Monday, 27 September 2021

Our weekly meal plan! 27th September - 3rd October. #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

We got through the weekend without Ellie testing positive for Covid and that seems like a great achievement since all of Ellie's friends seem to be catching the virus. It is rife at her school. 

Another achievement was the meal plan from last week. It went well. There were a couple of minor changes. I couldn't get any parsnips for the roast dinner, the chicken thighs in the Tex-Mex chicken taco traybake ended up being chicken breasts, my family had fish, chips and mushy peas on Friday and I found some Scampi in the freezer so had that. I felt like I was winning at life.

We don't have much planned this week. Stu and I might be going to town today. We're at that point where we need lots of random things like pegs, puncture repair supplies, paint for my bargain dressing table, teaspoons and some other bits. I think Wilko's is going to get a few pounds off me. lol Apart from that we don't have much on. I am looking forward to a nice relaxed week. Fingers crossed anyway. 

On the menu this week we have:

MondaySausage casserole, mash & veg.
TuesdayLazy chicken curry.
Wednesday - Tomato risotto.
Thursday - Breakfast burritos.
Friday - Pizza.
Sunday - Mince, dumplings and mashed potato.

What are you eating this week?

Meal planning linky


  1. So glad Ellie has managed to escape the dreaded Covid. Boo had to have a test last week too, I knew she only had a cold but because of her symptoms they wouldn't let her back to school without a negative PCR test. The meals sound yummy this week, I'm liking the slow cooker chicken nachos, I'd have never thought of putting nachos in my slow cooker. xx

  2. So relieved to hear Ellie has so far managed to escape catching the virus. It's so sad that it's going around her school so much though.

    Most of these meals sound really delicious! I live in a care facility, so we get microwavable meals delivered to us most days. Currently emptying out the freezer, but there isn't enough for me to bridge the gap until we'll get the meals delivered again, so I'm hoping my staff will help me cook something fresh later this week.

  3. Glad your daughter has continued testing negative.

  4. Your meal plan sounds delicious! I've only planned 3 meals so far this week due to an unpredictable schedule in our house. Glad to hear your daughter is COVID negative. I was positive last month and while it was a mild case, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Stay well!

  5. Ooh good luck with avoiding covid. I'm starting to get quite a few kids coughing in class - hopefully just the usual winter colds but I'm not feeling good about it ! Loving the sound of this week's meals, especially the curry :)

  6. Fingers crossed Ellie remains negative. It has been spreading in my eldest's year at school too, so both my boys have been testing daily since last week and my eldest is the only one in his class not to get it. Luckily he did have his first vaccine at end of August due to his medical history.

    Menu plan sounds good, but I'm intrigued by nachos in the slow cooker. I would have thought the tortilla chips would go soggy. I do my nachos in the oven
