Friday, 3 October 2014

We were hit with the lergy....

Definition of bleurgh: used to express disappointment, disgust, annoyance....

That pretty much sums up my

We were hit with the lergy.....Early Tuesday morning Ellie was the first to be sick.....From about 3am she cried, puked, dozed and puked some more....Eventually she fell back to sleep.....Woke about 9am was sick again then demanded food.....She's definitely my daughter....hehehe I can be sick then eat as if nothing happened....We had a day of watching Peppa Pig....I hate that pig!

Becky came home from school on Tuesday and said she had been sick in her Science lesson.....All over the table, floor and her exercise book.....She got herself cleaned up and carried on with her day, ate lunch and felt a whole lot better....What a trooper she is.....I'm still rather miffed the school didn't ring but I guess that's part of her being at secondary school and being more independent....

Thursday was my sicky day.....It only lasted a few hours and I'm glad to say we're all feeling better now.....Thankfully it was only a quick bug.....Fingers crossed Stu doesn't catch it.....He's a real moaner when he's poorly....hehehe

The Reading Residence


  1. Oh dear, that doesn't sound fun - hope you're all on the mend x

  2. That sounds a bit grim but at least it passes quickly unlike some of the others. Men don't tend to do ill very well do they?!

    1. My fella is useless when it comes to being ill....Luckily this has passed him by.

  3. healing thoughts heading your way, hoping the lurgy leaves you all soon. Your daughter is a trooper indeed!

    1. Isn't she just! We're all fine now. Thank you x

  4. Oh no!!! I keep reading about this sicky bug :-( hope you are all feeling better *hugs* xx #WotW

    1. There seems to be a lot of people ill with it at the moment. Horrible! x

  5. Oh dear, we were ill on Monday, thankfully it only lasted one day. Hope you're all feeling better x

  6. Oh, I do hate sick bugs! Pleased that this one passed quickly, though, and well done to Becky! Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Thank you! Becky was great! I was so worried she'd been upset and embarrassed but she said everyone at school was so lovely to her x

  7. Oh dear....what a word to have to sum up your week. I hope you all feel better soon xx #WotW

  8. Yikes - I guess you can keep that one to yourself!! Popping by for #WOTW

  9. I agree the school should have phoned you, poor Becky.

    Fingers crossed for a bleurgh free weekend! X

    1. I thought so but I suppose it's a sign she's growing up :(
      Thank you x

  10. Oh no! Hope you all feel better soon xxx #wotw

  11. Its thattime of the year again. My son got sick last Friday and he is doing fine now but is complaining that he is tired teh whole week. I am so wishing that he wont get all the virus out there this time =( #wotw

    1. Aww! Bless him! I hope he's feeling better now x

  12. Oh no poor girls, so glad it was over with quickly though. I'm the same with food, not much stops me from eating 😃 x #WotW

    1. hehehe! My dad always tells me about when I was a kid and felt poorly all day was sick then demanded a fried egg sandwich which I wolfed down.

  13. I'm sorry you were poorly but glad that it was relatively short lived. I'm surprised that school didn't call #wotw

  14. Ooh so sorry about that!! Hopped over from #WotW - you're pic had me thinking you'd been playing with gooey slime... A slightly more dramatic post than I was expecting!! What a week!

  15. Hope everyone is on the mend now... horrible bugs... #WotW
