Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Left over Easter Eggs?

I'm not usually one to complain about having too much chocolate but after the weekend I'm quite sick of eating it in egg form and we still have so many Easter eggs and chocolate left so here's a few idea's with what to do with those left over eggs which you just can't stomach!!

No-bake chocolate cakes...
Simple melt a couple of Easter eggs down and mix with cereals such as Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes. It’s a great, easy recipe to get young children ‘baking’ in the kitchen for the first time....

A fun Fondue...
Melt down the eggs - add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and melt in a bowl over a gently simmering pan. Cut up some yummy fruit....Strawberries, kiwi fruit, mango and bananas...Marshmallows too....Stab them with some toothpicks or a fork and dip them in the chocolate.... 

Add small, roughly chopped chocolate to two scoops of your favourite ice cream, along with a splash of milk and ice, then blend into a milkshake. Finish it with whipped cream and chocolate shavings!! Yum!!....

Ice cream pavlova...
Stir broken chocolate through softened ice cream and freeze. Serve scooped into a pavlova case and scatter with berries and grated chocolate....

Chocolate lollipops...
Lollipop moulds are always useful to have in the cupboard. Simply melt the chocolate, pour it into the mould, and leave to set in the fridge for around 30 minutes. Once set, remove the lollipops and dip them into melted chocolate, followed by sprinkles or edible glitter for a great effect....

Chocolate mousse...
Whip up a pot of Double Cream and add melted chocolate to the mixture, carefully folding it in before allowing it to settle in the fridge for thirty to forty minutes...

Chocolate Drizzled Popcorn
Have a family movie night tradition? Surprise them with a chocolate drizzle on their bowl of popcorn! Sometimes the best thing to do with excess chocolate is melt it and put it on everything!!


  1. Excellent ideas! I decided to avoid temptation altogether and got the kids to decide which eggs they didn't want on Easter Sunday morning, and then we went and donated them to the local children's hospital :) So I've none to spare this year x

    1. Aww what a thoughtful thing to do! How kind of you x

  2. Hope you had a lovely Easter. We ended up having a fast day on Sunday, so didn't tuck into Easter eggs until Monday. Strangely, I never have a problem with knowing what to do with chocolate ;-)

  3. Love this post! We still have a few laying around I might just sneak a few and make something :) x

  4. Left. Over. Chocolate.......................I have heard of this strange thing. lol x

  5. These are really good ideas. We have LOADS of chocolate in the house, I think all our famillies went a bit bonkers with us having 3 kids and thought we needed the extra... :) x

    1. We still have loads left....We're trying the fondue tomorrow :)

  6. Over 30 eggs in my house. Fed up of looking at them now ha

  7. lovely tips! we dont celebrate so we didnt have any leftover!

  8. Oooo.. I never thought of using left over Easter eggs! They normally end up in the bin after a year in the cupboard (where I hid them away from the kids)! This is fab thank you for the inspiration! xx

  9. YUM YUMMMMMMMMMM i wish i could make some of these but the kids have demolished them! lol #PoCoLo

  10. Some great ideas there. I'm planning on melting down the many eggs we still have left and making some rice crispie cakes or something. That way the kids can have them in their lunch boxes! #PoCoLo

    1. We've made crispie cakes and still have enough for a Fondue tomorrow :)

  11. I'm amazed that anyone would ever get fed-up of chocolate, but I guess it is possible! We've still got a mountain of Easter eggs, but I can rely on the kids to soldier on and work their way through them.
    Some good advice for people whose kids aren't as selfless, though!

  12. Great ideas; think we'll be resorting to some of these soon ;) x

  13. Planning on fondue! Always love me a flowy chocolate as a dip to everything that we can hget our hands on here in the house. Great ideas =) #pocolo

  14. I hear you! Great ideas for left-over chocolates. But I'm afraid if I did that, my three-year-old will never forgive me. Not to mention the husband! So I'm staying away from the left-overs ;) #PoCoLo.

  15. What brilliant ideas - even for just left over chocolate and not just easter eggs!! There is no chocolate left in this house however!! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo :) x
