Friday, 31 July 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Change! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It has been a nice week here. We're seem to be just plodding along getting on with life. There didn't seem much to write about until I started writing this blog post.

I use "Blogger" to blog and they are slowly changing to a new interface. I tried it a little while ago and couldn't insert any photos which was a known issue and they have fixed that so yesterday I decided to give it another go to write this blog post. It's a no from me at the moment. I can't get the text size right. The large which I've always used is too large and the normal seems too small. The size I've used since I started blogging isn't an option anymore. I soon made a return to the "old blogger" which is still an option at the moment. I am going to leave it until they force me to change over to the new one and hope they've tweaked things and fixed everything that people are complaining about.

Ellie had a day out with her best friend and her mum on Wednesday. They went to the beach and she had the best time. They went on speedboat, had chips, played in the sand and sea and went on fairground rides. I sent her with just over £25 and of course she didn't bring home any change. I would say that isn't bad but she had her lunch and drinks bought for her. lol She came home and talked for over an hour about what they got up to. She was one happy girl.

I thought I'd have a quiet day on Wednesday but Becky's girlfriend "A" came over. They were sat watching TikTok videos and giggling. I sent them outside. lol They were doing my head in. I did tell them that in the nicest possible way. I was feeling rather stressed with Ellie having her first proper day out and led me to me feeling anxious. I know Ellie's friends mum would take care of her but after being in lockdown for however many weeks it is a big change to get my head around. I know the virus is still out there but we have to get back to some sort of normal.

Stu had a change to his working hours this past week. We have got used to having a lazy morning, us not getting up until 9am but a couple of days this past week Stu has had to be at work for half seven which means we've said goodbye to our lazy mornings. If he wakes up I do too then if I'm up everyone is up including the kids. Becky got a lie in yesterday. I told her to get up when I left the house at 10am and when I got home, coming on for midday she was still in bed. Grr! 

There has been a change in weather too. The rain seems to have gone and the sunshine is back. It's supposed to be gorgeous here over the weekend so I can see a change in our meal plan happening. I am quite fancying a BBQ tonight.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

What I loved in July 2020!

Another month has flown over and life for some is starting to get back to normal. We are still staying home as much as we can. The kids have been going to the park and we've had their friends visiting (obviously all not at the same time). I think that's as normal as it's going to get for now although in August I will have to have a trip into town to get school shoes for Ellie and the kids the last of their birthday presents.

What I loved in July!

The WWE Network.
I subscribed to the WWE Network at the beginning of July and I think I've already got my money's worth. It is a streaming service showing all things WWE wrestling related. I have watched so much and I am working my way through every episode of Raw since the late 90's. That's one episode, every week so I have a lot to watch. lol Even the kids are starting to love it now.

Pease Pudding.
I finally made my own and it was amazing! I gave some to my dad and he loved it and Stu mentioned it to someone at work who is a fan of pease pudding too but like me can't buy any around here so I will be making some for her in my next batch.

Reduced items.
I used to love going to the local shops on an evening to see what reduced things they had in but during the lockdown the reductions dried up but recently they have been appearing again and I feel like we've been treating ourselves but spending hardly anything. Ellie loves the Sushi which is supposed to be a couple of pounds but I have been getting it for 40 or 50 pence. Becky has been loving the reduced cream cakes and I have been loving all the cheap flowers. I have been getting a lot of sunflowers. Some reduced from £8 to a £1. 

Shopping for birthday presents.
I am just about finished shopping for the kids birthday presents. Becky's was easy, she's getting a laptop and clothes but Ellie was a little harder. She wanted all things Japanese. Things like Bento boxes, Anime and Kawaii things and chopsticks. lol It really was fun shopping for her and she chose most of her presents but I added a few extra things too.

The end of the school year. 
It was the strangest school year ever and we were glad to see the end of it. Ellie and I were so done with the home schooling. We're already getting ready for the new school year in September. I've bought some of what Ellie needs uniform wise but we still have a few things more to buy like stationery and of course school shoes.

I haven't been loving this because my family are a bunch of cheats but my family and especially my girls have been obsessed with it. They've played it with Becky's girlfriend and then with Ellie's friend.

What have you loved in July?

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

(Ad - Gifted) A different type of snack. Awfully Posh Pork Crackling - Review!

My fella and I are big snackers and on a Saturday evening when we're watching TV or a film we like to have something a little different. I was recently sent some Awfully Posh Pork Crackling to try out and we did over the weekend.

When I think of pork scratchings or crackling I think of men sitting in the pub eating them but recently there has been a growth in the number of women who enjoying this range. This is likely to be due to the fact that they are high protein and low carb so work well with both the KETO and Atkins approach to meal plans and diets.

At the moment I am in no rush to visit any pubs so eating them at home with a couple of drinks is the next best thing and felt like such a treat.

So what makes this pork crackling so Awfully Posh?

They use pork rinds from the highest quality, outdoor bred pigs, which are hand fried in small batches. As they cool down, they are lightly sprinkled with the unique, natural seasoning blends and absolutely nothing else. Any pieces that don't meet the impeccable standards of the quality control experts are swiftly discarded. The lucky ones that do make the cut are carefully placed into the charming little bags. 

Chilli and Roasted Garlic Pork Crackling

The delightfully crispy texture of our cracklings combined with Ancho chili powder, roasted garlic and sea salt create an addictively delicious taste sensation. It's just the right amount of heat with a perfect crunch and an amazing mouthfeel, delivering a light, yet indulgent snacking experience.

A packet of Chilli and Roasted Garlic Pork Crackling

Sea Salt Pork Crackling

The mouthwatering pork cracklings is lightly sprinkled with a balanced dash of organic sea salt, spices and absolutely nothing else as they cool down. A lovely non-greasy texture with the perfect amount of salt and spices developed to highlight the rich flavor of pork skins.

A packet of Sea Salt Pork Crackling

Before being sent these to try I would have never have thought of eating them at home. To me they were a pub thing but I am converted. Stu and I munched our way through these in no time. They were delicious and very moreish. They had the right amount of crunch to them but at the same time not too crunchy. Usually I find anything with chilli too spicy but the chilli and garlic one's were just right. I had that tingle on my tongue but didn't have to stop eating them because they were too hot. The Sea Salt one's were nice but could have done with a little more salt. I still enjoyed them though.

At the moment there are plenty of people still staying home as much as they can because of "the virus" so Awfully Posh set up an Amazon Shop selling their delicious Awfully Posh Pork Crackling and you can still buy them at The British Snack Co online shop

I was sent the Awfully Posh Pork Crackling free of charge in exchange for this blog post.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Our plans for the summer holidays!

This time last year we had just moved to Scunthorpe and over the summer holidays we made no plans at all. We wanted to get settled in, sort the house out and spend time with my dad and his partner. This summer was the one where we were supposed to be doing things.

Now what? We don't drive so would have to get the bus anywhere and to be honest we're not keen with "the virus" still being out there. This years summer holidays are certainly going to be different as we'll be staying close to home.

I think we're going to be going on plenty of bike rides. Last summer we went on a fair few and the kids were determined to get all the way to the Humber Bridge. Eek! We will of course be taking a picnic and drinks. Stu was working on the bikes yesterday making sure all the tyres were up and ready to go on the road.

My dad gave us a tent when we moved here and it's been up twice but we have yet to sleep in it. I think over the holidays will be perfect for camping out. We will just stay in the back garden in case the kids chicken out and want their own beds but I think it will be a lot of fun. We might even have a BBQ before camping out and of course roast some marshmallows.

The kids will no doubt have plenty trips to the park and walks out with their friends. I have said no already to them going into town (mainly Becky) to meet up with her friends. I trust my girls to keep their distance, it's other people I don't trust.

We will be visiting my dad. He has pear trees and apple trees that are growing lots and they will be ready to be picked in a few weeks. We of course will be making pies and crumbles. Now we have the big freezer I will be able to make lots, freeze them and they'll keep us filled for a while.

A place we have wanted to visit for a long time is Normanby Hall Country Park which is a short bike ride away. It sounds an interesting day out with a museum and gardens to stroll around. I will have to keep an eye on that as at the moment it's only open to members but I am considering buying a family and friends membership which only costs a few more pound than a day visit and then we can go anytime for a year and up to 7 of us can visit.

I have said to the kids that we will be having a good clear out of their bedrooms. Their birthdays are coming up so will need to make room for new clothes they will be getting. I know Ellie especially has grown out of so much of her clothes so the charity shops will be pleased with our donations.

The girls will of course spend lots of time playing on Fortnite and their computers, chatting to friends online and I am sure we'll watch plenty of films too.

What plans do you have for over the summer holidays?

Monday, 27 July 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 27th July - 2nd August. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well. A couple of meals got swapped around, we had home made fish & chips on Friday which wasn't planned and yesterday instead of the roast dinner we had leftover curry from Saturday with rice. 

I feel so excited for this weeks food. I am really looking forward to the roast dinner, it seems ages since we last had one. I've even ordered fresh parsnips now Tesco has eased up a bit on how many items you can order.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - A roast chicken dinner.
Tuesday - The leftovers from the roast dinner in a pie
Wednesday - Pizza and fries.
Thursday - Pork, Black Pudding & Apple sausages with potato wedges.
Friday - Fish finger sandwiches.
Saturday - Chicken curry, egg fried rice, spring rolls and prawn crackers.
Sunday - Leftover curry with chips.

What are you eating this week?

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Masks are now the new normal.

Masks have became the new normal and my girls are loving theirs. They have a few each, all different designs and colours and thankfully they don't mind wearing them. I wore one properly for the first time on Friday (you can see mine in my Project 366 blog post) and I found it OK. I was a little hot but bearable.

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Week 30 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

Ahh! The first week of the summer holidays was a relaxed one. We didn't really do much different from what we've done for the last couple of months. There was no school work and it feels like it's taken all the pressure off.

I have been busy doing online shopping. Birthday pressies for Ellie, a new laptop for Becky for her birthday and I made a start on the back to school things. I'm feeling very organised.

Now for a photo every day.

The kids in from the parked soaked and Monkey the soft toy sat on the arm of the sofa.
Sausages in buns with ketchup and mustard on
Gardening gloves and a trowel and my youngest playing Fortnite on her PC
The board game Monopoly and me wearing a mask

200/366 - 18th July
The kids had been out and got caught in the rain. They weren't too fussed that they were soaked. Of course they didn't have coats on, just hoodies.

201/366 - 19th July
Just me and Monkey watching TV. (I know, he's a lion but he's called Monkey. lol) The kids had no interest in watching Labyrinth, they really do hate that film. It's one of my favourites.

202/366 - 20th July
Sausages in buns for tea. It was supposed to be a nice and simple meal until the kids realised that there was no mustard so it was a quick run to the shop to get some.

203/366 - 21st July
I always thought people exaggerated about how much weeding there was to do in gardens but I totally get it now. It is a never ending job! 

204/366 - 22nd July
My youngest and her friend were playing Fortnite on the PC's. Stu's and Ellie's computers. It's a great way to keep them socially distanced. hehehe

205/366 - 23rd July
The kids are obsessed with playing Monopoly at the moment. On Wednesday it was Eliie, Becky and Becky's girlfriend and Thursday it was Becky, Ellie and Ellie's friend.

206/366 - 24th July
I wore a mask when I went to the local auction and survived. I did get a little hot but it was a hot day and the building is hot anyway. They are great for hiding spots and me mouthing "idiot" under my breath to people. It's a shame it couldn't hide my puffy eyes, hayfever kicked my butt yesterday.

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Friday, 24 July 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Buying! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It has been the first week of the summer holidays and not much has changed from the previous weeks we just went from doing school work to not doing school work and pretty much everything else has stayed the same, well apart from having an extra couple of lie in's. hehehe

It has been a really relaxed week. I have just pottered about the house and garden, Stu has been to work and the kids have mostly been doing their own thing. Becky's girlfriend came over on Wednesday as per usual and Ellie's best friend has been over a couple of times too. They have all become obsessed with playing Monopoly so that has taken up a couple of afternoons. 

I have of course bought a few extra face coverings/masks for us. The kids seem to be losing them all of the time. Grr! I just got them off eBay as nowhere locally sells them. Today is the day where we will all have to wear them in enclosed public spaces. The kids have already been wearing them for weeks if they have gone to the shop and Stu has been wearing one for work. It's just me who hasn't really worn one yet. I think I'll be OK. I'll find out this afternoon when we go for a look around the local auction. Eek!

I have had a busy week doing some online shopping. We have got a few bargains for the kids birthdays. Stu had been keeping an eye on a laptop on the Ebuyer website. It had been on there "coming soon" for weeks with no price on but finally went on sale for £299 on Friday. Stu said for the processor type and 8GB ram was a bargain for that price so he bought it. It's being delivered next week. I was tempted to buy one for myself but the hard drive was only 256GB which isn't big enough for me. I hoard far too much on my laptop. lol So that's Becky's birthday done apart from a shopping spree around Primark.

I am finished with Ellie's birthday too. I got a delivery from The Range yesterday and I feel like I've got some bargains, the best being the rose gold rechargeable ear pods for £5.99 and an adorable Narwhal money bank for £1.99 which was way bigger than I thought it would be.

I also made a start on the back to school shopping. Becky doesn't need anything apart from stationery most of which she can get from college using her college finance and thankfully Ellie doesn't need that much compared to the last couple of years. For the last two years I've had to buy a whole new uniform for her. One for starting secondary school and then last year when we moved house, a whole new uniform for a new school but this year all I need to buy are trousers, socks and a new bag which I ordered yesterday from George at Asda. The stationery and shoes can wait until closer to September. A few years ago I bought Ellie shoes early and she had grown out of them by the time school started. lol

I am hoping to have a good few weeks where we don't have to buy anything apart from food. It seems all I've done for the past few weeks is spend money and it's fast running out.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Why you should be faking it when it comes to takeaways!

We all know that takeaways are bad for our waistlines, bank balances and the planet and we now only have one a month as a payday treat and tend to make a fakeaway on a Saturday night which still seems like a treat! For a while a lot of our nearby takeaways were closed because of coronavirus and to be honest we didn't miss them.

Making takeaway style food at home rather than ordering it in is good for so many reasons:

It’s better for your health!
Eating takeaways adds to our waistlines and our overall health can suffer due to the large amounts of calories, fat and salt hidden in takeaway meals. Cooking your own meal at home means that it is healthier using fresh ingredients and you can cook it however you please, you don't have to fry and use a ton of oil, you can choose leaner cuts of meat and not add any salt at all.

It can save you time!
Choosing a takeaway might seem a time saver but, in most cases, you can put together your own fakeaway in less time than it takes to order and wait for the delivery. By the time you've looked through the menu, decided what you want, phoned or ordered online and then waited for it to be delivered an hour and a half could have passed. I know that's the case for us.

It’s easier to control portions!
Every time we get a takeaway I always order too much and I always end up eating far too much too. If it's in front of me I feel like I have to eat it! Takeaways come in huge portions, far exceeding recommended serving sizes and it's so easy to get carried away ordering if you're hungry!

They’re great for reducing waste!
On top of big portions it’s also easy to order in way too much takeaway food which ends up going into the bin. I don't like to reheat things like Chinese takeaway, the only thing I will eat the next day is pizza.

You can create meals to suit your needs!
Nut free, vegan, gluten free, low carb, dairy free. Making your own fakeaway means that you can control what goes into your meals. I used to get migraines when I ate cheese so always used to make my own pizza's without the cheese. It saved a small fortune.

You can save lots of money!
We can easily spend £30 on a takeaway and everything we buy can be made at home for a fraction of the cost! It seems daft buying a takeaway when what we pay is nearly half of our shopping budget per week.

It’s better for the environment!
Takeaways also come at an extra cost to the environment. Greenhouse gases are created as a result of producing, packaging, transporting, storing and cooking food. One study has estimated that 2,025 million takeaway containers are used each year with plastic ones being the worst for the environment. Even the cardboard pizza boxes can't be recycled once they have had food in them. 

Do you eat many takeaways? Have you thought about making your own at home?

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

(Ad - Gifted) A subscription box for teenagers! Teen Calm - Review!

Being a teenager can be stressful. I know my two have suffered with self doubt and anxiety in the past and a few years ago Ellie my 12 year old was diagnosed with social anxiety. Thankfully things are a lot better for Ellie now. We have had our ups and downs, being home because of Coronavirus hasn't helped but Ellie is in a good place.

Sometimes teenagers need a little treat and recently we were sent a Teen Calm box to have a look at which was full of all things that teenagers love.

Teen Calm logo

Teen Calm is a brand new subscription box that has been created by mother and daughter team Cathy and Freya who know only too well the consequences of anxiety and the importance of taking time out from life to look after themselves! They are aimed at those who need a little helping hand in their day-to-day life, anxious teens, those with ASD/ADHD, anyone who needs their confidence lifting, who feels left out and need a little reminder that they’re not alone. 

The beautifully packaged box contains a handpicked collection of fun, mood-boosting treats that are intended to help create a self-care routine that so many teens do not have but one that can really help them to deal with their mental health as well as not feeling so alone!

Teen Calm packaging
The contents of the teen calm box. A book, bathbomb, sweet treat, fidget toy, facemask.

Ellie opened the box and spent a lot of time oohing and ahhing at everything in the box. She was very happy and impressed with everything included. She isn't usually one to just go for a soak in the bath but planned to use the bath bomb and face mask that afternoon. 

A pink and white round bath bomb
A panda face mask and a little card game.

As well as the bath bomb and face mask there was a little game to play which Ellie and Becky have had great fun playing. It's so simple and can easily be popped in a bag to play while they're out.

I was quite excited to see the book Calm by Fearne Cotton. I have read about it online and it sounds like a fantastic book.

"Calm is Fearne's mission to find the simple things that can inch us away from stress and over to the good stuff. Including expert advice, conversations with wise friends from all walks of life, easy ideas to try, activities to complete.

Becky has claimed the book from the box. I think it is more for older teenagers and Becky is 17 so seems perfect for her. She is really enjoying it and is finding it so interesting.

Fearne Cotton's book Calm and a monkey fidget toy
A card with how to calm yourself and a strawberry fruit treat

The little monkey fidget toy is adorable. Ellie's favourite animal is a monkey and she is one of those people who do fidget and needs to keep her hands busy so this is great for her. The last thing in the box was a sweet treat which all teenagers need.

Each and every month different, new and exciting gifts are delivered to subscribers. All you have to do to get your very own box is sign up answer a few important questions and provide payment and shipping details. There are 4 different subscriptions. A one off, 3 months, 6 months and a whole year.

A list of the teen calm subscriptions. 1 month £25, 3 months £72, 6 months £140 and a whole year for £270

Ellie loves this box and the idea behind it and I do too. It is something I would think about buying her in the future. I think this box is a fantastic treat for when the stresses of day to day life are getting a little too much.

We were sent the Teen Calm box free of charge in exchange for this blog post.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

The end of year 8 and first year at college.

It was officially the end of the school year for us on Friday. It has been the strangest school years ever. We knew it was going to be different with both of my girls starting new schools and colleges after moving house but we also had the added pandemic.

Both of my girls got off to a great start at their new schools and college and to be honest after worrying on their first days there has been no more worrying or stressing at all. It is the happiest ever they've been in education. Ellie finally understands the saying "school days are the happiest days of our lives" because she really is happy and Becky the same at college.

Ellie has just finished year 8 and it has flown over. She settled into her new school and has made a ton of new friends. She does have 2 best friends who she is always with but mixes with lots more people than she used to. The social anxiety she had has just about vanished, now she just doesn't worry about what other people think about her. I think what has really helped Ellie is the lack of bullying. Ellie was bullied relentlessly for most of primary school and in year 7. When we moved house she finally got the new start away from the bullies which she needed.

When Ellie started the new school she was put into the higher ability classes because of her results for the end of year tests from her old school and she struggled. They were learning things in September following on from what they learned in year 7. Ellie wasn't there in year 7 so was a little lost with some of the work as she hadn't learned it in her old school. After a couple of months into the school year I had a phone call from her form tutor saying Ellie had been to ask her if she could move classes which surprised me that she actually went to the teacher in the first place as at her old school she would just struggle on without asking for help. The tutor saw that Ellie was struggling and was happy for her to move classes and she did and since then she has been even happier at school. I think having her 2 best friends in that class helps but all the termly reports I've got she is at or above where she needs to be in her learning.

What else that has really impressed me about the new school is that they are amazing with Ellie's hearing loss. I think it helps that her form tutor is deaf too and has hearing aids. Ellie has had so much support and is always sat in the best place for her to hearing what's going on in the classroom.

Home schooling hasn't been fun for Ellie or for me. Neither of us are cut out for it but we have tried our best and I can say Ellie has learned things, probably not as much as she would at school but each day she has done at least 3 hours of work.

Becky finished her first year at college about month ago doing a Health and Social care course and she has loved every second of college even having to get up early and getting the bus. 

Becky didn't have the best of times at secondary school but college has been brilliant for her. I think it helps that there is a mix of ages there and they are all treat like adults and not children. She has grown in confidence and learned to be herself, not a copy of girls she think are the cool girls. She has met a good bunch of people and of course "A", her girlfriend. 

Becky has been interested and focused on the work and when her college shut because of coronavirus she really knuckled down and finished the assignments she needed to and did extra credit work too.

Becky has already enrolled for the next course at college, the higher level health and social care course. She still doesn't know what she wants to do when she leaves college but she has a couple of years to think about it. There has been talk of going to university which I think would be fantastic but we'll see what happens.

It really was a strange school year but the best for both of my girls and me too. I have found it so strange not having to ring the school and college about bullying issues and drama going on. There was a point late last year when I was feeling anxious some days because I wasn't used to everything going so well for my girls.

Usually at this time of year my girls are ready for a break but I think if someone announced that the schools and colleges were opening next week they'd be happy to go back! That's them though. I am ready for a break from the home schooling, some fun and a lot of lie in's. hehehe

Monday, 20 July 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 20th - 26th July. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went really well. I had fun in the kitchen. Ellie and I did some baking and I made some pease pudding following a recipe from Dragons and Fairydust. It's a North East thing and I have really missed it since we moved house. I practically lived off Ham & pease pudding sandwiches for lunch last week. lol

I hadn't planned on getting a food shop delivered this week but I realised we were out of all the normal things like bread, milk, ham, eggs, potatoes, etc, etc and I could have gone to our little Tesco express but I've realised they never have the cheap own brands in and the big cartons of milk. I really hate paying £1 for a loaf of bread when I know I can get a own brand for 59p when I get it delivered from the big Tesco. I know it's only pennies but they do add up. I worked it out. I spent £59 on a shop delivered but with the top brands it would have cost over £80.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Hot dogs and fries.
TuesdayTuna & sweetcorn cakes & salad. 
Thursday - Bolognese (out of the freezer) in tacos.
Friday - Pizza.
Sunday - A roast dinner of some sort.

What are you eating this week?

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Waiting for the apples and pears.

My dad has a fair few fruit trees and at this time of year we start to get excited when we can see things growing. Now it's just a waiting game until they are ready to pick. In a few weeks I am sure there'll be pictures of apple & pear crumbles and pies that I will have made. hehehe