Where did April go? It was one of those blink and you missed it months. We are coping well with the lock down but we did struggle when we had less routine during the Easter holidays. Now we are back into a routine of school and college work things are much easier despite Ellie not wanting to do much writing.
What I loved in April!
Getting shopping delivered!
I didn't realise how much I needed online grocery shopping until I couldn't get a delivery slot. I tried for over a week, staying up until midnight and finally got one which came last week. From booking it to getting the shopping I waited a couple of weeks so had plenty of time to choose what we really needed as there was a maximum of 80 items allowed. I didn't realise how stressed I was about not having everything we needed in the house, we were never going to starve but it is nice to not having to worry about going to the local shop.
Walkers Yo! Katsu Curry Crisps!
Walkers have partnered with the nation's most loved restaurants to bring you iconic dishes transformed into different flavoured crisps. The only one I've tried so far are the Yo! Katsu Curry one's. They are so moreish. They taste like chicken crisps but also have the tingle and taste of the curry. I am limiting myself to just one packet a day.
Lindor chocolate.
For mother's day the kids got me some strawberry & cream truffles and I loved them. I then went on and treated myself to one of their Easter eggs and yes, it was amazing!
Getting the garden sorted!
We have done just about everything we can do in the garden and it looks so much better for it. We've painted, dug, planted things and I am pleased to say things are starting to grow. As of writing this the flowers in the flower bed are coming through and my peas and growing too! Hooray! I was starting to think my dad had given me a faulty bag of compost. lol
New hair (again)!
Last month I was glad to have my red hair back but at the beginning of April it was starting to fade and I fancied a change so I cut it myself after watching people do it on TikTok. Easy peasy I also changed the colour to a mix of reds, blues, purples, blonde and pinks. Then over the weekend I stripped most of the colour out, ended up with green hair then dyed it pink. I am keeping this one...for now. Lock down is great for experimenting with your hair as no one will see it. lol
Seeing my dad and his partner!
It was Sarah's birthday halfway through April and we took her some cards and presents. We spent about 15 minutes in my dad's front garden, keeping our distance and having a catch up. I am really missing them both and the kids are too.
Watching more TV and films with the kids!
I have watched more films in the last month than I probably have all year. The new Trolls, Sonic, Frozen 2, all the Mighty Ducks films and we're making our way through Harry Potter now. I have rewatched The Walking Dead and Becky has been watching it for the first time. We started on Lost but she wasn't keen so we're giving Prison Break a try. I've seen it and Becky is fascinated with it. She knows there's more than one series so has guessed they break out of the prison. lol
What did you love in April?