Friday, 3 September 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Over! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Here we are the last official day of the school holidays. (weekends don't count, hehehe) They holidays have flown over! It feels like we haven't done much but looking over our summer bucket list we didn't actually do too bad. We did about half the things I had planned and plan to tick off a couple of things next week too.

The weather has really let us down. It feels like summer was over a few weeks ago. I have started wearing my winter jumpers again and there is such a chill in the air. I did think about putting the heating on the other night but resisted, it's far too early yet. We were supposed to go to the beach on Wednesday with my dad but the weather wasn't great, it certainly wasn't beach weather so we ended up staying home and just getting fish and chips delivered for tea.

I am ready for Autumn. As much as I like the sunshine I do like September and October when all of the new TV shows due to start. I've already seen Strictly, The Great British Bake Off, Gordon, Gino and Fred advertised as coming soon and surely Doctor Who must be back on TV soon too?

Ellie's birthday is over for another year and she had a great day and weekend. She was spoilt rotten, got everything she wanted and more. We went to the cinema, the trampoline park, had a meal out and a party tea on Sunday. Best birthday ever she says. I aim to please. hehehe

Becky was expecting to wait a few weeks to get her DBS certificate back for the care home job she will be starting soon but it was delivered during the week, she signed the contract and is now waiting for a start date. She rang the manager of the care home and told her the days she will be in college. It's two days a week this year which is pretty exciting for me. I will have 2 whole days without any children and maybe more depending on when Becky is working. What a treat!

I am glad this week is over to be honest, after the excitement of Ellie's birthday it has dragged. I am thinking next week will fly over with it being the first back at school and college and Becky's birthday. She'll be 19 which doesn't seem possible. She has a weekend of fun planned too. I can't wait.

We are all ready for the return to school but as of writing this Becky's bus pass still hasn't arrived. I do hope it arrives tomorrow or else we'll be paying the bus fare until it's sorted. We did get a text earlier in the week to say it's on it's way but the post has seemed really slow here for the last couple of weeks. Someone sent a birthday card for Ellie last week and it only arrived yesterday. Hmmf.

I hope you have all had a good week?

Word of the Week linky


  1. Snap, lol. Yup, summer is over, especially with the kids going back to school and college. I bet Becky is looking forward to her birthday now. xx

  2. Yes, it's all downhill from here! Just joking, there are cosy days to look forward to. Just hope we stay fit and well for it. All the best to your girls for back to school and and college.

  3. I hope you get the bus pass in time! I feel like summer went by so fast this year too and our weather really wasn't the greatest either.

  4. Oi, wrote a comment, and when pressed Publish, my stupid Internet got disconnected. I was saying that August felt like autumn in the second half of the month.
    Hope Becky's job goes smoothly. I've seen Ellie's birthday gifts on Insta, she looked very happy.

  5. I'm never ready for autumn but I do like the anticipation of Strictly returning! Glad Ellie had a lovely birthday and that Becky's DBS certificate arrived so quickly. Hope that Becky's bus pass arrives in time and that she has a lovely birthday this week. #WotW

  6. It sounds like there was lots of birthday fun to be had. The summer was a bit of a let down weather wise but I always find we never have paddling pool weather during our summer holidays. I hope Becky's job is going well and the bus pass arrived on time #WotW
