Thursday, 26 June 2014

The Summer Tag....

I first saw this Summer Tag over on The Life of Leesha Starr and it was created by the lovely Georgina from Makeup-Pixie....I love these tags...

1. What's your favourite thing about Summer?
Getting outside more....Especially in the backyard with the kids and the paddling pool.....

2. Do you have a favourite Summer drink?
A pint of ice cold cider is gorgeous on a hot summers day or if I'm feeling fun a Sex on the beach cocktail or three....

3. Is there a location you like to go to each Summer?
We don't usually go away on holiday so it's day trips out....We love going to Amble a seaside town here in Northumberland.

4. Favourite makeup look for Summer?
None...I don't think I could bear wearing make up in summer and feeling all sweaty....

5.  Dresses or skirts?
Neither....I don't wear shorts I prefer my legs covered....

6. Sandals or ballet pumps?
Ballet pumps for me....

7. Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down for Summer? 
Definitely up....My hair is quite thick so if I wear it down I get far too hot....

8. Deep smokey eyes or bold lips?
Bold lips...

9. Favourite perfume for Summer?
I like something fresh and fruity...

10. Last but not least, favourite music for Summer?
I like a bit of everything but love to have dance music blasting....

Feel free to take part....Consider yourself tagged!


  1. I love getting out in the paddling pool with the kids haha im would love a big pool though I could at least do circles in lol x

  2. Ooh I might do this, I love these tag posts! x

  3. Sounds like a lovely summer. EmmaK
