Monday, 28 July 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

This post nearly never happened....Sunday night I was sat browsing twitter and saw someone mention their meal plan....That was enough to have me rushing to write this....I totally forgot! Eek! I'm all mixed up with my days!

Last weeks meal plan went ok....By the end of the week I had just lost the will to cook.....It was too hot.....On Saturday we decided to go out for Sunday lunch but there was an accident with the paddling pool and it burst....So Stu and the girls went out looking for a new one....Argos was sold out and Asda had nothing....Grrr! So they decided to go for an adventure round the woods and ended up in McDonalds.....They were kind enough to bring me a McChicken burger and a hamburger back for me....

This week on the menu we have a lot of meals which don't require me to be stood in the kitchen for long apart from the Cottage pie which we were supposed to have yesterday....

Monday - Cottage Pie....
Tuesday - Sandwiches, cakes, crisps and fruit....
Wednesday - Grilled Salmon Salad....
Thursday - Chicken Stir Fry....
Friday - Fish Finger Sandwiches....
Saturday - A BBQ if the weather is ok....
Sunday - Pulled pork sandwiches....

 As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...


  1. Apart from the salmon it all sounds yummy! Can I stay at your house for the week :) x

  2. Hmmm sounds lovely! I'm finally back to meal planning after weeks off not bothering x

  3. Hi Kim,

    I’ve really enjoyed reading through your meal plans! I think that meal planning should be in every home. Having a meal plan allows you to eat healthily, eliminate meal-time stress, reduce food waste and save money. I've actually developed a meal planner from my own research with families at my cookery school. You can find it at if you wish.

    Thanks and Happy Cooking!
