Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Planting seeds. Sunflowers, strawberries and tomatoes!

When we moved house and got a garden I knew that I wanted to plant and grow things. It has taken a while to get going. When we moved here last summer the time wasn't right. It was too late in the year to plant things and we were busy with getting settled but being stuck in the house and garden because of coronavirus it gave us the perfect chance to have a go at being gardeners. A couple of weeks ago we got busy planting.

I bought some seeds off ebay. I had looked elsewhere but I think everyone had the same idea. They were reasonably priced which surprised me after I read about some sellers increasing their prices.

It is the ideal time to be planting things or so I've read. I thought we'd start easy and I bought sunflower, strawberry and tomato seeds. My dad said he'd drop a few plant pots over and came with a box full. We have more than enough now and he brought a bag of compost too. Without him my plans would have been scuppered.

We had one of those days where the home schooling wasn't going well. Ellie had no motivation and to be honest neither did I. I didn't want her to go back on the computer so gardening it was!

Becky wasn't keen on getting her hands dirty and choose to get on with more of her college coursework so Ellie and I set to work planting. To be honest I didn't get much of a look in once Ellie got started.

She filled the plant pots, added the seeds and put more of the compost in. We used the bigger pots for the sunflowers and the smaller pots for the strawberries and the tomatoes.

When the pots were filled she got on with watering them. She doesn't get that you don't have to actually fill the pot with water despite me telling her numerous times. lol

We have left the pots in the garage in front of the window. It is so warm in there as the sun hits the window for most of the day. Perfect for growing plants!

Now we wait! I really hope they do grow!

Have you planted anything lately?


  1. With that sunny spot I'm sure you'll be seeing lots of little green shoots very soon. We've just planted some carrots, tomatoes, beetroot and sunflowers. There's going to be some very productive gardens this year. X

  2. We've planted carrots, lettuce, chives and tomatoes but they are taking a long time to come up, it's two weeks now and we are starting to see plants. I also squeezed a tomato into soil, one of my Twitter followers has done it and grown her own tomato plants that way - nothing is happening with mine yet!


  3. How exciting welcome to the gyo world. Looks like it's going well so far

  4. Wow! You have been busy. I've really missed planting. I get to put the new greenhouse up next week so can't wait to get stuck in again! x

  5. I love this post! I hope to see pics of some yummy tomatoes and gorgeous sunflowers in a few months #MMBC
