Friday, 4 June 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Half-Term! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Half term

We have had such a lovely week. We don't usually do much during half term, it's just a week and we usually just use the time to relax but every day over the past week has seen something fun or exciting happening.

Stu had his 2nd vaccine on Saturday and apart from feeling a bit hot, cold and tired that was it. He didn't even get a sore arm this time. I should be getting called for mine soon and Becky has her 2nd vaccine next week.

We didn't get up to much over the bank holiday weekend. We took those days to chill. Stuart cut the grass in the garden and realised that our strimmer has stopped working. It's fine, we'll just get another from the auction. The strimmer that broke came from our local auction and it's lasted nearly two years. Not bad considering my dad only paid £2 for it.

Tuesday was when the fun started. Becky, Ellie, my dad's partner Sarah and me had a girly day out shopping. We just went to Scunthorpe but it was nice. It gave Sarah a chance to have a good look around the shops because when she goes with my dad he's the type of person who just gets what he needs and does no browsing. We came home with a big bag full of things each but to be honest we didn't spend that much thanks to getting quite a few reduced things from Primark.

Ellie got it into her head that she wanted fake nails and didn't mind paying £1 from Primark to oblige. Years ago she had the same idea and I got as far as putting one on before she screamed, didn't like it and wanted it off. Easier said than done when they're glued on. Anyway I went with it and this time she loved the nails. They didn't last 24 hours before they started falling off and Ellie realised they were more hassle then they were worth especially when it came to playing on her computer. Long nails are not good for gaming. lol

False nails

Just before we went shopping Becky's girlfriend rang and asked if Becky wanted to go to the beach with her and her family on Wednesday. I of course said yes and as it's a 2 hour drive Becky went to stay the night at "A's" house so they could get an early start. They had a fantastic day in the amusements, on the rides and of course on the beach. They didn't get back until late so instead of "A's" mum driving more than she had to Becky stayed another night and ended up coming home yesterday.

On Wednesday Ellie and I did some baking. A Pinata cake and some cookies. The Pinata cake was easier to make than I thought it would be and we had great fun. We ate far too much raw cake mix and icing but that's the best bit about baking. hehehe

A few months ago I went to use my online banking app, on my phone and couldn't. It said it needed to be updated but couldn't because my phone was too old. I didn't use my phone for banking much so just forgot about it until the other day when the Tesco shopping app said the same thing. I said to Stu that I need a new phone and he said he had planned to get me one for my birthday. He had seen a decent one in Argos, the Samsung A12 and when we looked on Wednesday evening it was on sale with £20 off. I convinced Stu that it was a sign and now I have an early birthday present. My new phone arrived yesterday and it turns out I need a new Sim card for it. A nano one. The one in my old phone is one of the big one's. I've had the old sim card at least 8 years and technology has changed so much in that time. I have set my new phone up though, with all the apps I want and need on it so now I just have to wait for the new Sim card to arrive and then ring O2 back to activate it and transfer my number over.

So after a few weeks of not much happening here and life being a bit boring this last week has really cheered me up. There still isn't any news about my great aunt. She's still in hospital, oxygen has been reduced and it's just a matter of time.

How has your week been? What have you been up to?

Word of the Week linky


  1. It sounds like a lovely week! We've had a busy week too, we have been out and about seeing people most days, it's so nice to meet outside and actually be able to enjoy some nice weather instead of sitting around shivering!

  2. What a fun week! And congrats on the new phone... I like to keep mine until I really HAVE to get a new one too as I hate having to re-learn how to do everything with a new phone.

  3. You sound like you had a perfect half term of rest, relaxation and a bit of fun. Hope you like your phone. I'm on the hunt soon too!

  4. what a hassle with the phone, it'll be nice when you have it sorted though. Your half term sounds fun, I bet Sarah was happy to have a girly shopping day. I'm sure Becky had loads of fun too. Next week is going to seem boring now. xx

  5. What a fun week! Shopping sounds fun. My middle one picked up false nails this week too. I don't think she's used them yet. Lucky Becky going to the beach. I'd love to go soon. Your £2 strimmer really was a bargain. Hope you find one to replace it soon before the edges become too tall. #wotw

  6. Sounds like you've had a lovely half-term and glad that Becky enjoy her day at the beach with A. Love Ellie's nails but I'm with her on finding long nails annoying! Hope you get your phone sorted out too. Sending lots of love and hugs to you all with your great-aunt x #WotW

  7. I'm so happy you had such a good week! Glad Stu didn't have many side effects from his vaccination. #MMBC

  8. It sounds like you had a good week this week. I haven't really been able to have a good shop for years. But to be honest I'm better at online shopping lol. I used to spend hours putting on nails in high school. I'm sure I painted them blue too some weeks #WotW
