Monday, 6 April 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 6th - 12th April. #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went OK. We didn't have the fish cakes as we had a bit of a stressful day with the broken hot tap on the bath, it's sorted now. I wasn't in the mood to cook much so we had bacon and fried egg sandwiches. The bolognese we had didn't have mince in, I couldn't get any so I just added extra mushrooms and onions as well as peppers and carrots. No one complained and to be honest I don't think they noticed. lol

This week on the menu we have:

MondayChicken fried rice.
TuesdayJacket potatoes with tuna, mayo and sweetcorn.
WednesdayLasagne and garlic bread..
ThursdaySausage and mushroom crumble with mash.
Friday - Fish finger sandwiches.
Saturday - Pizza nachos.
Sunday - Some sort of casserole cooked in the slow cooker.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Bacon & fried egg sandwiches sound good to me - proper comfort food! #MMBC

  2. I really want to try that no-mince bolognese now! We had chicken fried rice last week, with pineapple.

  3. Now I'm cooking every day for my family I look forward to getting inspiration from your posts - I've never thought of making a savoury crumble before, will definitely try that one! We're having smoked salmon risotto today but I have no plans for the rest of the week yet!


  4. I really feel like I'm just whinging it again at the moment. I really need to start planning, it does make things easier. I checked out the pizza nachos recipe and that's just how we eat our nachos anyway, lol. The sausage and mushroom crumble looks interesting.

  5. Ooh I often cook baked potatoes as a side dish, but baked potato with tuna, sweetcorn & mayo - ooh I really fancy one of those now ! :)

  6. oh the sausage and mushroom crumble sounds interesting and the wold week sounds very tasty x

  7. That sausage and mushroom crumble looks like something my two would enjoy!! Thanks for the idea!!! #MMBC
