Friday, 25 June 2021

This week my Word of the Week is: Homework! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


Just before half term Ellie's school sent a letter out saying they have been relaxed about the school rules while the pandemic was in full swing but things were going to change and those changes started after half term. There was phone calls home about kids bending the rules with uniform, bad behaviour was stopped in it's tracks and more homework has been given.

Ellie hates doing homework. She is in the way of thinking that if she does 6 hours at school she shouldn't have to work at home too. I can see her point but it's a part of life and the homework set usually doesn't take that long or is that hard to complete, well for her it's not, I struggle with some of it. Algebra, I am talking about you. lol

Anyway on Monday I got a message from school saying all of Ellie's homework that is set in future will be emailed to us. I didn't think anything of it until I got another message an hour or so later saying Ellie had an after school detention for not completing some science homework. She came home from school and we had words. I stressed to her that she has to do her homework, she argued but agreed that she would from now on.

I don't know if Ellie hasn't been doing her homework or the school have just gone crazy setting it this week but she's had loads compared to what she usually has. There has been a good variety too, not just the usual maths and science. She had to write all about the Suez Canal for Geography one evening and then all about the persecution of Jewish people by the Nazis another evening. She of course tried to put it off but I have convinced her it is better to just get it done and out of the way. 

Ellie did her detention on Tuesday evening and said it was a waste of time. She sat there, in the hall, in silence doing nothing. I thought she would have been made to do the homework she missed but no. If I was the teacher I would have had her writing lines at least. lol

There is just 4 weeks left of the school year for Ellie and then in September she really has to knuckle down as she is starting her GCSE's. She already has plans on what she wants to do when she leaves school, she just needs the grades to make her dreams come true and part of that means she has to do her homework which I think she is finally starting to understand.

Becky has no more college work to do until September, at college or at home. She was supposed to be in next week for her final day but all the work has been completed and marked and that's it. She now has the whole of the summer to relax which she is very happy about.

I hope you have all had a good week?

Word of the Week linky


  1. That does seem like a lot of homework. I think my girl's school is much more relaxed and the Little Man gets more homework at Primary school. I hope Becky enjoys her break. Star is driving me nuts being at home already. She did have a virtual college induction on Wednesday and she's really looking forward to starting now. xx

  2. Ugh! I Hate homework so much... and my one school kid is great about doing his. I just wish they could have free time to go outside, get some fresh air and exercise, etc. But being a teacher by profession I get why homework is assigned and how important it is to their grades to not only do the work but do their best work.

  3. That does seem like a lot of homework. Back in Jamaica I used to look forward to marking homework as the kids then wanted to do well and impress us, especially when it came to making things. I found it different here. In fact in my first year here I was shocked at the little scraps of paper that we'd get homeowrk back on. Even greasy too, lol. Eliie will do well if she gets into the right frame of doing what I like to call 'personal study'. It's so much nicer to deal with kids when they really want to learn and are motivated to do well. It usually carries on into uni life too. Saying that, as a child I did the bare minimum too. Hope you all enjoy the last 4 weeks of term and have a blast over the summer.

  4. I can see Ellie's point about homework too but you're right, it is part of life and the best way is just to get on with it and get it out of the way as quickly as possible. Glad Becky has finished college for the year and can now enjoy the summer. #WotW

  5. Our school seems to be holding back on homework still. Admittedly, we are running up to the end of year exams, so they should be revising. I wish they'd set more revision homework, so they have some idea how to revise. It's hard at this age. Having her dream career ahead of her will hopefully motivate Ellie to get those grades. We've got three and bit weeks left of this term, then I'll have all three of them home full time. #wotw

  6. Oh dear, I was never a fan of homework either but I soon learned the "do it when you get it" approach actually leaves you more time to do the things you want to do. Karen Early Rising Mum

  7. I can definitely see Ellie's point about not needing to do homework. The adjustment to the stricter enforcement of rules might also be hard on her. I'm so glad though that you eventually managed to cinvince her to do her homework. #WotW

  8. I like the email assignments so there is no excuse that they don't have homework, they forgot the homework, etc. I also tried when I was teaching to give out as many assignments as I could in advance so the parents knew certain things would be done and due. I taught elementary school in the US so spelling assignments for istance were the pretty much the same every week with different word lists and workbook pages. However, the workbook pages were pretty much broken at as homework lessons for the week the same way every week. If you wanted to do them the weekend before for the whole week no skin off my nose as long as they were handed in before they were due I was good.

    With the advent of better technology giving assignments out on Friday for the following week were possible does allow kids and parents more flexibility on when to get the stuff done.

  9. Totally get her point about homework. Our school sets Little E home learning challenges and to be honest we haven't been doing them. What with the home schooling struggles I am over it. I'm hoping to be more on the ball in September. I loved my homework in our GSCE classes. They took longer but you could get your teeth into them more #WotW
