Monday, 23 June 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Monday, Monday....Oh how I dislike you! lol...I'm on the countdown now to the summer holidays....Only about four more weeks to go until the kids break up for just over six weeks!! This week the kids have their sports day which we are looking forward to.....

On Saturday we're hoping to go to the Newcastle Hoppings Fair....I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's dry....Every year we've been we've had to wear wellies as it's known to always rain when The Hoppings is on....Last year it was actually flooded and they moved it to 

On the menu this week we have....

Monday - Hot chicken and stuffing sandwiches...
Tuesday - Pork and apple sausages with wedges
 Wednesday - Tuna rice salad...
Thursday - Spaghetti & meatballs...
Friday - 
Chicken nuggets, chips and beans
 Saturday - We're going to the fair so who knows....Hot dogs and Candyfloss if the kids have their way!...
 Sunday - Pie & mash...

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky...


  1. Chicken and stuffing sandwiches are amazing!

    Enjoy your week - hope the sunshine lasts!


  2. Ohh candyfloss, I dont think Izzy has ever had that yet - I always wanted one of those at home mini candyfloss machines, think I might invest in one for the girl's birthdays as a special treat! thanks for giving me the idea! x

  3. That tuna rice salad looks like a quick and easy dish! Thanks for sharing.
