Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Unfair Summer Homework....

I have held off writing this post as I was so livid and emotional.....I didn't want it to be a huge rant.....

Last Thursday I got a text message from the school saying to check their website as they have added the list of the homework that needs doing by Becky over the summer holidays.....

I had a look and I was quite shocked at the amount of work there is to do!!.....Then on Friday they added more.....Becky finished Primary school on Friday afternoon!!.....

I have picked out the main things that Becky has to do.....

Year 7 will be studying the novel Treasure Island when they start in September. They will be reading the novel and working on the key assessment for reading You can help your child to prepare for English by reading about and researching Robert Louis Stevenson and the history of pirates. Students should bring into school evidence of this research in any form they choose ... a mood board; a pen portrait; a google presentation; etc

PLUS English tests on the website!!

Tests on the website.

Year 7 will be looking at crime scene investigations and working as detectives to discover who committed the crime using Scientific skills along the way. You could support this by doing some research into what things are acidic and alkaline in the home and kitchen.

 PLUS a test on the website!!
This summer we’re challenging our Students to recreate their favourite paintings, prints and portraits in ‘selfie’ form... Can you raid the fancy dress box and become Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa ' or master face paint to personify a Roy Lichtenstein weeping woman? Go for detail and reproduce the exact composition and colours or think outside the box and put your own creative twist on a classic artwork...Now’s your chance to showcase your set design dexterity, exhibit your model looks or flex your Photoshop prowess. You should bring your finished work in with you in  September in whatever form you decide to use.

Year 7 will be working on map skills.
When they come to school in September students should bring with them evidence of researching map symbols. This can take any form for example a hand drawn symbol with an explanation; an electronic presentation with an image included or any other method that shows evidence of research.

PLUS a test on the website!!
Year 7 will be working on a topic about the Romans.
Students should research one of the questions below and bring in evidence of that research.
How did the Roman Empire begin?
Why were Roman army tactics so successful?
How did the Romans expand their Empire?

PLUS  a test on the website!!

Tests on the website.

Students should also think about how to keep themselves safe when using ICT and online tools. When they start in September they should be prepared to share their ideas with the rest of their class. 

PLUS a test on the website!!
In September the boys will be playing Football and Rugby and the girls Hockey and Netball. Students should spend some time researching the rules of these sports and be prepared to share their findings with the class in September

Students should research one of the Saints (Aidan, Cuthbert, Hild or Oswald) and bring with them in September a thumbnail / pen portrait / powerpoint / google doc presentation of the Saint of their choice.

For the tests on the website they have to get over 75%.....They are not easy....We have been Googling a lot! There is French words that Becky has never heard & science terms I didn't have a clue about never mind Becky.....The Geography one for example is all about maps. The most she could get is 50% ...I could only get 65%......What hope does she have....

Most of the homework is about things she will be learning in September not things she has previously learned.....I think it's so unfair!! 

Is this normal because I just can't understand it?......There is enough pressure on them starting a new school without adding a mountain of homework.....

Becky is a worrier and before she had even finished Primary school she was already stressing about starting secondary school.....She's got it into her head that she will have this much homework all the time.....So we're going to spend the next 6 weeks with it hanging over us.....I have told her that it won't be like this all the time....My friends daughter said she had a lot to start with and now she hasn't had any since February.....

I think homework should be for term time only.....What would happen if we were going away for the whole of the holidays would she still be expected to do it? How many adults would agree to be given work from their employers whilst they were on their annual holidays?

What was an exciting time in Becky's life has turned into a very stressful and upsetting time....A great start to her Secondary education!!

So now I'm off to learn what mood boards / pen portraits / powerpoint / google doc presentations are because Becky needs to use them.....I'm guessing something to do on computers? Whatever happened to using a pen and paper!!


  1. WOW that is way too much, I totally agree with you. I would be happy with a little homework but that is a stupid amount. My son is starting secondary school next year and is already worried about the amount of homework he is going to get but I didn't realise it would start before he had even started there. Thought they would be a nice summer break before it is knuckle down time. What would working parents do if they had no time off and the kids were in holiday club all day every day.

    1. I wouldn't worry.....Not every school hands out homework over the summer holidays you may be one of the lucky one's!! :)

  2. I heard that when Secondary school starts, students tend to fall behind as it takes time to adapt to new school environment and life. Maybe the school is preparing the kids during holidays so that they can get on with the first term easier? If they have some knowledge before hand, they'll definitely struggle less, and I know I'd feel lost and not know how to help Abby if our secondary school doesn't tell her anything before Day 1.

    I do agree that we would struggle if we are planning to go abroad for 3 weeks, but some of the homework actually sounds fun, so hope that Becky can see pass the amount of work and enjoy some of them. You can always leave the tests to the last 2 weeks so it doesn't seem like she's learning and having a test immediately after?

    Looking at your agenda and the passing mark, it sounded like she got into a really good school who cares about students future, so hopefully it'll all pay off! And again, hopefully when term starts she'll feel more at ease as she already know what to expect.

    Hopefully she can still enjoy her Summer holiday and try not to think too much about the amount of work and passing the tests! xxx

    1. You're right....They are just preparing them but it would of been nice to have some knowledge of the subjects before we started though.....We're slowly working our way through the homework and yes some of it is fun!!
      The tests are torture though.....We are leaving them alone for a while!!
      Thank you for your reply!

  3. I know it's important that the kids keep their minds active during the summer, but OMG this is ridiculous!! I may have had a bit of a hissy fit if school had ever tried this with either of my 2! My advice would be to tackle all of this in bite-sized chunks... good luck x

    1. We are tackling it in bite size chunks.....We've nailed a couple of the tests getting 100% on the ICT & English one....Today we're having a movie day as a reward :)

  4. That seems like far too much work!
    As I work in a school I can slightly see both sides as children lose so much over the 6 weeks however the tests etc. are excessive.
    I wonder if they're just trying to get a head start?
    Try looking at them with Becky as 'fun' activities not homework that needs to be stressed over


    1. Thanks Alice! It's baffled me...I understand them getting a head start but it's like I'm doing the teachers job for them as it's stuff they'll be learning in September! :D

  5. Bloody hell hun, I think there is far to much unnecessary pressure on our kids nowadays. That is a lot of prepping! She can only do what she can do, I'm sure she will nail it! most important though.....hope the girls are having a nice time off and enjoying the sun :) xx

    1. There is too much pressure and it's uncalled for....
      We're having a great holiday so far.....Shame we have no sun today though.....It's turned into a movie day :)
      Thank you x

  6. My daughter is starting year 7 in September and has a list of homework very similar to the one you described above, however, it has been said this work is optional. I've been home educating my daughter for the past four years and now I am handing over that responsibility to the school. I still have five other children to home educate so if the school teachers think I'm going to be doing their work for them as well they are very much mistaken and I will have absolutely no problem telling them so.
    I think the thing that has bothered me the most is the amount of money they are already asking for. They want me to put £5 a day in my daughter's school dinners account (which won't be happening because she'll be taking packed lunches), they already asked me to pay for 2 school trips costing over £500 (again, won't be happening), they want me to pay rent for a DT apron, the uniform cost well over £100 and I could go on. It's getting on for £1000 and she hasn't even started yet, it's supposed to be a state school!

    1. Ours isn't optional....That's the thing which has annoyed me!
      £5 a day for lunch is madness!! I thought £2.20 a day what we have to pay was a lot....The expense is crazy!!

  7. Blimey, that's lots. Neither of my older ones got this and the most they did when they started was 20 mins per subject and about five pieces a week. The only advice I will give is to invest in lots of printer ink because we go through loads with all the stuff they have to do on the computer. It definitely isn't like it was when I was at school! xx

    1. I never even thought of the printer ink....Eek! lol

  8. First, I love your angry face. Second, I can see why you are booked. I agree with others that it's important kids don't lose knowledge over the holidays but also think that maybe they could have been much less prescriptive. I can't believe how much technology is involved either. I feel for kids whose parents don't have computers and need to use libraries etc. lastly, what is a google presentation?

  9. That is a lot of work and a bit daunting for a move to secondary school. We have the other extreme, no homework. It would be good to have a happy medium

  10. Wow that's a lot.

    I'm a horrid Mum and set about the same amount of work for my children in Mummy Home School but it's something my children want to do, it's part of the fun of summer (the projects are normally based around things they've done/doing etc). I can honestly see children not wanting to go to School with this much homework over a summer break!

  11. Wow, I feel stressed just reading about this!

  12. Oh my goodness, that is a lot of homework. It makes sense to have some suggested homework to help prepare children for the start of secondary school but this seems like a lot especially as it isn't optional.

  13. OMG that is horrendous! I can understand you getting upset, I would have lost the plot completely if that had been my child and definitely complained to the LEA. Here in Canada they never give homework in the holidays as they are 'family time' and that is deemed as extremely important, it's a shame they don't think the same way in England.
