Tuesday 29 April 2014

If I won big...

I used to be quite the bingo player years ago.....I'd play it in a Working Mans Club with all the old dears....hehehe They meant business....As soon as someone shouted 'Bingo' there would be snorts of disgust and bad language you wouldn't expect to come out of little old ladies mouths....

I've played bingo online off and on for years.....Up until tonight I hadn't actually played on 888 Ladies.....Obviously I'd heard of it just never got round to playing.....

I signed up and felt the excitement....I love playing the classic the Bingo games.....There's nothing quite like that buzz you feel when you're waiting for that last number!!

I didn't win.....Ohh well! There's always tomorrow but if I did win and won big I know exactly what I would spend my winnings on....

I would book a holiday.....Not just any holiday....The best holiday ever!!! A road trip across America....

Disneyland!! Here we come!!....For the kids and for myself! I have always wanted to go....The girls are Disney crazy so that's a must!! It would be absolutely magical!! Ellie especially would probably faint with excitement the first time she saw a live Disney princess!! Both my girls are at an age now where they could really appreciate it and remember it for the rest of their lives.....

We would have to visit a lot of the eateries featured on the show Diners, Drive ins & Dives....We have watched so many episodes and drooled over the food....It's just a fact America does food better than here in England! We would probably come home the size of a house but I don't really care it would be worth it.....

While we are in America making ourselves fat we'd have to go to see a live WWE (wrestling) show or a few...hehehe Yes you can see them in the UK but it's really not the same as I imagine it when you see them in the states....

Finally I would love a lifetime supply of socks!! Yes, socks!! I haven't gone mad....I just want to have that great new sock feeling everyday...Fresh and clean and perfectly fitting.....When a pair of socks have been washed they are never as good as that first time you wear them....That is if you can even find the pair again...Which never happens in this house.....

Bee Good! - Review!!

Last week I was sent a real treat......Some Honey & Propolis 2-in-1 Cream Cleanser from a brand new British skincare brand Bee Good!

 Before I get onto the product I just want to say how beautifully packaged this was....It was all just so pretty!

Inside each of the online orders you will find a note from them printed on special paper…Tear it up and plant it in your garden and with a little love and patience wild flowers will soon grow to become a source of nectar for bees.....How cool is that!! It is such a lovely touch!!

 So on to the Cleanser....

This rich, creamy 2-in-1 cleanser sweeps away make-up and grime without drying out your skin. Used with the included pure muslin cloth, it leaves skin bee-autifully clean, soft and silky-smooth.

 How to Use -  Use morning and night. Massage a small amount onto dry skin over your face, eyes and neck. Wet the muslin cloth provided in warm water, wring out and gently wipe away the cleanser.

I have been using it for a few days now and I like it....It is gentle and doesn't irritate my skin at all...It really does leave my skin feeling soft and silky-smooth! I can quite easily see myself using this every day until it's all gone!! The smell is just divine....I could sit and sniff it all day. Obviously is smells of honey....It's just lovely!!! 

I like the great Philosophy the company Bee Good has.....
They responsibly harvest British honey, propolis and beeswax in a way that does not harm the bees and which reinvests in their future. 

They are passionate about supporting our countryside and they donate a percentage of there profits to support the British Beekeeping Association (BBKA) and the UK Bee Farmers Association supporting their Bee Farmers Apprentice Scheme.

Honey & Propolis 2-in-1 Cream Cleanser costs £11.50 per 100ml which includes the muslin cloth which I love....Such a simple addition....

I would also like to thank them for the cutest biscuits they sent me from a company which I had never heard of before.....Biscuiteers 

 They make gorgeous handmade hand-decorated biscuits that taste amazing which could make a brilliant alternative to sending a gift of flowers, chocolates or greetings cards.....I hid these from the girls and enjoyed them with a lovely cup of tea after they went to bed.....hehehe Very delicious!!
Family Fever
I was sent these products free of charge for the purpose of this review....This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!!

Monday 28 April 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday


Hello Monday! 

It's going to be another mixed up week.....We have another appointment at the hospital for Ellie to have a hearing test (you can read about her hearing problems here) I think this appointment is a waste of time....

We were supposed to have a hearing test in March and to see her consultant but she was full of cold....Wednesday she's having a hearing test but we won't find out the results until we see the consultant in September!! That's the earliest appointment we can get with him...So this hearing test is just pointless....Nobody will know or care about the results until the are seen by the consultant and he's spoken to us in September!! The time the appointment is means Ellie is missing a full day of school as it takes us two hours to get to the hospital then the appointment then two hours back....Every time I tell them to make the appointment late afternoon but do the listen! No! Rant over.....At least it means McDonalds for tea...hehehe

This week on the menu we have....

Monday - Mini Cheese & Tomato Chicken Bites with Mediterranean rice...
Tuesday - Tuna Meatballs....
Wednesday - McDonalds on the way home from the hospital....
Thursday - Breakfast for tea - Sausages, bacon, hash browns, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans and scrambled eggs...

Friday - Fish finger pie....
 Saturday - Pizza.... 
Sunday - Minty lamb chops, new potatoes, peas and carrots....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Saturday 26 April 2014

One Day We Will Get There!

It has always been a dream of mine to visit Disneyland!! America or Paris I would go to either just to experience the magic for myself....

I was reading something the other day about the real magic of Disneyland and things you didn't know so I thought I'd share with you some of the secrets!

There are tunnels under Disney World that allow employees and cast members to move between the different areas. The tunnels help costumed cast members avoid inconsistencies.. That’s why you never see Tomorrowland cast members in Frontierland and vice versa.

None of the shops in Disney World sell gum, which is why you never see any stuck to the rides or pavements.

There are thousands of hidden Mickey Mouse heads throughout Disney World and the surrounding resorts. 

There’s actually a secret suite inside Cinderella’s castle. It cannot be booked, and is only used for promotional giveaways.
There is never a trash can more than 30 steps from where you are in Disney parks. Allegedly, Walt Disney himself went to other parks and watched how long people held on to trash before dropping it on the ground, and found that it was only 30 steps or so.

If you look closely at the hieroglyphics in the Indiana Jones sections of the “The Great Movie Ride,” you’ll see Mickey and Donald, and C-3PO and R2-D2. 

Despite the fact that it’s illegal, several people attempt to spread the ashes of the deceased on Disney rides every year.

Devices called Smellitizers can be found all over Disney parks, and emit scents in certain areas to match the surroundings. You’ll notice the scent of baking cookies and vanilla around “Main Street, U.S.A.,” salty sea air in line for “Pirates of the Caribbean,” fresh citrus on “Soarin’,” and burning lumber near the scene depicting the fall of Rome on “Spaceship Earth.”

In Frontierland, you can see a wooden leg labeled “Smith.” It’s a reference to Mary Poppins. In the movie, Bert says, “I knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith,” and Uncle Albert responds, “What’s the name of his other leg?”

The brownish winding path in Liberty Square is meant to represent raw sewage that flowed down the streets of Colonial America, since indoor plumbing wasn’t yet invented.

While most of the lawns at Disney parks are meticulously tended to, the lawn at “The Haunted Mansion” is left to grow out and die, to match the mood of the ride.

Look for a wedding ring embedded in the concrete in line at “The Haunted Mansion.” It’s said that it belongs to the hanging bride you see in the stretching room and attic scenes on the ride.

Toy Story characters used to drop to the ground when guests yelled, “Andy’s coming!” but the practice has been discontinued for safety reasons.

Epcot was originally designed to be a model community and home to 20,000 residents. You can still see a diorama for Walt Disney’s vision on the “PeopleMover” ride.

You can see a dragon on the signs for Animal Kingdom, and a dragon’s head hanging above the front gates. They were there to represent a scrapped area called Beastly Kingdom, which was going to be dedicated to mythical animals.

The 14-story “Tree of Life” in the middle of Animal Kingdom is actually an old oil rig. Engineers found that an oil rig’s ability to hold up against hurricane-strength winds made it ideal for the internal structure of the attractions.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Don't build a den...

What is this world coming to.....When I was young I used to play outside all of the time.....I climbed trees, swam in rivers and built many dens and tree houses with my brother and friends!!!

I read a news article earlier on in the week where a group of girls building a den during the Easter holidays were reported for antisocial behaviour and told to move on by police...

The police received complaints about teenage girls hanging around in the woodlands and they approached the girls and told them to pull the den down and leave the woods. The girls had been reported by dog walkers.....

"They had no drink, drugs or loud music - they had pop and crisps from Asda which they'd had the foresight to buy on their way as they knew it'd be a long day.....


All the time people complain that all teens do is sit in front of video games or hang around street corners in gangs.....Then when a group of teens do a bit of old fashioned den building people still complain! I guess now no matter what teens do they are going to get in trouble for anti-social behaviour.....

All the time you hear the previous generation say "in my day we would play out, build dens, be out all hours, only came home when the street lights came on" yet this is what kids get when they try...It is such a sad reflection of society that teenagers doing anything in groups anywhere is immediately seen as suspicious and worthy of police action....

I do wonder how many serious crimes occurred while the police were busy dealing with the so serious crime of den building..... Obviously there's too many police officers available in this areas where kids are being moved on by the police for having innocent fun.....

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Left over Easter Eggs?

I'm not usually one to complain about having too much chocolate but after the weekend I'm quite sick of eating it in egg form and we still have so many Easter eggs and chocolate left so here's a few idea's with what to do with those left over eggs which you just can't stomach!!

No-bake chocolate cakes...
Simple melt a couple of Easter eggs down and mix with cereals such as Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes. It’s a great, easy recipe to get young children ‘baking’ in the kitchen for the first time....

A fun Fondue...
Melt down the eggs - add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and melt in a bowl over a gently simmering pan. Cut up some yummy fruit....Strawberries, kiwi fruit, mango and bananas...Marshmallows too....Stab them with some toothpicks or a fork and dip them in the chocolate.... 

Add small, roughly chopped chocolate to two scoops of your favourite ice cream, along with a splash of milk and ice, then blend into a milkshake. Finish it with whipped cream and chocolate shavings!! Yum!!....

Ice cream pavlova...
Stir broken chocolate through softened ice cream and freeze. Serve scooped into a pavlova case and scatter with berries and grated chocolate....

Chocolate lollipops...
Lollipop moulds are always useful to have in the cupboard. Simply melt the chocolate, pour it into the mould, and leave to set in the fridge for around 30 minutes. Once set, remove the lollipops and dip them into melted chocolate, followed by sprinkles or edible glitter for a great effect....

Chocolate mousse...
Whip up a pot of Double Cream and add melted chocolate to the mixture, carefully folding it in before allowing it to settle in the fridge for thirty to forty minutes...

Chocolate Drizzled Popcorn
Have a family movie night tradition? Surprise them with a chocolate drizzle on their bowl of popcorn! Sometimes the best thing to do with excess chocolate is melt it and put it on everything!!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Back to normality....

We have had so much fun over the Easter holidays....Sleeping till about half eight....Having a relaxed breakfast....Getting dressed at about 10am.....The kids played outside everyday....They've enjoyed making their own lunches most days and even learned how to cook scrambled eggs....They've watched Frozen at least once a day....Played outside some more and went to bed at about 9pm.....It's been lovely!!

Today they go....

 Back to getting up at 7am....Dragging them out of bed.... Getting them washed, dressed and trying to feed them a decent breakfast which usually ends up in a cereal bar on the way to school....School runs....Homework....Finding lost uniforms....Early nights and less fun! Boo!! Hiss!!

Today marks the start of the Summer term for the girls at school.....

This is an important term for both of them.....They both have their SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests) this term.....I'm not too worried about Ellie's they're pretty low key but for the last few months the teachers at the school have made such a fuss about Becky's year 6 tests....

The amount of homework Becky brought home over the Easter Holiday was unbelievable.....Lots and lots of practice SAT papers....

Becky isn't bothered or phased by them at all....From what her teacher has said she is expected to do very well.....I still worry though.....

This also marks the last full term that Becky will be in Primary school.....In September she goes to the Secondary school....She can't wait! I'm terrified!!

I really hope these next few months go really slowly....

Monday 21 April 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

I have a feeling this week will feel all mixed up....The kids go back to school on Tuesday which is going to feel like a Monday.....So all week I'm going to feel a day behind....At least there's just four days of early mornings....hehehe

I hope you all had a Happy Easter....We ate far too much chocolate yesterday but we thoroughly enjoyed every mouthful....

This week I'm taking back control of the meal planning....On the menu this week we have.... 

Monday - Roast Chicken Dinner....
Tuesday - Chicken pasta bake....
Wednesday - Ham, eggs and chips....
Thursday - Sweet and sour pork and rice....
Friday - Spaghetti Bolognese with Garlic bread....
Saturday - Jacket potatos with left over bolognese....
Sunday - Corned beef pie, mash & baked beans....
As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Saturday 19 April 2014

Laws of Household Physics....

Ever notice that the laws of household physics are every bit as real as every other law in the universe? Here are a few examples:

1. A child's eagerness to assist in any project varies in inverse proportion to the ability to actually do the work involved.

2. Leftovers always expand to fill all available containers plus one.

3. A newly washed window gathers dirt at double the speed of an unwashed window.

4. The availability of a ballpoint pen is inversely proportional to how badly it is needed.

5. The same clutter that will fill a one-car garage will fill a two-car garage.

6. Three children plus two cookies equals a fight.

7. The potential for disaster is in direct proportion to the number of TV remote controls divided by the number of viewers.

8. The number of doors left open varies inversely with the outdoor temperature.

9. The capacity of any hot water heater is equal to one and one-half sibling showers.

10. What goes up must come down, except for bubble gum, kites and slightly used Rice Krispies.

11. Place two children in a room full of toys and they will both want to play with the same toy.

Friday 18 April 2014

Fun!! Fun!! Fun!!

Friday again so that means it's Word of the Week time!! 

My word of the week this week is.....

It has just been a week of fun!!

We haven't done anything or been anywhere special.....It's just been fun!! I think it's all down to the fact the sun has been shining all week....That's enough to put anyone in a good mood....

The kids have played....I've been able to get on with jobs I've needed to do....Even the housework has been fun with the kids helping....Yes they have actually been helping!!.....We sorted out the toy boxes...I had the intention of having a good clear out but the kids have found a lot of forgotten toys which they've had fun playing with!!

I had a very exciting e-mail from the wonderful people at Toys R Us....

 Hooray!! Which means the girls will be having a lot of fun testing out some fab toys soon!!

Tomorrow I will be having a lot of fun...I'm having a full afternoon and evening off from the normal mummy duties....I'm going to see a fab band called 'Bessie and the Zinc Buckets'!! My friends and I have seen them a few times before but this is their 30th Anniversary gig.....They are a Rockabilly group but play everything from hillbilly songs, The Monster Mash, U2, Spice Girls, Chitty, Chitty Bang, Bang, The Bay City Rollers, Moterhead and Gangnam Style....They're a lot of fun!!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and don't eat too many Easter eggs....hehehe

The Reading Residence 

Thursday 17 April 2014

Peanut Hottie - Review!!

Have you heard of Peanut Hottie? I hadn't until a couple of weeks ago.
A delectably delicious, instantly indulgent peanut butter flavoured hot drink...All for 83 calories!!

Peanut Hottie....

Is made with real peanuts...
Is caffeine free...
Is suitable for vegetarians...
Has no artificial additives...
Has no artificial colours...
Is under 100 calories per cup...

As soon as I opened the packet I knew I was in for a treat.....The smell was amazing it smelt a lot like a rich peanut butter.....

To make this was easy enough....Add the mix out of the packet to slightly cooled boiled water and mix!

 My first thought about this drink was it seemed very sweet but that didn't put me off....I like the sweeter things in life!.....To me it tastes like watery, warm, melted peanut butter which isn't as bad as it sounds!! It tasted great and of course I had to dunk a few biscuit's in which was a lovely treat....

This would be the perfect alternative to hot chocolate on a cold day and I imagine great for baking with....Peanut butter cookies sound very tempting!!

I have since tried it with half hot chocolate powder and half Peanut Hottie....Mmmm delicious!! 

The drink is currently available at Sainsbury's & Waitrose so unfortunately I won't be buying anymore soon as I have neither stores nearby....Boo!!
Family Fever
I was sent some Peanut Hottie free of charge to try...This is my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own...

Wednesday 16 April 2014

The National Numeracy Challenge....

When it comes to doing simple sums half of adults struggle.....I am one of those which struggles! I have never been any good at Maths....I dreaded maths lessons at school and even faked sickness to get out of doing Algebra....It was like a foreign language to me.....I have a mental block when it comes to numbers.....It's just a jumble of confusion to me.  

 The charity National Numeracy has now launched a major check-up service to encourage people to test themselves online against a series of questions tailored to different ability ranges.

Questions start at the level expected of the average seven- to nine-year-old and rise to the standard of a 16-year-old with A* to C grades in maths. 

I got half of them right! Eek! It's a good job my girls are great when it comes to maths.....Becky is above the level she needs to be at school and some of the homework she brings home baffles me.....I think it's the way they do the working out now....Things have changed so much since I was at school....

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Steamcream - Review!!

I had never heard of Steamcream until I was asked if I wanted to try some....Why not? I do like trying new things after all....

STEAMCREAM represents the latest concept in skincare. Freshly handmade using high-quality, natural ingredients that are fused together by a shot of steam. This unique method makes the cream very lightweight, providing long-lasting hydration for the face. The texture also makes it a perfect nourishing treat for your body and hands too.

I chose the Vanity Limited Edition tin which launches in June...

How lovely is the tin?! I thought it was so pretty! When the cream is used up it will be washed out and used for something else.....In fact all the tins they have are gorgeous there are hundreds to choose from....

Initially I thought the product looked quite thick it reminded me of tubs of Nivea that I used to used as a teen. However, when applied I noticed that it almost had a watery texture to it....It was very light, soaked into the skin quickly and didn't feel greasy at all....

I like the fact that you can use the cream on your hands, face and body....I've been using it on my hands and face and it feels great....My skin definitely feels softer.....The smell is fantastic too....It is very pleasant and not too strong and overpowering....

They use quality natural, vegan ingredients, directly from sustainable sources and suppliers who comply with their non-animal testing policy. This means that Steamcream can be beautiful, effective, ethical and affordable.....

Steamcream is priced at £12.95 for a 75ml tin.....Which I think is quite reasonable considering it's a multi-use product....

I was sent this product free of charge for the purpose of this review....This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!! 

Monday 14 April 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Here we are into the 2nd week of the Easter Holidays already....Last weeks meal plan went great! I think it was the fact I let the kids choose what they were eating....This week they're choosing most of it too....

On Saturday I'm off to a concert....Leaving at about 2pm and won't be back till about midnight so Stu is organising tea for him and the kids....I'm guessing McDonalds or a Takeaway....hehehe

This week on the menu we have... 

Monday - Corned Beef hash & Baked beans....
Tuesday - Tuna pasta bake....
Wednesday - Crazy Bears, mash and peas....
Thursday - 
Fish fingers, chips and beans....
Friday - Chinese Chicken Thighs with rice....
Saturday - Stu is in charge so who knows?....
Sunday - Cottage pie....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Saturday 12 April 2014

Backyard Fun....

In the last five days the girls have more fresh air than they have all month.....They haven't had to go far to get it either.....Every day this week they have played in the back yard.....Who needs fancy parks or days out!! hehehe

Monday it was raining and they played out....A bit of rain didn't stop them....They had their boots and coats on!!

Tuesday they were out and I overheard our neighbour saying they were playing too loudly.....Which annoyed me so much.....How do you play quietly on a scooter? I'll just remember that the next time his kid is playing outside at 10pm at night!! I didn't stop them in fact I told them to carry on!!

Wednesday the girls had fun with chalk which involved colouring the bricks in on the wall and of course hopscotch....

Thursday....More playing outside....I hardly saw them....They only came in for meals and were back out again....There was a funny moment....I thought the girls were banging something loudly so opened the back door and all I said was 'Stop the banging please'.....I heard a voice from over the wall say 'Sorry'.....It was my neighbour banging not my girls! Awkward!!

On Friday they played outside all day too....I was planning on an afternoon of baking which they said they wanted no part of....Playing was more important! I wasn't going to argue!

They've scooted...played with dolls...slid down the slide hundreds of times...ate lunch out there...jumped in puddles...had lots of fresh air and slept so much better on a night...Fantastic!!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Friday 11 April 2014


My word of the week is....

Lots of things have shocked me this week.....Some good some bad....

I was shocked that theThe Undertaker's streak was ended.....After winning a match every year at Wrestlemania for 21 years he was finally beaten....

I am shocked that all week the girls have been on their best behavior....We had one moment when they fought over who had the biggest apple but there has been hardly any fighting or arguing....lol

I was shocked that a father has lost his daughter....A husband has lost his wife and two tiny babies will never know their mother.....RIP Peaches Geldof....

I am shocked that the girls have played outside everyday this week even when it was raining....Hardly any tv has been watched by them.....They have managed to still watch Frozen every night though...That I am not shocked about....lol

I was shocked to hear of the death of the Wrestler The Ultimate Warrior on Wednesday morning....Especially for the fact Stu and I were laid in bed on Tuesday catching up with Mondays episode of WWE Raw where he was stood in the ring doing a promo.....The words in his last promo are so haunting....

Every man’s heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe a final breath. And if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them bleed deeper and something larger than life then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized. 

I'm shocked that Becky has done ALL of her homework already....She was given loads at the start of the holidays! She's been working hard.

I was shocked when watching the Oscar Pistorius trial that the African news channel I watch showed a photo of Reeva Steenkamps bloodied head wound on live tv....It upset me....I can't even imagine how her family are feeling....I am still undecided whether Oscar is guilty or not but after yesterday it's not looking good for him.....

I'm shocked that we're nearly half way through the Easter holidays already.... It is flying over....
The Reading Residence

Thursday 10 April 2014

Easter from Poundland!!

Of course like every other year I've had a shopping spree in Poundland and filled a gift back with lots of treats for the kids.....I could go out and buy them lots of Easter eggs but they would either want to eat them all at once or just get bored of eating chocolate...It does happen every now and again! lol

Crafty things to do....

Paint Your Own Easter Bunny / Egg
Make Your Own Easter Basket
Make Your Own Pom Pom Friends

 Some lovely things for Baking....

Easter Cookie Cutter Set 4 Pack
Easter Cupcake Set
Silicone Easter Egg Mould

We're ready for an Easter egg hunt!!

Easter Egg Hunt Kit
Easter Egg Hunt Bag 150g 
6 Pack Large Eggs Assorted

And of course the all important Easter Eggs and treats....

One Direction Milk Chocolate Egg
Mini Mouse Easter Egg
Easter Marshmallow Pops 4 Pack

Decorate Your Own Easter Egg Kits

All of these items can be bought from your local Poundland for a bargain price of £1 per item!!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Interview with my girls....

I saw this over on Bubba Blue and Me ages ago....I'm planning to ask both the girls and do it again every year and see how their answers change....

First up Ellie!!

What’s your favourite colour? Pink (Of course it is. She's such a girly girl)
What’s your favourite toy? Princesses
What’s your favourite food? Cakes
What’s your favourite tv show? Topsy & Tim
Where do we live? Ashington
What does mummy do? Computer work
What does daddy do? Play on the computer.
Who’s your best friend? Kieron.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Teacher.
What’s your favourite thing to do with mummy? Cooking.
What’s your favourite thing to do with daddy? Go shopping for sweets.
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? McDonalds
What makes you happy? Daddy.
What makes you sad? Don’t know.
What makes you scared? The dark.
What’s your favourite sport? Scootering.
What’s your favourite book? Princess cookbook.

And now Becky!!

What’s your favourite colour? Pink.
What’s your favourite toy? The tablet.
What’s your favourite food? Pizza.
What’s your favourite tv show? Ant and Dec
Where do we live? Ashington
What does mummy do? Look after me.
What does daddy do? Works in a shop
Who’s your best friend? Jessica
What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor.
What’s your favourite thing to do with mummy? Watch TV.
What’s your favourite thing to do with daddy? Play on the Wii.
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Disneyland
What makes you happy? One Direction
What makes you sad? Ellie being naughty.
What makes you scared? Dogs.
What’s your favourite sport? Swimming.
What’s your favourite book? Diary of a wimpy kid.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

John Frieda Frizz Ease - Review!!

I have dry, frizzy hair....I'm always on the lookout for the perfect shampoo and conditioner so when I had the chance of trying some John Frieda Frizz Ease products from BzzAgent I jumped at the chance....

I was some of the Frizz Ease Smooth Start Hydrating Shampoo & Conditioner, Frizz Ease Original 6 Effects Serum and the Frizz Ease Secret Agent Perfecting Crème to try....

The Shampoo & Conditioner...

Nourishes each and every strand of hair to replenish lost moisture and restore the hair's natural defence against frizz.
Contains Frizz-Mending complex and natural olive oil.
Fights all levels of frizz with added nourishment and a moisture-boost.
Leaves parched tresses silky, shiny and highly manageable.
Ensures hair is given the optimal smooth start leaving parched tresses silky, shiny and highly manageable, without residue.
Lightweight formulations that won't weigh the hair down but deliver exceptional results.

The shampoo has a really nice feeling to it.....It lathered up nicely and I found it easy to work through my hair. It left my hair feeling really clean....The conditioner was great....As soon has I started washing it out of my hair I could feel how much softer my hair felt....

Original 6 Effects Serum...

Instantly eliminates frizz and repels humidity for glossy, silky-smooth styles. With thermal protectant.

This serum is applied to wet hair and you use one pump of the serum as it tells you on the bottle and then dry and style hair as per usual which I did....Well after my hair was dry it still looked like it is still slightly wet and my hair felt slightly oily....The serum itself has a sticky sort of oily texture and has took the frizz out of my hair but it has left a residue behind which I don't like....If I wanted a wet look I'd have used a wet look gel....

Secret Agent Perfecting Crème...

Exceptional crème, applied to dried hair, instantly transforms puffy, parched hair into a perfectly smooth, supple, shiny texture.
Replaces natural oils lost to blow-drying and daily styling stress.
Works instantly on dry hair to camouflage imperfections by smoothing away dullness, puffiness and frayed split ends.
Immediately restores "silkening" moisture to "quench" parched hair.
Creates ultra-glossy, supple hair with an incredibly healthy-looking finish.
Contains a UV filter.

This white cream has a pleasant smell and disappears quickly into the hair.....This seems to help to tame the frizz and definitely hydrates hair and leaves it looking shinier too... Once my hair is dry and straight, I use a little of this to keep the style in place. It is also useful for a quick smooth down between washes....

The shampoo, conditioner and the Secret Agent Perfecting Crème are brilliant products I've used them since without the Serum and my hair feels fantastic and looks healthier and I definitely have less frizz!!

I was sent a selection of John Frieda Frizz Ease products free of charge...This is my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own...