Sunday, 27 June 2021

A new visitor to my garden. #MySundayPhoto

When I walk into my garden especially near the wildflowers there is always insects buzzing about. More and more are visiting now that the flowers have bloomed and I feel like I am doing my bit to keep them happy.

What was new to my garden recently was this. I googled it and discovered it was a damselfly not a dragonfly like I had first thought. It really was beautiful.

A damselfly

My Sunday Photo linky


  1. Such details! What a neat photo.

  2. It really is difficult to spot the difference between and damselfly and a dragonfly, but what a beautiful creature, and you've captured him perfectly.

  3. Wonderful detail on this pic, although I am now off to educate myself about the difference between damsel and dragonflies!

  4. Wow the detail is amazing x #mysundayphoto

  5. He is really such a beauty! Great shot #MMBC

  6. What a great photo! I would have said dragonfly too. #MMBC

  7. Darren Coleshill30 June 2021 at 14:15

    Oh fantastic capture, a welcome visitor

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  8. It is amazing seeing all the insects in the garden, isn't it? Mine is just the same - sometimes I hear the buzzing as soon as I step out of the door.
    That is a stunning photo of the damselfly.
