Friday, 20 June 2014


My Word of The Week has to be.....

On Tuesday Ellie came out of school with a sticker saying she had a red card....At school they have to stay on green....They get warnings with amber but to get a red card it means they have been really naughty...

I went to see her teacher who told me Ellie had got 3 red cards so far this week and it was only Tuesday at the time.....She got them for messing about in the toilets..... Flooding them, wetting all the paper towels and making a mess.....They can't stop her going to the toilet but she goes and will quite happily stay in there for half an hour.....The teacher can't leave the classroom to get her....Then when she's back in the classroom the teacher has to catch her up which is stopping other children from learning.....

Ellie was given a 30 minute detention after school on Wednesday.....Which I thought was totally deserved!

I went to pick her up at half past three and one of the teachers had said Ellie has missed out on her play times too that day.....She had been back to playing in the toilets.....Not the best timing as the governors were visiting....The head teacher had to explain why a student was filling up all the sinks when she was supposed to be learning....

She knows what she is doing is wrong but just doesn't care....She has been punished in school and at home.....We've shouted, talked to her and tried sticker charts.....This week she's had no laptop, tablet and tv.....No sweets, cakes and no treats.......She's generally well behaved at school apart from when it comes to going to the toilet...

Thursday I picked her up from school....I was dreading it!! I went in to see the head teacher and was told Ellie had been fine all day....Phew!!

We're hoping the detention has worked.....


  1. Oh that's a tough one. Hope things get better and the detention has the desired effect.

  2. Oh dear! I hope you have a better week next week x #WotW

  3. I hope she snaps out of the toilet thing soon. #wotw

  4. The teacher isn't being very proactive in this case. Why doesn't she send a student escort with your daughter? Why doesn't she call the office to send a search party after your daughter has been out of the classroom for longer than three minutes. There is a lot that can be done here to avoid the problem.

    1. We have came to realise this too today when I was speaking to a family member.....I think if she plays up again I'm going to say something more must be done! x

  5. Oh no, this sounds a tough one to crack. I do hope she improves soon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  6. Wow, good luck. I bet your pulling your hair out. How old is she? Mines lost her phone for 3 days this week and gets back on Monday ( if she's good over the weekend)

    1. She's
      Uh-oh! Hope yours is good over the weekend x

  7. Wow. I hope that her being good will continue. I am thinking a lot about this. How do I discipline my 4 year old son and things. Hopefully I can think of something good before he starts school this September so that I wont have red cards. #wotw

    1. It has so far....
      Aww I'm sure you'll have nothing to worry about :)

  8. I feel for you, it must have been a frustrating week! The only advice I can offer is to be consistent on her punishments. Fingers crossed she has learnt her lesson and will continue to be good next week :-) #WotW

    1. We have been and it seems to have worked so far....I think she's learned her lesson :) x

  9. Oh no, that is so naughty! It is just awful when you get disappointed... Let's hope the toilet thing has lost its novelty and she remains as good as gold next week.

  10. uh oh that sounds like a tough week. here's hoping she's learned her lesson and stays on green cards from now on. #WotW

    1. Thank you! She's been good so far this week.

  11. When they get to teenage years you'll think this is easy as pie lol.

    1. I have a tween as well so I'm starting to get a taster of the teenage antics.. lol

  12. Oh, that's tough, how frustrating :( Hope this week is going better x

  13. I know I'm picking up on the wrong angle here, but now you've got me worried about school detentions! I can't wait to pick up my young daughters from daycare, and the thought that they are there for a moment longer than they need to be feels me with the idea that when they are older and go to school and the school keeps them back for half an hour...seems like a punishment (and a hassle) to me as well as for the girls.

    That said - I had my share of detentions when I was at school...but in my defense, "they started it"!

    1. It was a hassle to me too....My eldest finished school got halfway home and then had to walk back to pick her sister up with me but she totally deserved her detention....Nothing else seemed to be getting thorough to her....
