Saturday, 12 June 2021

Week 23 of #Project365. 5th - 11th June. A photo every day for a year!

I seem to have fallen in love with taking photos again thanks to getting my new phone & playing around with all the different photo settings. I thought the camera on my old phone was OK but looking at the difference in photos from my new phone it really wasn't.

Becky has had her 2nd vaccine and had no side effects apart from the sore arm which was great for her because she has gone to her girlfriends for the weekend. I get my 2nd vaccine today. Eek! I am not looking forward to the side effects as I felt rotten for about 24 hours after the first one but it will be worth it to know we're a little bit more protected from the virus.

We had the news about my great aunt that we were expecting. She passed away late Thursday night, 10 days short of her 89th birthday. Like my dad said she had a good innings and lived a great life. I'm OK. I've had a few tears but I think I did all of my crying a few weeks ago when she got taken back into hospital. Now I am thinking of all of the good times I have had with her.

Now for a photo every day!

My eldest sat in bed and a thistle
A win on Fortnite and bubble bath and a face mask
A covid vaccine sticker and my great aunt

156/365 - 5th June
My fella got the swingball set back out and we all had a play on it. My girls and Becky's girlfriend spent a good while playing and having fun.

157/365 - 6th June
I don't know how Becky managed to be under her blankets and in a hoodie. I went into her room to open the window as it was so hot. She was video chatting with her girlfriend.

158/365 - 7th June
A thistle I think. It's grew from the wildflower seeds that I planted, I think.

159/365 - 8th June
A new season of Fortnite and my first win. It was so funny when it happened. Becky had said the update and downtime had finished so we both rushed on to have a look at the new map. She said we'll have no chance of winning a game as all the pro's would be playing to make their You Tube videos of their first impressions of the update. I only went and won. I don't think there was any pro's in my group though. lol

160/365 - 9th June
Home alone on Wednesday so I had a bit of a pamper. A soak in the bath and a face mask. It was nice not to be disturbed. I timed it right though, just as I got dried and dressed the postman knocked at the door.

161/365 - 10th June
Becky is fully vaccinated and even got a sticker which I am quite jealous about. I am hoping to get one today. hehehe

162/365 - 11th June
It's only now that my great aunt is no longer with us I realise how few photos I have of her. The majority of the ones I do have are when I was a baby. This one is me and my younger brother.

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  1. Sorry to hear about your aunt. It's great that you have some lovely memories of her. Hope you don't get any side effects - I felt rough after my first, but took paracetamol with the second and was fine. I always find a new phone is always a surprise on the camera quality change, even though the camera is usualy one of the reasons I've chosen it.

  2. Sorry to hear of your loss. Hope the second vaccine went ok. xx

  3. I haven't played swingball for ages, such a great game. Sorry to hear about your aunt. The camera does look good, what phone did you get?

  4. Great photos. I love the look of the Imperial Leather bath soak, i bet it smells so nice. #MMBC

  5. Swingball is brilliant! I hope the vaccine side effects weren't too bad (it was only a sore arm for me and a 4 hour cold!) #projecct365

  6. I’m so sorry about your great-aunt Kim. Hope this week has been as gentle as possible. It’s quite sobering to realise how few pictures get taken sometimes – I was the same going through photos of my husband’s aunt. Glad that Becky has had her 2nd vaccine and hope that you managed to escape any side effects with yours. Lovely to have a bit of time to yourself on Wednesday. #project365

  7. Sorry to hear about your great aunt. But great news on the vaccination front, hope you both have felt ok with it, no stickers here - I'm still sulking about that :D #365

  8. Yay for a new camera, I need to upgrade my phone and wondering if I should do it before the Summer. I am also jealous of Beckys sticker we didn't even get a card so Ive no proof I have been vaccinated at all. Love wild flowers looking forward to seeing them come out x

  9. Sorry to hear about your great aunt.

    We have a swingball set in the shed but seem to have lost the racquets!

    I never got a sticker with my first dose! Will see if I get one with my second

  10. Sorry to read about the passing of your great aunt. The house to yourself for a bath sounds amazing. Knowing my luck the postman would knock just as I get in the bath. Wow Becky must have been hot! #365
