Saturday, 11 September 2021

Week 36 of #Project365. 4th - 10th September. A photo every day for a year!

 We are so ready for the weekend. The first week back at school and college for my girls was tiring for us all. It was a good week though, the girls are loving school and college, Ellie especially. She is so happy to be back in classes with her friends, she is loving engineering and photography and I even got a message from school saying how well she had done in English literature. Nothing has changed for Becky because it's her 2nd year of her course. The teacher did take pity on the class though and let them join in the induction fun that all the newbies were having. They all got free doughnuts, candyfloss and an afternoon off learning.

Now for a photo every day!

Purple hair dye
Ironed uniform & my youngest putting her tie on
A lorry outside of my house
Workout video and birthday cakes
My eldest opening her presents

240/365 - 4th September
Hair dye day. Stu also helped with me cutting my hair, it's shorter than I've had it in years, just below my ears. I am getting better at not making a mess with the hair dye. I went purple this time and the colour on my head is near enough the same colour as what came out of the pot. 

241/365 - 5th September
As Ellie had grown out of her old uniform it worked out cheaper to buy the blazer and everything else and her to go in the new uniform. The only downside is that she needs to wear white shirts which need ironing. I had to actually go hunting for the iron, it's very rare that I iron but I will have to get used to it at least once a week or until I teach Ellie to iron. lol

242/365 - 6th September
Back to school! Ellie was very excited to go to school and we had a quick masterclass in tying ties. I haven't tied a tie since I was at school about 25 years ago but showed her how to tie it. It's strange the things you never forget.

243/365 - 7th September
We had a bit of excitement with a big truck parked outside of our house. I was in full on nosy neighbour mode. My dad's friend over the road was getting something delivered and came with his little forklift truck.

244/365 - 8th September
My exercising is still going well. I am taking it easy with the running on the treadmill because I have a sore knee but I have been doing work outs which I have found on YouTube. I like the one's with music and this one was an 80's one and on Thursday I did a One Direction one. 

245/365 - 9th September
I had another couple of days worrying that Tesco wouldn't deliver the birthday cakes, this time for Becky. The Friends one was a substitute, we had ordered the new version of it but they sent the old version. We can live with that, Becky had it last year and it's delicious.

246/365 - 10th September
Becky's 19th birthday! She had a great day so far, I was writing this yesterday morning. She loved all of her presents and her main present was the money to pay for a passport so she can go on holiday next year.

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  1. Happy birthday Becky. Glad she had a good day. I'm not looking forward to proper shirts for N next year. Hopefully he'll be keen to iron his own.

  2. Happy birthday to Becky! That Friends cake looks good. I showed your pic on Insta to Eddie, and he said he wants the same cake for his birthday next summer. I didn't even know they make Friends cakes now. I hate ironing shirts etc, such a tedious task. I also dyed my hair this week, but in a dull coffee colour, not brave enough to go purple. :)

  3. Wow your youngest looks so grown up in her uniform :) X #mmbc

  4. Happy Birthday Becky. I can't get away with not ironing...clothes are too creased!

    Oh I want to try purple hair!

  5. Glad Ellie managed to get to grips with the tie (and you could still remember how to do it!) Well done on keeping going with the exercise - I love workout videos with music and have found a few musical theatre ones that I love. Glad Becky had a good birthday. #project365

  6. I am impressed I am not sure if I could still do a tie and I am so not looking forward to ironing shirts, better start teaching Charlie now. Happy belated birthday Becky gald she had a great day and that the cake came.

  7. Love the hair colour you've chosen this time and you're brave asking Stu to cut it. I wouldn't know if the cake was a new design or last years, just as long as it tasted good. happy 19th Becky. Well done with the tie also.

  8. Happy birthday to Becky! I've had to teach Matthew and Anya to tie a tie as they needed it from year 3! #project365
