This has been a good week so my Word of the Week has to be....
We have had a lot to be excited about this week....The best day was by far Tuesday though.....
I of course went onto the Tesco website and to the Clubcard Boost page to see what I could get for the girls for Christmas....Every £5 worth of Clubcard vouchers gets you £10 to spend....I bought £45 worth of stuff used £22.50 worth of my vouchers and ended up only paying £3 real money for delivery.....Fantastic!!!
I'm excited about M&S stuffing!! lol I joined in with the Tots100 #ThriftyXmas twitter party and only went and won a £50 M&S voucher....Hooray! It means Stu I will be taking a trip to Newcastle in the run up to Christmas.....Last year we didn't get to Newcastle in the run up to Christmas and I had to miss out on their stuffing and was a right grump about it....This year we have to go to spend the voucher which means I will get my stuffing and hopefully an outfit each for the girls for Christmas day!
On Tuesday we also went shopping for new school shoes for Ellie in Asda.....It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in there.....All the sparkly dresses, cosy pj's and more toys than usual.....I had a look around and it got me very excited not just for Christmas but for my birthday too....22 days and counting....hehehe
And of course today is Halloween....The girls are beyond excited..... We decorated and Stu and the girls carved the pumpkins....
Tonight there are a few of us going to my friends house to go out Trick or Treating.....Where she lives the people are very generous when it comes to trick or treating.....Round by me they'll decorate their houses but won't answer the door....Spoil sports! Then tomorrow I have promised the kids a party tea with lots of yummy treats....I do love party food!