I never wrote a "What I loved" post in August, I totally forgot about it and by the time I realised it was halfway through September. Oops. We have had a good couple of months.
Stu, Becky and Ellie have all had their birthdays over the last couple of months. We have decided that birthday days out are a thing and we visited The Deep for Stu's birthday and saw a ton of fish, sharks and penguins, a trampoline park for Ellie's birthday where the kids wore themselves out with a meal at the pub and an arcade for Becky's birthday as well as another meal out.
Not catching Covid!
We have had quite a few days out which included sitting on buses and being around people, the kids have went back to school and college so the chances of catching Covid has increased for us. It's rife at Ellie's school, they're back to class bubbles, wearing masks and last week advised all year 10 & 11's to get a PCR test so they can identify anyone who is asymptomatic. Thankfully Ellie's came back negative.
The new season of Fortnite started earlier this month and I am back in love with it. I fell out of love with it a couple of seasons ago, back in March. There was too much faffing creating weapons and shooting animals. Now it seems simple, well apart from "The Sideways" which really makes me think of The Upside Down from Stranger Things. If you play you will know what I'm on about.
Getting fit!
After getting a cross trainer and a treadmill from our local auction I have been on a mission to get fit. It's been a learning curve, figuring out what works for me and what doesn't. I may have hurt my ankle on the treadmill but that has just meant that I have found other ways to exercise. I need to lose weight and so far just with a bit of exercise and eating sensibly I've lost nearly 5 pounds. Someone who I haven't seen for a while did ask if I've lost weight as I am looking really well. It gave me such a boost. I don't see it yet but if others do I must be doing something right.
Help tells the story of care worker Sarah and her relationship with patient Tony during the outbreak of Coronavirus. The feature length drama was amazing but so, so sad. It showed how badly the care homes were affected. Jodie Comer & Stephen Graham deserve all of the awards.
Eating hearty meals!
The weather has changed and we're back to eating warming, filling meals. Roast dinner, casseroles and stews. The kids always prefer to eat these sorts of meals, even when they are packed full of veg.
The return to school!
The kids are back at school and college and it feels like I am finally getting some time to myself. I have a Monday just with Stu and then a Wednesday home alone!
The kids have settled in well at school and college, it's the same old for Becky in her 3rd year at college and Ellie is absolutely loving school, the fact she has engineering and photography 4 days a week has helped. She is actually wanting to do her homework for those lessons and she has already started asking for her own camera. I said we will have to wait and see what Santa brings.
I've had a good few buys from my local auction. The treadmill and cross trainer for £15 each, a box of random vases and things for £3 and most recently a dressing table and stool for £5 and a big storage box pouffe for £3. Not only is it a place to buy things it gives us chance to see people and enjoy something to eat in the cafe.
I have never been one to eat breakfast but now I am exercising first thing on a morning I need to eat otherwise I just feel empty. I have been eating porridge, fruit and yoghurt, pancakes and fruit and scrambled eggs on toast. I feel so much better for eating breakfast.
AEW Wrestling!
As long as I have watched wrestling it's always been the WWE but now there is a new company, well it's new to me but has been around for a few years. I spotted it on ITV4 one evening and now I'm hooked. They've got a lot of my favourite wrestlers working for them, mostly those who left the WWE when they were wronged but who cares. I can watch CM Punk, Jericho, Daniel Bryan and good old JR the commentator. I don't think it will be long until AEW are the top company in the world.
What have you been loving lately?