Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Our 2021 summer bucket list!

 Last summer as a family we didn't really get up to much. We weren't mixing with many people, we didn't eat out to help out, there were no days out and to be honest I can't really remember what we did. It wasn't a bad summer, it was just an unmemorable one.

This year I want it to be different and I want it to be special. It's going to be Becky's last real summer break because this time next year she will have left college and hopefully will have a job.

At the moment we don't have any big plans. We won't be going away on holiday but we will be having some days out. I want to make some memories. I am going to keep things simple and not put too much pressure on us. No doubt the kids will be off some of the time with their friends and we of course will want to spend some time with my dad and his partner.

The top things that I want to do this summer is:

Have a barbecue.
Paddle in the sea.
Sit in the garden and drink cocktails/mocktails.
Have a water fight.
Go swimming.
Sunbathe in the back garden.
Have a picnic in a park.
Go to the cinema.
Have a meal or two out.
Sit outside and watch the sun set.
Go fruit picking.
Organise all of the photos we have on the computers.
Paint the shed and garage.
Go and eat at McDonalds.
Have an afternoon tea.
Find a fairground and go to it.
Visit a tourist attraction that we've never been to in our own town.
Have a pint of something in a beer garden.
Make our own ice lollies.
Go on plenty of bike rides.
Plan a holiday for later on in the year.

What plans do you have for the summer?


  1. As you know, my Summer is Birthday time. Starting tomorrow! I'm going to do something new, my daughter has requested Nandos for dinner. It will be a take away, but I've never had Nandos before...ever! We have one more birthday, Boo's, just before we go on holiday. I'm thinking of a BBQ weather permitting and she can invite a couple of friends. Then we go away and come back a couple of days before The Little Man's birthday. (I'm still working on plans for it) Then a couple of weeks later it's Star's birthday. She's breaking the mould this year and going out for the day with her boyfriend, his brother and Boo. They are going to the Wildlife Conservation Centre... her choice but they are all really excited about it. Other than that we have a shed to paint too, I'm hoping sooner rather than later x

  2. Such a lovely list, have fun working through it! I'm just hoping that we see some sunshine this summer, I want to spend time in the garden and making the most of the days without having to a school run. I also want to have some warm family evenings in the garden with the firepit and telescope.

  3. find a fairground!! what a smashing list this is. i'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed you'll get to scratch everything off it!

  4. Those sound like wonderful summer activities!

  5. I love your list. They look do-able and fun. We were the same last year. Nothing very memorable. I think we'll have to work on a list too. #mmbc
