Monday, 9 June 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday


On Friday instead of doing the weekly shop from Tesco I gave Aldi a try.....I'm impressed!! We got a full trolley full for £82 which included a couple of bottles of wine....A whole heap of fresh fruit and veg and a ton of fresh meat!! The same amount of food would of cost well over £100 at Tesco....I'm converted to Aldi now!! 

Last weeks meal plan went ok.....We had the BBQ on Friday night...I had seen the weather forecast for Saturday.....I'm so glad we changed plans...It poured down here from lunchtime! So Saturday night we got a Chinese! Yum!!

 This week on the menu we have...

Monday - Chinese pork steaks with noodles...
Tuesday - Tuna pasta bake...
 Wednesday - Cottage pie... 
Thursday - Quiche and salad...
Friday -
Gammon, pineapple and fried Egg & chips...
Saturday - Pizza...
 Sunday - Don't know yet....It's fathers day so it depends if Stu is working or not... 

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...

1 comment :

  1. Unfortunately, we don't have an Aldi store close. But I've found Lydl & Iceland to be very reasonable. I like your menus.
