Saturday 26 October 2019

Week 43 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

Well that was half term. The kids have been out with friends on the dry days and on Thursday when it was chucking it down we had the loveliest day. They played Minecraft on the xbox, played a board game we were sent to review and did some more baking. Days like that where they are home and playing together are few and far between now they are older. 
We have had a lot of family time this past week come to think of it. It has been a good week!

Now for a photo every day!

290/365 - 19th October
Saturday and of course we went to the local auction. The bargain of the week was a upright freezer for £26. It's obviously 2nd hand and needed a clean but it works brilliantly. I can't wait to fill it with Christmas food! hehehe

291/365 - 20th October
We had a day of watching films. We started with The Neverending Story. The kids hadn't seen it before and thought it was a Halloween film as it was quite scary. Then Ellie went to play out so Stu, Becky and I watched The Breakfast Club! She loved it, it is a brilliant film. Then the girls and I watched 13 going on 30. 

292/365 - 21st October
I have pinched these gloves off Ellie. They're so cute and very warm. They are fingerless one's then the cats flip over to cover your fingers. Very handy!

293/365 - 22nd October
Becky came home just as I was getting the washing in. Of course I made her help!

294/365 - 23rd October
The kids were going out. Ellie with her friends and Becky with her's. I made them get some lunch before they went. I didn't want them coming in at tea time feeling hangry!

295/365 - 24th October
The girls did some baking. Shortbread witch fingers and Bat cupcakes. I felt like we needed to do some Halloween things because they're at school next week. Hmmf!

296/365 - 25th October
I think I went a bit overboard buying the treats to hand out on Halloween. In my defence I was supposed to remove the Haribo before I finished the online grocery order. What doesn't get handed out to trick or treaters will definitely not go to waste with my family. lol


  1. The Breakfast Club! Amazing film! Haven't seen it in so long...those witches fingers are pretty freaky lol #MMBC

  2. That's a bargain with the freezer!
    My girls haven't seen The NeverEnding Story either....should get them to watch it! Loving the gloves

  3. It sounds like you all had a lovely half term. The freezer looks really good! Would you believe I've never seen The Breakfast Club? We still need to buy some sweets (and a pumpkin) for Halloween.

  4. What a bargain with the freezer! And it has so many shelves, plenty of space for all the 2 for 1 offers on ice cream. We watched the Never-ending story with Eddie last year. He also thought it was creepy. The witches' fingers look good.

  5. Looks like a fab week 😘

  6. You can never have too many sweets for halloween. i'll be baking cakes to hand out here and decorating the outside of the house as well as myself and Bob

  7. love the gloves!! We are on half term this week, perfect for Halloween activities. I may try and get them to do some baking...the witches fingers look great. x

  8. Lovely insight into your family life. I want those gloves! #Blogtober19

  9. Love the Halloween baking! And I need those goves too #365

  10. Love the Breakfast Club and 13 going on 30. Great films. Sounds like it was a nice relaxing week.

  11. What a bargain with the freezer, that's fab. It has loads of shelves. I love Never Ending Story it is fab. Those witches fingers look cute xx

  12. quite right to make them eat before they go out. Great buy with the freezer.
    I never thought of neverending story as being scary, my kids all watched it quite young, same with Gremlins but my daughter wont let her kids watch them.
    great biscuits

  13. Love the shortbread fingers they look brilliant as does the freezer. You will fit loads of food in it. Sounds like a lovely relaxing half term. Ours was the following week, its strange how it seems so split this year.
