Friday, 24 April 2020

This week my Word of the Week is: Pleasant! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I don't know why but this week seems to have flown over which is good considering we haven't done much. It was hard to come up with a word to describe this week. We have done the same as we have for the last few weeks during lock down. School work, housework, spent time on the computers and watching films but it has been a nice week. We seem to have finally settled into this lock down life. 

Things have started to grow in the garden. The wild flower seeds have started to come through in the flower bed and my pea seeds have started to grow but they might actually be peppers because Becky said she moved the plant pots around when she was watering them. It doesn't matter, something is growing. I was starting to think my dad had given me a bag of faulty compost. lol I am really enjoying going out each evening and watering everything. The dandelions are taking over the grass. A couple of weeks ago there was none and now the grass is mostly yellow. They do look lovely but I think something has to be done about them.

Flower seeds growing and dandelions

The kids have been getting on with their school and college work. Sometimes they take a bit of nagging to get going but once they are working they get on with it sometimes forgetting to stop for lunch but they make up for it with all the snacks they're having. I may have shouted at them a couple of times when they're eating just for eating's sake. 

Stu's pay day came around. His first being furloughed from work and he got 80% of his wages but it was actually more than we expected as we forgot that the minimum wage went up at the beginning of this month. He thinks this being furloughed is great, getting paid for being at home. I don't think he'll feel the same next week because he is just about out of jobs to do around the house.

We finally got some shopping delivered. It was only 80 things from Tesco as they have a limit but I don't care. It has given us more choices to what we can eat and I am excited about cooking again. My dad's partner also picked us a few things up while she was in Iceland. Some meat and some ice lollies. I am really looking forward to a roast dinner on Sunday as long as I can get some veg. I think we should be OK as our little Tesco is well stocked again.


  1. Glad to hear you're all doing OK and settling into the new normal. I've been off on the Easter holidays for the last two weeks and it is so much easier not having to deal with all the school work (for me and the kids) all day every day. Ah well, it keeps us busy ! We are apparently going back to school on the 15th May - sounds way too early to me, as everyone else seems to be off until September. We'll see how it goes. I don't even know if the buses will go back to semi-normal times. There's only about one an hour at the moment ! :-/

    1. Eek! Back to school on the 15th sounds so soon. I would be happier if all the schools just stayed off until September too. I hope it all goes OK x

  2. Growing things in the garden is so rewarding. And you have a surprise to look forward to - you won't know what kind of plants are where! :) My son was furloughed also and he is enjoying being at home with his 2 sons these days and getting paid. I tend to eat a lot these days out of boredom, just like your kids! :)

    1. The plants are growing well.
      There are certainly perks to being furloughed. Thank you x

  3. Pleasant is a good word. It's good to put a positive spin on things. I don't think I've ever heard the word Fuloughed before the last couple of weeks! My daughter is getting sick pay only as she's off for 12 weeks to protect me. She's not going to be happy with her wages and I bet she'll be keen to go back to work before the time is up. Glad you got your shopping :)

    1. I hadn't heard of the word furloughed before all of this started either.
      Oh no! That is a shame about your daughter only getting sick pay. :( x

  4. At least pea and pepper plants look different once they've grown a few leaves. You sound like you've got into a good rhythm. We've been frustrated not being able to get construction bits. We have the time and weather to fix things but not the materials we need. Lots of half finished jobs. Looks like more diy are opening which is good. Hope you have a good weekend. #wotw

    1. The plants are growing well whatever they are.
      I hope you get your DIY jobs done soon x

  5. Glad that the wild flowers are growing - ours are too and I was beginning to wonder if they would ever grow! We have lots of dandelions in our lawn as well - we harvest them and make dandelion and lemon biscuits which are absolutely delicious - I can thoroughly recommend giving them a try. Glad that you have had a pleasant week and feel more settled into lockdown life this week. I think the weather is helping a bit with that, especially when you are able to enjoy the garden too. Hope you are having a good weekend x #WotW

    1. Ours did take a while to grow. I'm so glad they are now.
      I keep seeing dandelion recipes & I'm planning on trying a couple. Thank you x

  6. It's nice to find a routine, there is comfort in doing the nice, pleasant things. It's good when the things we've planted start to sprout! Karen - Early Rising Mum
