Thursday 30 April 2020

What I loved in April 2020!

Where did April go? It was one of those blink and you missed it months. We are coping well with the lock down but we did struggle when we had less routine during the Easter holidays. Now we are back into a routine of school and college work things are much easier despite Ellie not wanting to do much writing.

What I loved in April!

Getting shopping delivered!
I didn't realise how much I needed online grocery shopping until I couldn't get a delivery slot. I tried for over a week, staying up until midnight and finally got one which came last week. From booking it to getting the shopping I waited a couple of weeks so had plenty of time to choose what we really needed as there was a maximum of 80 items allowed. I didn't realise how stressed I was about not having everything we needed in the house, we were never going to starve but it is nice to not having to worry about going to the local shop.

Walkers Yo! Katsu Curry Crisps!
Walkers have partnered with the nation's most loved restaurants to bring you iconic dishes transformed into different flavoured crisps. The only one I've tried so far are the Yo! Katsu Curry one's. They are so moreish. They taste like chicken crisps but also have the tingle and taste of the curry. I am limiting myself to just one packet a day.

Lindor chocolate.
For mother's day the kids got me some strawberry & cream truffles and I loved them. I then went on and treated myself to one of their Easter eggs and yes, it was amazing! 

Getting the garden sorted!
We have done just about everything we can do in the garden and it looks so much better for it. We've painted, dug, planted things and I am pleased to say things are starting to grow. As of writing this the flowers in the flower bed are coming through and my peas and growing too! Hooray! I was starting to think my dad had given me a faulty bag of compost. lol

New hair (again)!

Last month I was glad to have my red hair back but at the beginning of April it was starting to fade and I fancied a change so I cut it myself after watching people do it on TikTok. Easy peasy I also changed the colour to a mix of reds, blues, purples, blonde and pinks. Then over the weekend I stripped most of the colour out, ended up with green hair then dyed it pink. I am keeping this one...for now. Lock down is great for experimenting with your hair as no one will see it. lol

Seeing my dad and his partner!
It was Sarah's birthday halfway through April and we took her some cards and presents. We spent about 15 minutes in my dad's front garden, keeping our distance and having a catch up. I am really missing them both and the kids are too.

Watching more TV and films with the kids!
I have watched more films in the last month than I probably have all year. The new Trolls, Sonic, Frozen 2, all the Mighty Ducks films and we're making our way through Harry Potter now. I have rewatched The Walking Dead and Becky has been watching it for the first time. We started on Lost but she wasn't keen so we're giving Prison Break a try. I've seen it and Becky is fascinated with it. She knows there's more than one series so has guessed they break out of the prison. lol

What did you love in April?

Wednesday 29 April 2020

(Ad - Gifted) A little help from HayMax in hay fever season!

For one in five of us the arrival of spring means hay fever and means a few months of endless sneezing and itchy eyes. Ugh! I suffered with hay fever mildly until we moved house last summer. Now we live in a pretty rural area surrounded by fields and last year I suffered and the kids started with it too. There's currently no cure for hay fever but most people are able to relieve symptoms with treatment at least to a certain extent.

I have tried various things to easy mine and my familes symptoms but what I had never tried before was HayMax!

A selection of the HayMax barrier balm boxes on the grass

HayMax is a natural, organic allergen barrier balm that is applied to the rim of the nostrils and it can also be applied to the bones of the eyes. It is made from a blend of beeswax and seed oils with added essential oils or aloe vera leaf juice.

It works by trapping pollen before it gets in the body. Each of us can tolerate a certain amount of pollen grains in our body without a reaction but when this amount is exceeded an allergic reaction occurs resulting in common hay fever symptoms.

HayMax is so easy to use. Wipe a small amount on your finger (or cotton swab) and rub around the rim of each nostril and/or the bones of the eyes (not too close or in the eyes). Apply first thing in the morning, keep a pot with you and re-apply whenever needed throughout the day.

The opened tub of HayMax balm.

There are five varieties of HayMax allergen barrier balm: Pure, Aloe Vera, Lavender, Frankincense and Kids. Each variety works in exactly the same way but smells differently.

HayMax Kids has launched a new, improved formula for the 2020 hay fever season. This organic allergen barrier balm for young hay fever sufferers is still as effective as before at blocking pollen but now has the potential to last even longer  making it even more economical and environmentally friendly as there is less wastage.

HayMax Kids is a proven organic, drug free allergen barrier balm suitable for children aged three and above. Made from beeswax and sunflower oil, there are no added nasties just natural Soil Association certified organic cruelty free ingredients!

The other varieties of HayMax are also natural, organic and drug free so it’s suitable for everyone including pregnant and breastfeeding women to use!

We have been using it for a few days and I have noticed a difference. I am still sneezing but not as much as I was before. Becky has tried it too after a couple of sneezing fits one day and she said she has noticed a difference. I am still yet to convince Ellie to give it a try but at the moment her hayfever isn't bad at all.

The pots of Haymax retail at £6.99 and are available from Holland & Barrett, Ocado, Booths, selected Morrisons and Boots, independent chemists, pharmacists and health stores, online and direct from the HayMax website.

I was sent the pots of HayMax in exchange for this blog post.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

I have just about got the garden that I wanted.

Before we moved here to just outside of Scunthorpe we had a tiny back yard, like the one's on Coronation Street but we also had idiot neighbours and we didn't like spending time out the back. At the front we had a small garden but there was no grass or soil, it was all little pebbles and there was the idiot neighbours over the road. Moving here gave us the garden and freedom that we had longed for.

I have had plans for it since we viewed the house and with Stu being off work because of the Coronavirus it has given us (mostly him) plenty of time to get things done!

Here's a few before photos:

Everything outside needed painting, especially the garage, the windows on the little shed needed fixing and the flowerbed going along the side of the path really annoyed me. It was full of "decorative" stones, it had a sheet of plastic down just under the stones which was supposed to stop the weeds and did to a point but they were creeping through. To me it was an eyesore and could be so much more. Everywhere needed weeding too even on the concrete at the back of the house and in front of the garage.

The first thing to go were the weeds and the moss on the concrete. We got rid of that last summer scraping it with a shovel and it made such a difference. Apart from mowing the lawn repeatedly that's all we did until a month or so ago.

Stu started with the painting, the back of the house and he fixed the windows on the little shed. They were rotten and he replaced some of the wood. It looks so much better just for a lick of paint.

He also painted the garage which made the biggest difference. The green on the doors matches the little shed window and our back door.

It's amazing how much a lick of paint has freshened everything up. The last thing to get painted was the fence. It had never been painted so it was like a sponge soaking in the paint. Stu used all of the paint he had and there is still 2 panels left to do. My dad said he has some of the same paint but it's in the back of one of his sheds and he's in no rush to go looking for it as it's hidden deep. lol

One afternoon the girls and I set ourselves away weeding and moving all of the stones from the flowerbed which runs down by the side of the path. At the top end the weeds were thick and the bottom of it was full of stones. You can just to say see them in the middle photo below.

I am so glad we had a wheelbarrow to move all of the stones to the other side of the garden. It took us a good couple of hours to clear all the weeds and stones and I know we didn't get every stone. lol I then dug it all up, turned all the soil, added some compost and put down the wild flower seeds. It will be interesting to see if they grow as they were well over a year old. I couldn't see a use by date on the box. I have been out there every evening watering the garden and it's a job I actually love doing.

As well as doing the DIY and gardening we have quite a few things for the girls to play with in the garden. Swingball, the little trampoline, basketball hoop, giant noughts and crosses and hopscotch. We also have the table and chairs.

There is still a couple of little jobs that we need to do. I'd love a comfier set of chairs, the girls want a paddling pool and there is still the rest of the fence to paint but now it is just about the garden that I wanted.

It is a pleasure to be out in the garden now. I feel so lucky to have some space outside. This time last year this was only something we could dream about. I am counting my blessings.

Have you done any work in your garden lately?

Monday 27 April 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 27th - 3rd May. #MealPlanningMonday

I didn't realise how much stress and anxiety not getting my normal grocery shop delivered was causing me until we got a shop delivered on Wednesday. I felt as sense of relief that we would be eating well for at least another week and had choices. We were never going to starve but food was getting boring and cooking was a chore. I have also managed to get another couple of delivery slots booked for the beginning of May and then a week later. Phew!

Last weeks meal plan went well. We ate just about everything I had planned but swapped a couple of days around. I am looking forward to this week's food. I feel excited about eating and cooking again thanks to the shopping delivery. I also managed to get some frozen fruit so we will be having smoothies for breakfast along with muffins or brioch, sandwiches and picky bits for lunch and then our main meals.

This week on the menu we have:

Tuesday - A chicken salad and new potatoes. 
Wednesday - Greggs pasties from Iceland with baked beans.
Thursday - Chinese chicken using a Flava-it Chinese marinade and egg fried rice.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Slow cooker pulled pork in buns.
Sunday - Mince, dumplings, mash & veg.

What are you eating this week?

Sunday 26 April 2020

The best thing to happen since lock down started. #MySundaySnapshot

We had a grocery shop delivered and you have no idea how happy it made me! We haven't had one since the middle of March so it was more than needed.

Saturday 25 April 2020

Week 17 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

I said yesterday in my Word of the Week post about how the past week has flown over and looking at the date the whole month has considering we have been stuck at home. We have had a week of not doing much at all but it has been nice just to plod on with housework, school and college work and just pottering about.

Now for a photo everyday! 

My finished fox cross stitch and my teen hanging the washing out
Outside my house
my youngest playing a game on the computer
ice lollies and a fruit smoothie

109/366 - 18th April
I finally finished the fox cross stitch. I am planning on putting it into a frame and putting it in the bathroom along with the rabbit cross stitch that I did earlier in the year. That will have to wait though because the 2nd hand shop where I get the frames is closed.

110/366 - 19th April
I had Becky helping putting the washing on the line dressed in her Sunday attire. Pj bottoms and a big jumper. lol We rarly get dressed on a Sunday.

111/366 - 20th April
I needed a photo of the back of our house for a different blog post.

112/366 - 21st April
Ellie got to go on Stu's computer while her's was out of action. She loves it with the big screen. Of course she was playing Roblox. Her computer is now fixed. Phew!

113/366 - 22nd April
I have been dying to try the retro sweet ice lollies and my dad's partner got us some from Iceland. I'm not that impressed with the Black jack or Fruit salad one's. The black jack one's weren't aniseedy enough and the fruit salad one's tasted nothing like the sweets and I threw half of it in the bin as it was too sickly sweet.

114/366 - 23rd April
I got some frozen fruit which means we can start drinking smoothies again. It's been ages since we've used the blender but I can see it getting a lot of use over the warmer months.

115/366 - 24th April
I had a good idea to use a hair dye stripper on my hair. My hair was blue/purple and had a little red in. Last time I used one to strip red out I ended up with orange hair. It turns out when you take the blue out you're left with green hair. lol I'm not actually too fussed. I am thinking of just leaving it green.

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Friday 24 April 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Pleasant! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I don't know why but this week seems to have flown over which is good considering we haven't done much. It was hard to come up with a word to describe this week. We have done the same as we have for the last few weeks during lock down. School work, housework, spent time on the computers and watching films but it has been a nice week. We seem to have finally settled into this lock down life. 

Things have started to grow in the garden. The wild flower seeds have started to come through in the flower bed and my pea seeds have started to grow but they might actually be peppers because Becky said she moved the plant pots around when she was watering them. It doesn't matter, something is growing. I was starting to think my dad had given me a bag of faulty compost. lol I am really enjoying going out each evening and watering everything. The dandelions are taking over the grass. A couple of weeks ago there was none and now the grass is mostly yellow. They do look lovely but I think something has to be done about them.

Flower seeds growing and dandelions

The kids have been getting on with their school and college work. Sometimes they take a bit of nagging to get going but once they are working they get on with it sometimes forgetting to stop for lunch but they make up for it with all the snacks they're having. I may have shouted at them a couple of times when they're eating just for eating's sake. 

Stu's pay day came around. His first being furloughed from work and he got 80% of his wages but it was actually more than we expected as we forgot that the minimum wage went up at the beginning of this month. He thinks this being furloughed is great, getting paid for being at home. I don't think he'll feel the same next week because he is just about out of jobs to do around the house.

We finally got some shopping delivered. It was only 80 things from Tesco as they have a limit but I don't care. It has given us more choices to what we can eat and I am excited about cooking again. My dad's partner also picked us a few things up while she was in Iceland. Some meat and some ice lollies. I am really looking forward to a roast dinner on Sunday as long as I can get some veg. I think we should be OK as our little Tesco is well stocked again.

Thursday 23 April 2020

The silver lining's to the lock down.

The past few weeks have been awful for businesses, not seeing extended family, friends and the amount of stress and worry it has caused has been unreal but even with all the bad I have found some good things about being stuck at home.

Less money is being spent!
There is no "can I have £1 to go to the shop" or "mam, can I have £20 to go into town to meet friends" from the kids. They are using the internet to chat to friends so they don't need credit put onto their phones. I am not nipping out for snacks, there is no takeaways and I am not spending money on going into town just for a look around then probably buying things I don't really need. 

I have been shopping locally!
Instead of relying on supermarket deliveries I have been shopping locally. The farm shop, butchers and the little corner shop. Me and the man are on first name terms now. hehehe It might be a little bit more expensive but I feel like I am supporting the local community.

I am using what we have in the kitchen!
I couldn't get any shopping delivered until yesterday so I have been using what we have in. Packets, things in the freezer and at the back of the cupboards which I had forgotten about.

I appreciate people more!
I always knew teachers, doctors, nurses, shop workers, bin men, bus drivers and all the key workers are amazing but over the past few weeks it has given me a whole new level of respect for them! After this, they all deserve a pay rise!! 

We don't have to go to the cinema!
A month or so ago I had seen the trailer for Military Wives but didn't fancy going to the cinema to see it. I didn't have to wait long because Sky is getting films on that are in cinemas early because of the coronavirus. Becky was gutted she went to and paid to see The Invisible Man then a couple of weeks later it was on Sky. At £15.99 a film it's a little more expensive than a normal film but for us it works out cheaper than getting the bus there and back and paying for the cinema.

I am getting to spend time with my girls.
Before social distancing and the lockdown it was getting to the point where I hardly saw my girls as they were out with friends. Now they have been at home we've got to spend some quality time together and they really are fab people. We have had so many giggles and fun times, yes there has been arguments but on the whole they are a pleasure to be around.

The kids have tried different things!
The things we have never quite got around to. Planting things, playing swingball and messing about with Orbeez. We've baked things we normally wouldn't, they've involved me in the school work and they've played together, without arguments, doing random things like making obstacle courses in the garden and my youngest is on with writing their own comic.

We have got so much done around the house!
Stu has been busy doing jobs he doesn't usually have time for. Painting, gardening and more painting. We have made the most of the nice weather and the back garden has never looked so good.

Have you found any silver linings during the lock down?

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Fruit Bowl Has Launched a Friends and Family Facebook Group!

It is hard to keep kids amused at the best of times but now they are spending more time at home I know I am running out of ideas fast but the UK based children’s snacks and treats company Fruit Bowl have launched their Fruit Bowl Friends and Family Facebook group to inspire parents and families with fun tasks to keep little hands busy at home.

They are sharing crafts, activities, recipes and resources each day and hope to support parents during this tough time. Anyone is welcome to join the public group, with parents encouraged to share tips on keeping little ones busy. I think it is such a fantastic idea.

The Jungle Frog Trumpet craft is a taster of what they are sharing!
You will need:
Paper Cup
Colourful Paints
Large Pom Poms
Googly Eyes
Thin Foam or Card
Birthday Party Trumpet

1. Paint the outside of the paper cup a bright colour, leaving the rim to be painted red. Leave to dry.
2. Cut two arms and legs from the foam or card.
3. Once the cup is dry, very carefully cut a cross the base of the cut.
4. Push the birthday party trumpet through the cut cross with the mouth end poking through the base.
5. Stick the arms and legs on the cup.
7. Stick the two pom poms onto the top of the cup.
8. Stick the googly eyes onto the pompoms.
9. Blow the horn!

Loved by families for 20 years, Fruit Bowl create everyday fruit snacks and yummy fruit treats many of which contribute towards your child’s 5 a day! If you are struggling to get to the supermarket at the moment or self-isolating Fruit Bowl products are also available for delivery via their online shop for stress free shopping!

Tuesday 21 April 2020

I don't care what my girls are as long as they're happy.

I had planned on not posting this until all the coronavirus craziness is over but I have a couple of posts which relate to Becky and being in lock down. Those posts make sense to come after this one. Becky has given my permission to write and publish this blog post.

I have always said to myself and everyone who would listen that I don't care what my girls are straight, bi-sexual, gay, whatever. It doesn't matter as long as they are happy. In the back of my mind I just assumed my girls would be straight. Both of them have had boyfriends. Becky has had a few and Ellie more than I can count. lol

When Becky was in her last couple of years at secondary school she would laugh at all of her friends and people in her year because I'd say way more than half were saying they were bi-sexual. Even she said it just seemed to be the latest bandwagon to jump on. 

Now Becky is at college and she has a girlfriend, in fact she has had 3 since September. 

Shortly after Becky started college she started asking if Stu and I would be bothered if she had a girlfriend, obviously we weren't. We said whatever makes you happy. We thought it was just one of those hypothetical things which came up in conversation like what would you do if I got pregnant now or what would you say if I said I was moving out. Then one day she came home and sat us down and said she had something to tell us. I obviously panicked and thought it was something bad but all that she had to tell us was that she had a girlfriend. When you are expecting the worst her saying she has a girlfriend it is nothing at all!!

I don't know why she was so worried to tell us but I guess it's one of those things that you don't know how someone will take something until the time comes. All I wanted to know was what the girlfriend was called so I could have a look on Facebook at her. lol

Becky was seeing her first girlfriend for couple of months. They broke up because her parents didn't know that she was seeing girls and when they found out they were not happy. Becky and her got back together the week before the her birthday. Becky didn't get her a birthday present because she wanted to see where things were going and just got her a card which she was not too happy with so Becky was dumped. 

It then gets complicated. The old girlfriend of Becky's got a new girlfriend but things didn't work out between them and the old girlfriend was dumped by her new girlfriend who then got with Becky. Becky was seeing the new girlfriend, the ex of her ex. It turns out that Becky's new girlfriend was a bit of a "player" and she was snogging boys on the weekend when Becky wasn't with her so Becky dumped her. There isn't a problem with someone seeing both males and females, just not at the same time when you're in a relationship with someone else. Don't be a cheater!

Before Christmas I told Becky to chill out a bit with the girlfriends. She took that as to mean that I didn't want her seeing girls. We had a long discussion about it and I got my point across that I would have said the same if it was boys. She needed to have a break and stop jumping from one relationship to another. Yes it's fun but she's never going to meet the love of her life like that.

Since just after Christmas Becky has been seeing someone new and it seems to be going well. This one is a lovely lass who doesn't cheat and she cares about Becky. The girlfriend was keen to meet Stu and I. I think it was just to reassure herself that we were cool with Becky having a girlfriend. She's been here quite a few times and I like her. If they were still at school the girlfriend would have been a year above her but there is actually only 3 months age difference between them both.

Becky and I have talked about the future and she said she still fancies boys but gets on better with girls. She said there's no rush to settle down and in the future it could be with man but at the moment she is happy with "A". She has said that she still wants children and she told me how it was possible even if she was with a woman, like I didn't know. lol

Most people in Becky's life know that she has a girlfriend. There is just my dad who doesn't know. He's 70 odd year old and I wouldn't say he's homophobic but he is of the generation which thinks that men should not be with men and women should not be with women. If he met a gay couple in the street he wouldn't treat them any differently but when he walks away would say it isn't right. I think that is so wrong and I have told him so, his partner has told him so and just about everyone one who he knows has. He's set in his ways and until Becky knows for sure who she wants to spend the rest of her life with there's no reason to rock the boat. I know it's the wrong thing to do morally but it's still early days yet. It does make me feel better that Becky's girlfriend is in the same situation with her nanna. 

I keep saying it. My girls can be whatever they want to be. If it makes them happy, I am happy with that!

If I have said anything that comes across offensively to the LGBT community please let me know. I don't mean it to be but this is all new to me and my family.

Monday 20 April 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 20th - 26th April. #MealPlanningMonday

We're getting back into more of a routine today. If the kids had have been at school & college they would have been going back today after the Easter holidays so we'll be up early, they'll be cracking on with their school and college work and we will have more structure to our day. Well that's the plan anyway.

Last weeks meal plan went well. I couple of meals were changed. I forgot to get the pork & apple sausages from the butchers so we just had pork one's out of the freezer and the calzone pizza had no chicken in it as we didn't have any. lol

I am looking forward to the 2nd half of this week as we are getting a shopping delivery on Wednesday. As Tesco is only allowing you to buy a maximum of 80 things I have had to be really picky. I am hoping what I've got will last is a couple of weeks at least. I have planned ahead and bought plenty of things for the freezer.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread. I have a few tubs of bolognese in the freezer.
Tuesday - Pie and mash. 
Wednesday - Hot dogs in buns.
Thursday - Chicken fajitas.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Pork stir fry.
Sunday - A roast chicken dinner.

What are you eating this week?

Sunday 19 April 2020

Out for a walk in the sunshine. #MySundaySnapshot

We had a long walk out to drop some presents and cards off for my dad's partner's birthday. It was such a lovely day and they both regretted their clothing choices. Black is never a good idea in the sun. hehehe

Saturday 18 April 2020

Week 16 of #Project366 - A photo every day for a year!

Another week of lock down has passed and I've got to the point where I am well and truly sick of it. For a few weeks it was not exactly fun but it was nice to spend time with my fella and girls but now it's getting frustrating. There is a lot of things I am missing, we're spending a small fortune shopping locally and I know we have to stay in our homes and away from others until we are told otherwise but it's frustrating. I'm just having a moan.

Now for a photo every day.

Shania Twain on the TV and my girls with their Easter eggs
The sun peeking through the clouds.
My girls making some birthday cards
A pink flower and the parasol in the garden
My fox cross stitch

102/366 - 11th April
There wasn't much on TV on Saturday night after Britain's Got Talent until we found a Shania Twain concert. I do love her. The kids weren't too impressed to start with but they did end up singing along.

103/366 - 12th April
Easter eggs! They have all been eaten now. lol

104/366 - 13th April
It was such a gloomy and grey day on Monday until the sun decided to come out at about 6pm. I'm glad to say the rest of the week has been lovely!

105/366 - 14th April
The girls were making birthday cards for my dad's partner.

106/366 - 15th April
We had a walk to my dad's to drop off Sarah's cards and presents. (We all kept our distance). It was so nice to see all the pretty flowers on the tree's on the way. Spring has most definitely sprung!

107/366 - 16th April
I spent an hour sat in the garden with my laptop now the parasol has been found and put up. It was far too hot for me.

108/366 - 17th April
My fox cross stitch is just about finished. Finally! I had to stop yesterday as my fingers were aching! It will be done by the end of the weekend for sure! 

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