Thursday 14 May 2015

Our Minecraft Wishlist....

As a family we all now love Minecraft....I was the last one to become hooked on it when my girls made me play.....

Since I have been playing I have noticed a lot of  merchandise for it....It's probably always been on sale but as I had no interest I never noticed it.....Now I want it I have also noticed so much that I could get the kids for their birthdays and Christmas....

Minecraft Plush: Animal: Pig - £8.99 - Forbidden Planet
Papercraft Overworld Deluxe Set - £21.99 - Toys R Us 
Creeper Anatomy Mens T-Shirt - £15.99 - Gamer Heaven
Minecraft Cardboard Steve Head - £19.99 - Gamerabilia
LEGO Minecraft The Farm - £24.99 - Asda
Light-Up Redstone Ore Lamp - £19.99 - Firebox 

 Green Beanie Hat - £9.99 - Argos 
Foam Diamond Sword - £19.99 - Forbidden Planet
Minecraft Animal Mob 6 Pack - £19.99 - Smyths Toys
Minecraft Diamond Necklace - £13.99 Gamer Heaven
Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Book - £4.69 - Amazon
Miniecraft Hooded Sweater - £20.00 - Peacocks

Craft Projects for Minecraft and Pixel Art Fans - £4.99 - John Lewis
Creeper Anatomy Vinyl - £34.99 - Toys R Us
Survival grid print t-shirt - £11.99 - MandCo
Enderman Soft Toy - £11.27 - Duncans Toy Chest

Who'd have thought there was so much Minecraft things to buy....


  1. We have a scarily large amount of these, though can always do with some more ideas!

    Got Ethan a tnt block alarm clock from AliExpress, which came today, he's gonna love it

    1. Thank you! The alarm clock sounds fantastic x

  2. We have a couple of the papercraft sets and also some of the figures too. I'm now getting birthday requests for the Lego as well, which is all very well and good unless you are the one that ends up having to dust all their precious creations! ;)
