Thursday came I was an emotional wreck....I had been dreading it for weeks.....I actually felt sick! 

They were awesome.....I wish I could of videoed it! It was based around Big Brother and they all had were trying to win a place at secondary school....Sounds crazy but it worked and yes it was emotional.....I laughed and cried....

We have had the girl's school reports.....Becky's was amazing! She has done so well this year and her teacher has said she will do brilliantly in her new school.....The head teacher said she has been a delight to have in the school and will be sad to see her leave.....She wants more pupils like Becky....I couldn't be more prouder of her....

Ellie's was better then I expected....She is at all the levels she should be apart from reading where she is at a higher level than expected!!! She is a lovely class member but has to remember how to behave around school when not in the classroom....The headteacher said if she applied herself more she has so much potential.....After the trouble she's been in at school the last couple of months I expected much worse to be said....

Becky came home from school on Thursday with her shirt signed by her friends and teachers and a pile of photos from nursery.....Off I was crying again!!

We also got a message from the school about the homework being on the school website for Becky's year....That's a whole different blog It had me crying and so stressed.....As it stands now she hasn't finished Primary school and already Becky is stressed about Secondary school....She is not looking forward to the holidays and doing the homework!! I will blog about it when I calm down a little....

And there we have it....The last day of the school year....Well half day! They finish at 1pm!! My little girl finishes her Primary school education....Please don't let me cry in the school

Sorry this post is a little long....It's been a strange week with a lot happening!!


  1. What a very emotional week for you all! What a shame that secondary school is starting off with homework before they even start - nothing like trying to make that transition even more stressful! Hope you manage to get it out of the way quickly and enjoy your summer. So glad that your girls' school reports were good as well x

    1. We have cracked on with the homework this afternoon.....Got quite a bit done already! Phew!
      Thank you x

  2. Seems to me that"mixed" perfectly describes your week! Sounds like the shows were fab x

  3. Arrr huni, it is so scary how quick they grow. I know I will be the same when it is Joseph's turn to move up in 2 years and don't even get me started about how I'll feel when the twins start nursery next year!!! I wish kids didn't grow up so quickly. Hope you all have a lovely weekend x #WotW

    1. It is....I wish they would just slow down a bit! lol
      Thank you! Hope you have a great weekend too x

  4. A very mixed week, and so emotional for you all. The assembly and reports sounds brilliant, thought the homework doesn't! My daughter has her preschool leavers assembly this afternoon - I suspect I'll cry! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. Aww! I hope all went well this afternoon!
      Thank you x

  5. Oh Hun what an emotional week, I understand though, i've been an emotional wreck all week :(. And to top it off it was Monkeys last day at Pre-School today. Hope you have a nice weekend xx

    1. Hope the last day went ok!
      Have a great weekend too x

  6. That's bad that they've been given homework already! Hope you have a good summer hols x

    1. Yep! They was more added to the homework list toady! I'm livid!
      We've got a good bit done this afternoon and hoping to get the rest done next week so we can enjoy the rest of the holidays x

  7. Mixed seems like a good word. Sounds like you have two girls to be proud of though. Emma @purplemulberrys

  8. Oh I feel for you, I am dreading this! I can't even face my youngest starting school next know a whole year away. It goes too quick doesn't it. #WotW

  9. Sounds like you've had a very emotional week. So sorry to hear that Becky's not looking forward to secondary school, they should not be given homework before they even start! x

  10. It's no wonder you've been emotional. Leaving primary school is a big milestone. I'm shocked that she is having homework before she's even started! I hope she can get it done quickly and enjoy her holidays x #wotw

  11. wow what an emotional time it must be for you. my lil boy is just starting school in sept so i cant even imagine how i'll feel when he finishes school! have a lovely summer holiday x #WotW

  12. So emotional! I am going to be a complete wreck when it's our turn. Have a lovely weekend x

  13. It's hardly surprising that you've been an emotional wreck with so many highs and lows to negotiate this week. You have the whole summer to look forward to, so here's hoping everyone's ready for moving up when September rolls around.

  14. A very emotional week for you with highs and lows. Hope you all enjoy the summer holidays #WoTW

  15. What a week! I think mixed is the perfect word. I hope yesterday went okay, it's a big change, but exciting too xx #WotW

  16. Quite an emotional week! Mixed is the perfect way to describe your post. Have a fun summer holiday!

  17. Aww bless ya! I think I will probably be the same when Olivia reaches that stage. Perfect word for your week too look forward to reading about your fun summer holidays #WotW
