Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Leftover roast dinner pie - Recipe!

I found a recipe using leftovers from a roast dinner to make a pie. I didn't follow the recipe but it gave me the idea to make the pie I did and some leftover jam tarts!

I always cook far too much when I make a roast dinner. Usually we just have it reheated or made into bubble and squeak but this time we fancied something different. There was plenty of carrots, meat and parsnips left so I thought it would go well in a pie!

I used a basic shortcrust pastry recipe. Just using plain flour, butter, a pinch of salt and a few drops of water. I rolled it out and put it in the nearest thing I had to a pie dish.

For the filling I mixed the carrots, chicken, roast parsnips and some stuffing I found in the fridge with a jug full of gravy. It wasn't the nicest or prettiest thing to look at but my mouth was watering just thinking about it!

I put the filling into the pastry base and there was actually enough for a 2nd pie. I didn't make it though. I bagged the filling mix up and put it in the freezer. It will come in for another time.

I rolled out more of the pastry and put it on the top of the pie and popped it in the oven. I left it until it turned a lovely brown colour.

We ate it with the leftover mashed potato from the roast dinner and of course plenty of gravy. It was so good and just what we needed on a chilly day. I will be making it again. It's a great way to use up the leftovers.

Like I said I always cook too much and I'm the same when it comes to pastry. I actually had some left over, enough for some jam tarts. I haven't made jam tarts in years so it was a real treat!


  1. Ah we just yesterday had roast dinner leftovers that I just banged in a casserole dish and served as leftover casserole. Wish I'd seen this idea !! Next week!!#blogtober19

  2. What an utterly fabulous idea! Like all the best ideas too - quite simple really. Looks lovely - got to love a pie #Blogtober19

  3. Oh my days this looks so good! Perfect on a chilly day and a fab way to use up leftovers.
    Those jam tarts look amazing too. :) x

  4. That looks great. What a clever idea to put the leftovers in a pie

  5. Your leftover pie looks delicious!
