Sunday, 13 June 2021

Into the thick of it. #MySundayPhoto

 Thanks to TikTok I have had a song in my head for the last week. Into the thick of it, from the kids tv show from years ago, The Backyardigans. I remember Becky used to love it.

Into the thick of it.
Into the thick of it.
Into the thick of it (ugh).
We're tramping through the bush.
On and on, we push.
Into the thick of it.
But we can't see where we're going.

It makes me think of my garden. It is a little wild looking at the moment. The wildflowers are growing well and I could just imagine the The Backyardigans trampling around in it. 

My wild garden


  1. Ahh lovely! We have some wild flowers growing too and they're getting very tall. x

  2. Our wild flowers are in full bloom! They're mostly pink and purple though. I hope you get lots of pleasure from your garden this year.

  3. My boys used to LOVE the Backyardigans (and I loved their songs!).

  4. How lovely! Wildflowers can be so beautiful. I never heard that song, but it sounds like it could easily be stuck in my head too. #MMBC

  5. I love seeing wildflowers in full bloom

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  6. I can easily see that song getting stuck in the head. I love wildflowers and have a few in our garden too. They do tend to grow quite tall, don't they?!


  7. That song has been in my head all week haha lovely wild flowers x #mysundayphoto

  8. Wow, there is definitely a lot growing there!
    My kids never watched the Backyardigans and I've never been on TikTok so I don't know that song.
