Saturday, 30 May 2015

Project 365 - Week 22

This has been a great week for taking photos....It is so much easier when the kids are off school....They've kept me busy and it doesn't seem like they have been off school a week at all....

143/365. 23rd May 2015

They had a water fight.... 

144/365. 24th May 2015

Fun at the park.....

145/365. 25th May 2015

She is so lovely when she's asleep...hehehe

146/365. 26th May 2015

When she's awake not so much.....All I asked for was a photo of her Frozen top she chose to hide behind Stu while he was trying to wash

147/365. 27th May 2015

I make such a mess while 

148/365. 28th May 2015

Hot dog rolls for breakfast....Why not! 

149/365. 29th May 2015

Treats for the girls...Which they were so excited about....They are part of a review for the Wicked Uncle website which will be live next week....

Friday, 29 May 2015

This time last year.... #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is....

It's crazy to think that in about 6 weeks the kids break up for the six week summer holidays....This whole year has flown over. It doesn't seem that long since I was sat crying at Becky's leavers assembly.....

This time last year we were visiting Becky's secondary school that she would be starting in September and meeting her new teachers....I was worrying like mad....Would she be OK? Would she make friends? Would she cope with the work? She was, did and has....In a few weeks time she won't be a newbie at school....There will be a whole year group below her....

I am really sad to see this school year is coming to an end.....Ellie's teacher Miss T has been amazing....Someone who is strict but nice with it....It has been just what Ellie has needed....All her teachers in the past have been a walkover and Ellie has known this.....Her behaviour has greatly improved especially since Christmas and I will be so sad that Miss T won't be teaching her next year....I just hope her new teacher has the same effect.

It came up on my Timehop app on my phone that a year ago yesterday Becky and I went to see One Direction in concert....

How is that a year ago! 

This last week we have made lots of new memories that we will be able to look back on in years to come....We've been to the park, had water fights, baked cakes and other yummy treats, watched dvd's, played Minecraft and enjoyed the week of Britain's got Talent.....Every night has been a late night for the kids which has resulted in lazy mornings which has been absolute bliss!

The Reading Residence

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Fun in the kitchen....

As I said in my meal plan this week I was getting the kids to help in the kitchen....Partly to ease the boredom of half term and partly to give me an easy week cooking...hehehe

We made pizza's earlier in the week and yesterday we baked cakes, made jelly and got experimental with ready made pastry....

First up was the Jelly....They had been dying to use the jelly moulds that the people from Lionsgate sent us....

Next up was chocolate chip cookies....We officially suck at making cookies look nice....They do taste good though even though they are a little

Then we tried something new....Hot dog rolls!....I have seen people making these before and they look like a great idea...Giant hot dogs and tomato puree in pastry....So simple but it works....I would have added onions but we don't seem to have any....I could have sworn I bought a bag of frozen one's at the weekend! Oh well.

They turned out better then I expected and the kids absolutely loved them.....I wish I had made more....We will be making them again...

Of course we had to make a cake too and brownies....YUM!

 We ate well last night.....We stuffed ourselves silly!!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Wicked Selfies.... #wickedwednesdays

The selfies Becky takes on her phone do make me laugh...I love the fact Ellie has to always get in on the action too...

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Out at the park with Tracker Bars - Review!!

On a Sunday we always have a lazy day.....To prepare ourselves for the new week....This weekend was a Bank holiday and the kids are off school for half term so I thought we should get ourselves out and about.....The buses are rubbish here on a Sunday so the only real option without spending any money was the local park!

After running around and playing for a while it was time for a sit down and a snack....

Celebrating its 30th birthday this year Tracker is the ideal family treat when on the go and and continues to be one of the nation’s favourite snacks.....With three flavours to choose from - Chocolate Chip, Crunchy Peanut and White Chocolate Chip - there is something to suit every taste. Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives Tracker Bars are packed with quality ingredients and have a unique combination of crunch, goo and chew.

The girls both choose a White Chocolate Chip bar to have and they thoroughly enjoyed it....It was just the thing to give them a bit more energy to carry on playing for a little longer....

They have since tried the Chocolate Chip one's and love them just as much.....I remember having Tracker bars years ago and these taste so much better than I remember....They do seem smaller though....Why does everything seem to be shrinking nowadays....Even so these are something which I will be buying in future...They make a great snack.

These are available to buy in most supermarkets with a recommended retail price of £1.99 for 6-pack and 50p for single bar....

We were sent some Tracker bars free of charge to try...This is our honest review...All thoughts and opinions are of course my girls and my own....

Monday, 25 May 2015

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

I just went back and checked last weeks meal plan and it turns out we ate everything I had planned on the days I planned! Way to go me!! It rarely happens!

This week the kids are off school so I'm prepared for the things to go a little wrong....I'm not even going to say we're having so and so on this day and this on that day....They are going to be helping with a lot of the cooking.....Fun for them and it will keep them busy too....

This week our seven meals are:
As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky.... 

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Project 365 - Week 21

This week I could have quite easily taken a photo everyday of the different and crazy weather we've been having....I think we've had everything in one week! Next week I'm hoping for some sunshine as it's half term....

136/365. 16th May 2015

Someone couldn't wait to get in the living room to start eating the Beer Braised Chicken Tacos....hehehe They were so good though.
137/365. 17th May 2015

Becky being silly...When we have moments like this I forget all about her being a hormonal tween!

138/365. 18th May 2015

My girls had been messing with my I didn't see this until I went to get the photos for the week....

139/365. 19th May 2015

Hailstones the size of gumballs.....We're nearly into June not October....Mother Nature sort yourself out!

140/365. 20th May 2015

Usually I get pizza takeaway menus through my door....This time is was for a CAKE takeaway shop....Delivery between 5pm & 11pm every night....I will order from it one day....As well as slices of cakes they do whole cakes, American candy, milkshakes, Belgian waffles and lots more....Everything sounds so good!

141/365. 21st May 2015

Becky has a new trick....Instead of speaking to me, she texts me and I am daft enough to reply....

142/365. 22nd May 2015

I was sent a copy of the DVD A Mouse's Tale a while ago to review but it was just the disc.....The lovely people from Lionsgate sent me these goodies just to say "Thank you" which I thought was so kind and sweet....

Friday, 22 May 2015

Unexpected - My Word of the Week.... #WotW

This week my word of the week is:

What is with the weather?! I got caught in the rain on Monday and got soaked to the skin....I didn't take an umbrella or a coat with a hood because it was fine when I left the house....It rained the whole school run and 5 minutes after I got back into the house the sun was shining and it was dry again....Grr!

On Tuesday we had it all....Sun, rain, wind, thunder, lightning and hailstones the size of grapes....I might be exaggerating about the size of them but they were big and I wouldn't fancy being hit on the head by them....

Would someone please inform Mother Nature that we are nearly in June and some nice weather is expected!

Ellie had her class assembly yesterday which was all about bones....I was feeling rather angry about half way through....It's always the same kids who have the speaking parts and good parts in these assemblies and I thought the same was happening again as everyone was doing something apart from Ellie....

I was so wrong....Towards the end 6 kids including Ellie sung and danced to the song "Dem Bones" I couldn't have been happier....Then at the end Ellie had her own little solo to do.....Someone was reading about muscles in the arms and she putting the actions to the words.....I was so proud. 

The girls have had their moments this week but on the whole they have been behaving and got on well....They made cakes together and have played a fair bit of Minecraft without arguments. Hooray!

Apart from the weather it has been a great week! Today they break up for half term so we're rather excited.....We don't have much planned....In fact we have nothing at all planned.....A week of just relaxing, maybe a trip to the park and just enjoying the break!

The Reading Residence

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Old El Paso - Beer Braised Chicken Tacos

On a Saturday night we always like to have something special and different for tea.....This week was no exception only this time we had some help from Old El Paso....

On the menu was Beer Braised Chicken Tacos....

Ingredients Needed:
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
450g Chicken Breasts, sliced
2 tsp Old El Paso Smoky BBQ Fajita Seasoning Mix
250ml Mexican beer of your choice
Pinch of salt
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp chilli powder
1 jar of Old El Paso Thick ‘n’ Chunky Mild Salsa (or Hot if you’d prefer)
12 Old El Paso Crunchy Taco Shells, heated as directed on box
1 jar of Old El Paso Sliced Green Jalapenos
1 bottle of Old El Paso™ Cool Soured Cream Topping
25g chopped fresh coriander
2 limes, cut in wedges

Heat oven to 180⁰C (it’s still 180⁰C for fan assisted ovens), gas mark 4
In large frying pan, heat oil over medium-high heat.
Add onion and chicken; sprinkle over the BBQ seasoning mix and cook for about 1 minute or until onion is tender.
Stir in the beer, chili powder, cumin, salt and salsa. Heat to boiling.
Reduce heat to low; cook uncovered for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until chicken is thoroughly cooked
Meanwhile, place the taco shells open end down on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

I am not an expert at cooking but I found this so easy to make......

At each of the stages off cooking it kept smelling better and better.....Then it was time to dish it up....I did worry that the filling would be too runny and make the tacos soggy but they stayed nice and crispy....Hooray!

 We are wimps when it comes to anything hot and spicy so we didn't add the jalapenos...I put chopped peppers on instead....We did use the Soured Cream Topping which was delicious....Very creamy and cooling....

It's not the quickest of meals to make as the taco filling has to simmer for 20 minutes or so and needs stirring but it was worth the effort....Every last bite was eaten by all of us and it was thoroughly enjoyed....It is something I will make again as we all found it so tasty....I think we need to eat more Mexican food!

I was sent the ingredients to make this recipe free of charge but this is my honest review....All opinions are my own! 

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

I annoy myself....

The inspiration for this blog post came from a Tweet I tweeted on a little while ago.....I often annoy myself, doing stupid things....Things I shouldn't but do...Grrr!

It's true.....I put music on my laptop....Usually my playlist from YouTube and sing along.....I frown when I sing to a song.....It gives me a headache....I can't stop myself doing it!

I obsess about being on time for things so much so that I am usually too early for everything then feel stupid for being early....

When I play Minecraft with the kids I scream in fear when some nasty thing jumps out on me.....So much so Stu came running in from the kitchen one time because he thought something was wrong.....The kids can play it without screaming! Why can't I!

I can't spell words.....Not all words obviously! Every time I type words like definitely, difficulty, schedule, recommend, inspiration, embarrass, experience & immediate I have to Google them and yes I just

I get stressed about deliveries....If I know something is going to be delivered like a parcel or my weekly grocery shop I panic in case I miss the person knocking at the door....I will not have the TV or any music on.....The house has to be quiet!

I am shy....I hate it but can't seem to change it...

I am a mouse breaker......Computer mouses! I use a laptop on a tray on my knee and there leaves little space for the mouse....I end up hitting the connecting wires and they break! In the other side I have a spare e-cig charging...

Yes I could get a wireless one....I've had one in the past but dropped it a I could swap it with my e-cig but that costs £6 to replace...A mouse costs £1! Thanks Poundland! I stocked up when they had them in.....

I always have so much that I could say on Twitter.....I will write a tweet and then realise 140 characters is nowhere near enough so just don't bother saying it.....

I type LOL all the 

I always drink cold coffee....I make it, never drink it straight away because it's too hot then forget about it.... 

I always leave it until the last minute to go for a wee....

I use an e-cigarette and have a puff on it every now and again....At least 20 times a day I will lose the e-cig....I usually find it down my cleavage or the side of my armchair....

I can't make the exact amount to feed the Stu, my girls and myself....I always, always make too much.....

I make mountains out of molehills! If something worries me it I think it is the worst thing in the world when actually it is nothing! 

I keep buying baked beans.....Last count there was 15 tins in the cupboard.....

The bed has to be made properly before I get into it....If the covers aren’t straight, forget it....

I can't bring myself to delete things off my Sky planner....Films like Dirty Dancing, Mary Poppins, The Wizard of Oz and Titanic! I do have the DVD's and rarely watch them so have no reason the keep them.....

I can't just eat one or two Jaffa cakes....It has to be nearly a full packet....

Do you do things which annoy you?

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Upbeat Protein Drinks - Review

Recently I was sent some vouchers to get myself some Upbeat dairy protein drinks....I always think of protein drinks being for body builders & sporty people but I soon realised they are good for everybody!

Upbeat is a delicious dairy drink that’s high in protein, low in fat and has half the sugar of most fruit smoothies with around 150 calories. Made with fresh whey protein and real fruit, they come in 4 yummy flavours – Blueberry & Raspberry, Strawberry, Mango & Passion Fruit and Chocolate & Orange.

It is said we need around 1g of protein for every kg of body weight and more if you exercise. 60g is the equivalent to roughly a small chicken breast, a small salmon fillet and a bottle of Upbeat.

Upbeat is available in Tesco, Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Holland & Barrett, The Co-operative Food, Booths, WHSmith Travel, Budgens and more! 

My local stockist was Holland and Barret....We have an average size store here in Ashington but the first day I went and they had none in stock at all....They were waiting for a delivery....I went back the next day and all they had was the Blueberry & Raspberry and the Strawberry so I made do with them....

I was keen to get home and give them a try....

These drinks come in 250ml bottles and I think it is the perfect size portion....There is enough to fill you up but not too much that you feel like you are drinking it forever to get the protein you need....
First up was the strawberry one....It smelt great and tasted even better....I could really taste the strawberries. They didn't taste fake and artificial like in some drinks which also claim to use real fruit....

Then there was the Blueberry & Raspberry drink....I'll admit I am not too keen on blueberries but this drink isn't overpowered by them you can taste the raspberries in equal measure....It is one I wouldn't buy again for myself but the kids loved it....As well as the protein in it there is the added bonus of calcium too which of course is good for their growing bodies....

I am useless when it comes to eating breakfast, I never seem to find the time to eat but these are a healthy alternative....I could even drink them when out on the school run.....Very handy!

Over the weekend I got my normal food shop delivered from Tesco and I ordered a couple of the Chocolate and Orange flavours to try...They are on offer at the moment and each bottle is £1....

Usually by the afternoon I am craving something sweet and thought these would be perfect.....

The chocolate one is a lot thicker than the fruity Upbeat drinks which is perfect....It seems more indulgent and more of a treat....

Of course it was delicious....It is chocolate after all....It filled me up and beat the craving....Much more healthier than a slice of cake or a chocolate bar that I usually have....It kept me going until tea time....

I would buy these drinks again and again.....They are very tasty and a great alternative to have for breakfast and as a snack....

These are suitable for just about everyone....It is recommended that you get more protein in your diet when pregnant and breastfeeding these can be a convenient way of helping you reach your needs....

Now I just have to find somewhere that sells the Mango & Passion Fruit as no one local to me seems too....

We were sent some vouchers to try some of the Upbeat drinks...This is my honest review...All thoughts and opinions are of course my own... 

Monday, 18 May 2015

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan went great until we got to the weekend......I burnt the Fishcakes on Friday night so we had a Domino's.....On Saturday we had Beer Braised Chicken Tacos which I will be blogging about this week and Sunday we had beans on

Monday - Roast chicken dinner....
TuesdayChicken & Bacon Lasagne....
Wednesday - Hamwiches & potato wedges....
Thursday - Vegetable Quarter Pounders & Memphis Bbq Style Sweet Potatoes....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - Spaghetti Bolognese & garlic bread....
Sunday - Bolognese sauce on jacket potatoes....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Project 365 - Week 20

Hello! Saturday again and another post for Project 365! A photo for every day!

129/365. 9th May 2015
A picky party tea for Saturday night!
130/365. 10th May 2015
Training the Teksta Puppy!

131/365. 11th May 2015
132/365. 12th May 2015
These packets are just too small.
133/365. 13th May 2015
Our first proper ice-cream of the year from a proper ice cream van!
134/365. 14th May 2015
Happy to help for once!
135/365. 15th May 2015
Friday night drinks....Green WKD in case you were wondering!

Friday, 15 May 2015

Motivated! My Word of the Week! #WotW

My Word of the Week this week is....

The kids have been great.....Ellie is behaving herself perfectly at school with the thanks to her behavior book and her teacher has said she can have a reward out of the treat box everyday she has a day at school without having to be told to concentrate or being told off for something.....She has been trying really hard, each day getting better and better.....Yesterday she got a full day of positives in her book....The chance of a reward has really motivated her.....

Becky has been less of a hormonal madam this week.....I told her I was writing a blog post about her about all the things I do which upset her and she was fine about it....I thought when she read it (before it went live) she wouldn't be as happy but I think it has made her realise how unreasonable and drama queen she is being.....It has motivated her to think about how she is behaving and has even started to bring her washing downstairs without being asked.... #Winning!

As for me it all seems to have been about blogging this week....Two of my giveaways ended which saw my little old blog have a ton of visitors which is always good....I try not to look at the stats but couldn't help myself and I was quite impressed.....It has helped me feel a lot more motivated....I wasn't unmotivated but this has given me an extra bit of oomph!

I seem to be inspired to write much so that I have 14 posts in my drafts....Some just with titles and my idea and others half written.....I don't know how many will make it onto the blog but they were ideas.....

Apart from blogging one of my other hobbies is entering competitions.....I have been in a bit of a slump lately. I haven't been winning which means I have been feeling less inclined to enter any comps but this last week or so has been fantastic! I won a surprise giveaway from Life As a Mum.....A bunch of flowers from Lets Talk Mommy.....Some Mason Drinking Jars from Twinderelmo and yesterday a £50 Amazon vouchers in a retweet competition on Twitter.....It's been spent already. lol I bought Ellie's main Christmas present! It has really motivated me to get back to entering the competitions after all there is only just over 7 months until Christmas....hehehe

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

The Reading Residence