Wednesday, 1 April 2020

The Dinosaur Bombshell Egg Bath Bomb from Lush.

It has been ages since I had the chance to use any Lush bath bombs. I do love them but since moving house to near Scunthorpe I haven't been near a Lush store until we visited Hull a little while ago. I of course bought an Intergalactic Bath Bomb which is my all time favourite and then got chatting to one of the sales assistant who convinced me that I needed to try the new Dinosaur Bombshell Egg Bath Bomb. To be honest I didn't need much convincing. hehehe

The Dinosaur Bombshell Egg Bath Bomb from Lush wrapped up.

If you’re looking for a Jurassic bath, the rapturous fizz and crackle of this Easter treat is a T-rrific choice! Grab your prehistoric surprise before you pop one or both bath bomb halves in the water and enjoy a legendary sherbert-scented soak. Inside you'll find your own little dino bubble bar, ready to be crumbled under running water for an eruption of bubbles. A dino-mite encounter with grapefruit and popping candy is sure to provide roarsome refreshment.

The Dinosaur Bombshell Egg Bath Bomb from Lush opened showing the two halves of the egg and the little dinosaur inside.

This is more than I would usually pay for a bath bomb but this is an extra special one. It has 3 uses. There is 2 halves of the bath bomb which can be split between 2 baths and then there is the little bubble bar. So when you look it like that £8.95 doesn't seem too bad.

It smelled amazing even before I put any of it into the bath. It smelled really sherbetty but that would be because of the grapefruit and bergamot oils. There is also an almond essential oil in it which gives off a comforting sweet scent.

I used some of the bubble bar then added the bath bombs to my bath water. I could have used just half but wanted double the treat.

The bath bombs were so good. They fizzed well and crackled too! Stu described the sound perfectly, when they were dissolving they sounded like bacon frying. I do love a pretty bath bomb and these did not disappoint as you can see in the video below.

Again it smelled so good but I wasn't a fan of the colour of the bath water when everything mixed together. It looked a lot like swamp water. lol I can look past that because it did leave my skin feeling so soft.

The Dinosaur Bombshell Egg Bath Bomb is from Lush's Easter range so it is a limited edition. At the moment due to the Coronavirus all of the Lush stores are closed and the website has stopped taking orders, I do hope it's back up in time to order for Easter.

Do you like to use bath bombs? What is your favourite type?

1 comment :

  1. I used to love Lush and bought loads of their stuff, then, at some point, ... I don't even know when? ... the fragrances started to get a bit too full on and the prices put me off too. They're always lovely as a special treat though :)
