Monday, 30 June 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Ahh Monday again and the weekend is over....

Most of last's week meal plan didn't On Tuesday Stu decided to cook the Spaghetti & meatballs which were planned for Thursday.....I wasn't going to argue and on Thursday the kids had both been to after school clubs and were starving when the got in so it was sandwiches, cakes and fruit followed by a big bowl of ice cream......Friday we had a takeaway....It wasn't because I was being lazy it was because I was asked to review review will be here tomorrow.....

We ended up not going to the fair on Saturday....The kids wanted to go to the beach instead.....We ended up with an Indians for tea. On Sunday we ended up with food from the local street fair....Chips, burgers and candyfloss....hehehe

So last weeks meal plan didn't really go to plan.....Fingers crossed for this week!!

On the menu this week we have.... 

Monday -  BLT pasta salad...
Tuesday - Hot dogs in buns...
 Wednesday - Beefburgers and Potato Pockets Filled with Baked Beans from Iceland. They are sort of hash browns with beans in the middle....Delicious!
Thursday - Scrambled egg on toast...
Friday -
Pizza puff pinwheels...
 Saturday - Pork and pineapple kebabs & Corn on the cob...
 Sunday - Salmon & potato salad... 

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Sunday, 29 June 2014

A Great Weekend....

This weekend has been a good one despite the fact was Saturday ruined by the weather....We were going to go to the big fair in Newcastle but the kids wanted to go to the beach we said Ok the weather seemed lovely.....By the time we'd got to the beach it was overcast and cold...

I'm grumpy when I'm cold....We went to go to our favourite cafe but it's been turned into a fancy bistro....£12 for a burger and chips!! I don't think so! We ended up at a fish shop restaurant where the food was rank and overpriced....

We stuck it out for a couple of hours but the weather beat us....I knew I should of worn a coat!! The girls had a great day and looking back so did I despite the rubbish weather and rank food......

Sunday was better......I knew the street fair was on and said to the girls at about half two....Get yourselves sorted we're going out!!

We all had a brilliant time......Stu finished work shortly after we got there and met up with us.....The girls went on a ton of rides....Roundabouts, trampolines, bouncy castles, fun houses an more roundabouts.....They both won on hook a duck!! Hooray something to cross of my Summer Bucket List!

 Then we went on the twister ride.....It's the first time I've been able to go on a ride with the kids....They're older and I love that they can go on the bigger rides.....Yippee! 

What was I thinking! lol It started off slow and all was fine then got faster and faster like they do....Ellie was screaming she was going to fall out (she was safe and was no where near falling out)....In the next breath she was screaming she loved it...Then shouting for me to hold her....Then she wanted to go faster....Becky was squished in the middle in hysterics....She was laughing so much.....I was laughing so much....It was absolutely hilarious!

On the way home of course called for burgers, chips, dinky doughnuts.....

Now it's Sunday evening and back to the normality of routine....Trying to find the girls uniforms and getting them to bed when they're high on Candyfloss!!....

It was a great weekend!!

Silent Sunday!!


Saturday, 28 June 2014

Nasty Nits....

 Get that nit comb through those strands,
This lice lotion best of brands,
Catch those blighters between the prongs,
Not short hair, but two foot long.

Look they're dying, I think we're winning,
Eyes all bloodshot, red and stinging.
Don't be silly, don't start to whine,
Mummy's got to be cruel to be kind.

Crisis over! What do you think?
Still got to get rid of that terrible stink.
Back to school, back to civilization.
Ready to pick up another infestation!

Yep that sums up what we've been through this

Friday, 27 June 2014


This week my word has to be....

Of course I have still been watching the football even though we're out of the World Cup! Boo!! I'm cheering for Chile now....Becky has them in the sweepstake at school and has been learning all about them....Come on Chile!!

I had an awful dream the other night that my friend had took me to watch a football match and there was men driving about the pitch in cars shooting people....Just in the legs though....They weren't meaning to kill anyone! You could either take the bullet or jump into a flooded river which kept sucking things under....Things like buses....I blame watching too much football along with my friend talking about how she's thinking about buying a season ticket for Newcastle United for her and her

We had sports day which I blogged about earlier in the week.....Ellie got 3rd place in the sprint and 3rd in the Egg n spoon race and Becky got 1st place in the Egg n spoon race too....It made my day to see Becky win! She hates sports and to be honest isn't very good at it....So to see her win made me so proud of her....I am so proud of both my girls!!

And...Wimbledon has started too....I haven't seen much of it yet....I will probably get into it towards the end of the  tournament....

Ohh and P.S.....Last week my word of the week was Naughty.....I can now say Ellie learned her lesson after her detention and has been on her best behavior all week!!

Thursday, 26 June 2014

The Summer Tag....

I first saw this Summer Tag over on The Life of Leesha Starr and it was created by the lovely Georgina from Makeup-Pixie....I love these tags...

1. What's your favourite thing about Summer?
Getting outside more....Especially in the backyard with the kids and the paddling pool.....

2. Do you have a favourite Summer drink?
A pint of ice cold cider is gorgeous on a hot summers day or if I'm feeling fun a Sex on the beach cocktail or three....

3. Is there a location you like to go to each Summer?
We don't usually go away on holiday so it's day trips out....We love going to Amble a seaside town here in Northumberland.

4. Favourite makeup look for Summer?
None...I don't think I could bear wearing make up in summer and feeling all sweaty....

5.  Dresses or skirts?
Neither....I don't wear shorts I prefer my legs covered....

6. Sandals or ballet pumps?
Ballet pumps for me....

7. Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down for Summer? 
Definitely up....My hair is quite thick so if I wear it down I get far too hot....

8. Deep smokey eyes or bold lips?
Bold lips...

9. Favourite perfume for Summer?
I like something fresh and fruity...

10. Last but not least, favourite music for Summer?
I like a bit of everything but love to have dance music blasting....

Feel free to take part....Consider yourself tagged!

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Sports Day Victory!!

Yesterday was the girls sports day at school....It nearly didn't happen....The weather wasn't too great it was grey and we had fine, misty rain for most of the morning....The sun did eventually come out and all was good.....

First up was the sprint races....All the children ran in small groups of 5 or 6 children and there was 1st, 2nd & 3rd place stickers given out to the winners....

Year 1 did their races and then onto Year two which Ellie is in.....She was fantastic! She went running past looking at my friends and I with the biggest grin on her face!! I was too busy laughing at her to see she had came 3rd!!! Way to go girl!!

They went through the classes and we got to Becky's class, year 6.....I know Becky hates running....To be honest she isn't good at it.....I never was when I was her age....I'm still rubbish now....I have no speed at all....She does try her best and always has a smile on her face though....It's the taking part that counts!! Becky sadly came last in her group but she seemed fine about it......

Then it was onto the fun races.....The three legged one was hilarious and the sack race....I shouldn't laugh at kids falling over but I

Both my girls were in the Egg n Spoon races.....Ellie up first......She got another 3rd place!! There was plastic eggs flying everywhere....

Then Becky.....A few years ago when Becky was in Year 1 or 2 she did the Egg n Spoon race and not to be nasty but most of the kids cheated and held the eggs....Becky did it properly...Never dropped it once but still didn't get placed...This time I had noticed one of the teachers at the finishing line was disqualifying kids who were cheating and not playing fair....ha ha ha! Good on him!!

Becky went most of the race without dropping it.....It was between her and another boy...They were well in front of the other kids....They both dropped their eggs at the same time....Picked them up at the same time and then Becky sped up a bit.....She came 1st!!!

For a girl who hates sport and hates competing this is such a big achievement.....She was so pleased with her self and had every right to be....She has gone her whole school life being the loser in sports....Now she can finish her Primary School education and say she won a race at sports day.....I am so, so very proud of her!!!

Kids’ books aren’t just for kids!

Danger, moral courage, and the search for the optimum companion - these topics are all covered in children’s literature and carry as much importance as they do in the adult world.

If you look at any adult’s bookshelf you’ll be sure to find least one example of children’s literature - probably more! Here’s why:

Familiar stories give satisfaction

Beloved items from childhood tend to accompany you for the rest of your life. If you’re retired, you may have chosen to downsize and move into a McCarthy and Stone property for comfort and convenience but you’ll probably still have a much loved and raggedy teddy with you, or a well-thumbed copy of a favourite book.

Even if you don’t have these physical mementos, you’ll still have retained the story and memories in your head.

Reassurance and friendship

When things are going wrong in the adult world, it’s immensely satisfying to curl up with a book and immerse yourself in a magical land. Stories such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit remain household favourites and can give you a simple pleasure that helps you forget about modern-day worries.

The teen author, Non Pratt, recently stated in an article in The Guardian that she was proud to still read books for young adults and children. She even ‘flourished’ her copy of Harry Potter on her daily journey – no adult cover designs needed.

Fantasy is valid in the real world

Dystopian fiction has a huge following among adults. This might be because events in the century appear to mirror some of the strangest fantasies on children’s bookshelves, or 21st that sometimes it’s just good to escape and let the imagination run riot.

Many adults recommend The Giver by Lois Lowry as a truly compelling book. Imagine the responsibility of receiving all the world’s memories and storing them to keep your community safe. Unfortunately, you can’t trust many of the world’s current politicians to do the same!

Children’s Book Week is a great way to rediscover old friends

For parents who are able to read to their children on a daily basis, it’s important that the chosen piece of literature isn’t too saccharine, anodyne or just dull. It may end up being thrown across the room by the parent or not interest the child at all!

Every year the Book Trust organises Children’s Book Week in a bid to introduce more kids to the wonderful world of books and this is a great opportunity for you to rediscover old favourites and add some new titles to the mix.

This year, Children’s Book Week will take place between 30 June and 04 July so you still have plenty of time to get involved – you can find out more information about the event on the Book Trust website at

Guest Post

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Box of OMG!! - Review!!

Ages and ages ago I signed up to Magic Belles for Ellie and she would get an envelope full of sticker, postcards, badges and a whole range of goodies....All for free!!

Every month she got goodies and I said to Becky when I find something for you I will sign up and you will get free goodies in the post.....

A few months ago I came across Box of OMG!

Box of OMG is packed with #TotallyOMG goodies from brands you know and love and new brands we know you'll love - Filled with makeup, movies, music, apps, fun stuff, and yummy treats! They're busting with OMG and sent out every two months - FREE!  

We received our first box a couple of months ago....I didn't have chance to photograph Becky had opened it and I didn't want to spoil her fun.....This time I was ready! lol

 There was a book, sweets, some Skwooshi stuff (it's like play dough but not) lol, some Moshi monster trading cards and some stickers.....

Becky was very happy and so was I.....There is nothing majorly expensive in the box but it is a great treat and surprise....

 They say that you are NOT guaranteed a box every two months when they are sent out.....It's all luck whether they send you one or not but you can become a subscriber for just £4.99 a box and guarantee your box every time..... Personally I wouldn't pay that for a box....They do say you get more 'stuff' and it's bigger and better but I only signed up because it was free.....Since we have signed up we have had two out of two of the boxes so it's not bad going....

The Box of OMG I would say is more aimed at girls....Boys don't have to miss out though there is also Box of Awesome....We haven't tried it but it's by the same company and I'm guessing it's aimed more at boys....

I received this box for free of charge and you can too by signing up....I was not asked to write this...This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Monday, Monday....Oh how I dislike you! lol...I'm on the countdown now to the summer holidays....Only about four more weeks to go until the kids break up for just over six weeks!! This week the kids have their sports day which we are looking forward to.....

On Saturday we're hoping to go to the Newcastle Hoppings Fair....I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's dry....Every year we've been we've had to wear wellies as it's known to always rain when The Hoppings is on....Last year it was actually flooded and they moved it to 

On the menu this week we have....

Monday - Hot chicken and stuffing sandwiches...
Tuesday - Pork and apple sausages with wedges
 Wednesday - Tuna rice salad...
Thursday - Spaghetti & meatballs...
Friday - 
Chicken nuggets, chips and beans
 Saturday - We're going to the fair so who knows....Hot dogs and Candyfloss if the kids have their way!...
 Sunday - Pie & mash...

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Oh We Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside!

As Brits, we are known for the habit of throwing on a pair of shorts and digging out the flip-flops as soon as the sun peers from behind the clouds. It doesn’t matter what the outside temperature is – as long as the sun is shining, our legs are on show and our sunnies are on! People across the country are hoping for a pleasant summer, and while, so far, all we’ve seen is a few days of hot sunshine and very little else, there’s still time to see the full effect of our summer. Make the most of the warmer days and plan a trip to the seaside; our coastline is full of fantastic destinations that would make a perfect spot for a summer break, and with the get up and go guide from Travelodge you can plan your stay perfectly. Here are some of the best seaside locations for you to choose from:


The epitome of a northern seaside resort, Blackpool can be found in the heart of the Lancashire coast - and while it is certainly the most popular (and thus, the busiest) resort, it’s got bags of charm and heaps of fun to go with it. From the zoo and the tower to its very own theme park, there’s loads to see and do that is suitable for all ages. Don’t forget to enjoy some fish and chips on the promenade or one of Blackpool’s three piers!


As one of Britain’s pinnacle seaside resorts, you can just imagine what Brighton has in store! While the beach in Brighton is 7 miles of shingle, nearby Hove has a sandy beach if you’d prefer somewhere that would be perfect for a bucket and spade. However, Brighton itself is incredibly family friendly, with plenty to keep children occupied - plus, if you’re not travelling with kids, you won’t get bored – the entertainment is second to none, and The Lanes are perfect for shopping too!


As one of the sunniest places in the UK, Cornwall is the destination of choice for sun lovers. Grab your bikini, your shades and a beach towel and head for one of the county’s glorious beaches, where you’ll be met with blue seas, warm sands and plenty of activities should you wish to peel yourself away from sunbathing. It’s also home to the Eden Project, as well as some of the best waves if you’re up for a surf lesson or two.

The Jurassic Coast

Running from Devon to Dorset, the Jurassic Coast is England’s first natural World Heritage Site and perfect for people who want to have more than just a snooze in a deckchair and sandcastles to build this summer. If you’re looking for a little adventure, and a chance to stretch your legs, the miles upon miles of coastline that make up this part of southern England await! From Lulworth Cove to Durdle Door, there’s plenty to explore and discover!

Take your pick from the huge range of seaside resorts that are dotted around our coastline – there are so many, you’ll be spoilt for choice!

Guest Post...

Friday, 20 June 2014


My Word of The Week has to be.....

On Tuesday Ellie came out of school with a sticker saying she had a red card....At school they have to stay on green....They get warnings with amber but to get a red card it means they have been really naughty...

I went to see her teacher who told me Ellie had got 3 red cards so far this week and it was only Tuesday at the time.....She got them for messing about in the toilets..... Flooding them, wetting all the paper towels and making a mess.....They can't stop her going to the toilet but she goes and will quite happily stay in there for half an hour.....The teacher can't leave the classroom to get her....Then when she's back in the classroom the teacher has to catch her up which is stopping other children from learning.....

Ellie was given a 30 minute detention after school on Wednesday.....Which I thought was totally deserved!

I went to pick her up at half past three and one of the teachers had said Ellie has missed out on her play times too that day.....She had been back to playing in the toilets.....Not the best timing as the governors were visiting....The head teacher had to explain why a student was filling up all the sinks when she was supposed to be learning....

She knows what she is doing is wrong but just doesn't care....She has been punished in school and at home.....We've shouted, talked to her and tried sticker charts.....This week she's had no laptop, tablet and tv.....No sweets, cakes and no treats.......She's generally well behaved at school apart from when it comes to going to the toilet...

Thursday I picked her up from school....I was dreading it!! I went in to see the head teacher and was told Ellie had been fine all day....Phew!!

We're hoping the detention has worked.....

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Our Summer Bucket List.....

I have no idea when I started hearing the term Bucket List but I started seeing them for different occasions a few years ago.....I’ve seen them for every season and sometimes every holiday....

This year I've decided to do one for our family....I have come up with a list of things to do this summer....

Here's what I have so far....
Go to the cinema.
Blow bubbles.
Fly a kite.

Go for a train ride.
Hula hoop.
Play hopscotch.
Go on a boat ride.
Ride a roller coaster.
Visit the library.

Make playdough.
Build an indoor fort using blankets.
Win a prize at the fair.
Make a bird feeder.
Have fish and chips and the seaside.
Feed some ducks.
Find a park we haven’t been to and visit it.
Build a sandcastle at the beach.
Have a barbecue.
Go swimming.
Roll down a really big hill.
Climb trees.
Make Ice Lollies.
Have a picnic in the park.
Go to a museum.
Make lemonade.
Collect seashells at the beach.
Walk barefoot in the grass.
Explore a forest.
Paddle in the sea.
Watch the sunset.
Catch some bugs.
Dance in the rain.
Make smoothies.
Plant some new flowers.
Have a water balloon fight.

 Do you make bucket lists? What have you planned for the summer?

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

A Purple Bathroom Please - #greatbritishhome

This is my entry into the competition I read about in an email from Mumsnet.....They have teamed up with Victoria Plumb to offer us bloggers the chance to win £500 of High Street vouchers......All you have to do is write about your dream bathroom!!

What’s your Celebrity Style? Take the Great British Home Interior Design Challenge!

I got...

You are Mr or Mrs Glamorous - Your style is most like Joey Essex or Sam Faiers from TOWIE - Everything about you screams glamour; you always look photo-ready, whether you are working out, shopping in designer boutiques or snuggled up at home in your designer onesie. You crave home comforts that make a statement - a faux fur blanket, embellished cushions and lots of crushed velvet. You use neutral shades mixed with metallic. Pride of place are family portraits, kitchen gadgets and the keys to your Range Rover. 

 I wish!! You always look photo-ready....That did make me giggle...It's certainly what I'd like to be like though....

Anyway onto my dream bathroom.....

I want a view.....An amazing view that will take my breath away each time I look at it....

I want to soak in the bath and relax taking in the view....Which of course would mean having a huge lock on the door to keep my darling girls out and while we're at it....It would be soundproofed too....No more me being asked pointless questions while I'm soaking in the tub!!....The girls will walk past their dad to find me in the bathroom to ask me a question that their dad could of

The main colour of my dream bathroom would be purple!! I love purple....

I didn't even realise until I was writing this post you could get so much for bathrooms that is purple....

I'm getting quite excited thinking about it and trying to figure out how I can convince Stu to let me refit the whole bathroom....I may have to convince our landlord too....Everyone loves purple right? hehehe

I of course would have to have an amazing walk in shower which would be self cleaning....Hang on....I want a self cleaning bathroom....They have self cleaning toilets why not bathrooms too.....Failing that a maid who comes in just to clean the bathroom...That counts towards my dream bathroom, right? It's not like she'll be cleaning the rest of the house....

I'm starting to like gadgets and technology.....So this new liking of mine would have to be included in the bathroom too...

Heated towel rails - I love getting out of the bath or shower to warm towels or even better a body drier....Like a hand drier but for your whole body! They have been invented now haven't they?

A TV - It would be great to have a tv in the bathroom....I would never have to rush out of the bath again to watch the soaps.....

I'd need a bathtub which is a jacuzzi too....It can massage me when I soak.....It would have to play music and have adjustable pillows have underwater mood lighting and a place to put my wine glass safely when I'm reading my book....

Also the shower must play music...I like to sing in the shower.....I may sing badly but I still like to sing....A shower with my favourite tunes programmed in would be awesome....

Heated floor tiles. For those cold winter nights and icy cold tiles for when it's boiling hot in the summer....

And back to the purple.... 

Accessories, bin, toilet brush, toilet roll holder, towels, toilet seat and bath mats....I want it all....

I told you I liked purple!!

You can find more information about this competition on the Mumsnet website...

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Cookery Book For Girls!! - Review!!

My girls love to bake and cook....When I was offered the chance to review a book from The Works my first thought was a new cookery book for them...

I chose the book Cookery Book For Girls....

Indulge in all of the yummy cakes and bakes, afternoon snacks, desserts and delicious dishes. Use your imagination and get creative with these easy to follow recipes.

Skills to learn include making pizza dough, ice cream and a classic white sauce, with a range of recipes to build culinary confidence, beginning with simple milkshakes and progressing to baked goods. Contained in a practical ring bound volume for the kitchen and including recipes both vegetarian and meaty. 

This book is obviously aimed at girls and both my girls love it....I do too!!...It is such a cute book.....So pretty!!

All the recipes are things that children and grown up are actually likely to want to eat....The instructions simple and easy to read and my girls have had no problems understanding them....
The pictures are fantastic and when Ellie first looked through she was ohhing and ahhing over everything......Even food she usually isn't so keen on....

 This would be a great book to introduce children to cooking and baking or a lovely gift....For £2.99 it's a bargain price too!!

I was sent this book free of charge for the purpose of this review....This is my honest review....All thoughts and opinions are my own!!

Monday, 16 June 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Hello Monday....

Last weeks meal plan went ok.....I did forgot to link it up with Mrs M's linky but I was full of cold so wasn't at all with it....I'm feeling much better now thankfully!

This week on the menu we have...

Monday - Turkey burgers, chips and beans...
Tuesday - Inside-Out Lasagna...
 Wednesday - Tuna salad...
Thursday - Apple Pork Chops...
Friday - Fish and chips...
Saturday -
Homemade pizza's...
 Sunday - Roast chicken dinner... 

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

Sunday, 15 June 2014

What Makes a Dad....

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... Dad

Author Unknown...

Silent Sunday!!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

You're a good mum!!

 To the mum who's breastfeeding: Way to go! It really is an amazing gift to give your baby, for any amount of time that you can manage! You're a good mum.

To the mum who's formula feeding: Isn't science amazing? To think there was a time when a baby with a mother who couldn't produce enough would suffer, but now? Better living through chemistry! You're a good mum.

To the cloth nappy mum: Fluffy bums are the cutest, and so friendly on the bank account. You're a good mum.

To the disposable nappy mum: Damn those things hold a lot, and it's excellent to not worry about leakage and laundry! You're a good mum.

To the mum who stays home: I can imagine it isn't easy doing what you do, but to spend those precious years with your babies must be amazing. You're a good mum.

To the mum who works: It's wonderful that you're sticking to your career, you're a positive role model for your children in so many ways, it's fantastic. You're a good mum.

To the mum who had to feed her kids ready meals or takeaway all week because you're too worn out to cook or go grocery shopping: You're feeding your kids, and hey, I bet they aren't complaining! Sometimes sanity can indeed be found in a red box with a big yellow M on it. You're a good mum.

To the mum who gave her kids a homecooked breakfast lunch and dinner for the past week: Excellent! Good nutrition is important, and they're learning to enjoy healthy foods at an early age, a boost for the rest of their lives. You're a good mum.

To the mum with the kids who are sitting quietly and using their manners in the fancy restaurant: Kudos, it takes a lot to maintain order with children in a place where they can't run around. You're a good mum.

To the mum with the toddler having a meltdown in the cereal aisle: they always seem to pick the most embarrassing places to lose their minds don't they? We've all been through it. You're a good mum.

Friday, 13 June 2014


This week my word of the week is....

It's all been about money this week....

School class photos to pay for.....I wouldn't normally get them but as it's Becky's last year in Primary school I've wanted to so I can put in one of the many memory boxes we've have for her.....

It's Fathers day this weekend.....Jeez! Funky Pigeon had there fair share of money off me this Cards for Stu off each off the girls....A card for my dad....Then a birthday card for my Aunty and one for my nephew....While I was on there I found a Walking Dead T-shirt....One that isn't covered in zombies and blood....It's personalised too which I thought was cute!! I just had to have it! 

I have got a few other bits and bobs for Stu and my dad.....They're worth it but they nearly broke the bank.....

I've also had to start saving to buy Becky's school uniform too which is being delivered to the school on the 18th and will need paying for on collection.....£12 for a jumper which sells for £3 in Asda....Grr!! She'll need at least 3....The only difference is the Logo on it....The tie £4.50, the P.E kit and god knows what else....

And.....I must start shopping for the girls birthdays in August and

Next week on my weekly meal plan expect to see a lot of beans on toast and (Joking)