Every time I go into the garden I notice a new flower and last week I spotted this one among the wildflowers. It was such a bright yellow. That evening when I went to water the garden I noticed it had closed back up which fascinated me. The next day it was open again, then on Thursday when it was grey and rainy it was closed.
These both photos are the same flower just a few days apart when it had faded a bit and the lighting was different of course.
such a pretty, cheerful color
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty flower x #mysundayphoto
ReplyDeletenature really is amazing sometimes, what a pretty flower!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful flower!
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful. I wonder if it's a yellow poppy?
What lovely photos. Nature is incredible! #MMBC
ReplyDeleteLove the vibrant colour.
ReplyDeleteThank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
I do find it fascinating the way flowers do that, and I've noticed they also turn around slightly during the day to point at the sun.