Wednesday, 29 October 2014

I wouldn't let my kids do that....

I survived and had a fantastic childhood but given that I wouldn't let my kids do half the things I was allowed to do!! Thinking back....If my parents parented me now how they did in the 80's I would have been removed from their

I was allowed to eat sugar sandwiches, had warm tea in a bottle and later when I was about 5 I drank milky coffee...

I remember going in a long trip....My dad would put down the backseats in the car and so it laid flat and then put down pillows and duvets and my brother and I slept.....Not a seat belt in sight!!

I would get raw rhubarb from a neighbours garden and dip it into a bag of sugar....

Sweetie cigarettes....

We were allowed to drink Babycham or Advocaat and lemonade at Christmas....

Playing in the park with not an adult in sight....Mega high slides and climbing frames on hard surfaces.....

We used to pinch the orange juice the milk man used to leave on peoples doorsteps...

No crash helmets or knee pads for skateboards or bikes....

Standing outside the staff room at primary school and whenever the door opened seeing all the teachers smoking....

I was able to rent any age video from the newsagents....

 Suntan lotion was not important....

People smoking on buses....

My dad had a skip hire business and my brother and I would root about in the full skips for goodies.....We found so many great toys....Also when the skips were empty and being loaded on the back of the wagon we would get into them and go along for the ride....hehehe

The fizzy pop man used to visit.....Then we used to hunt around the streets for empty bottles and get 20 pence I think it was for them....

I had a jumper with a Gollywog on it :/

Terry nappies with real pins and nappy buckets, with nappies sitting steeping in the bathroom before they went into the washing machine....

Tuck shops at school selling cans of shandy and a lot of sweet treats....My favourite was Rainbow drops...

Jumping of the shed roof onto a trampoline....

My dad sitting me on his lap when he was driving and letting me steer the car....

My friends and I knocked on peoples doors and offered to do odd jobs and wash cars for money...

Standing up on the back seat of the car with our heads through the sunroof...

Being smacked meant you learnt right from wrong pretty fast....

Sitting in the back of my dads Landrover (no seat belts again) waving to cars behind us....If they waved back they would get a smile and the thumbs up.....If not we would pull some awful faces...

Paddling/swimming in the river with no adult supervision....My brother may or may not have walked into a deep part once and went under.....He could hardly swim...All ended well though and I don't think my parents ever found out....

Riding on motorbikes with no helmets...

The warning videos we had showed at school used to terrify me.....Don't play on train tracks, road safety and stranger danger....

Butter was smeared on bruises and burns...

Only going in the bath on a Sunday night before school on Monday.... 

Sitting in the car while my mam and dad smoked...

Cereal with toys in....

Being kicked out of the house in the morning during school holidays with money to buy chips for lunch, and my Mum saying she didn't want to see us until tea time...

What a great childhood I had....


  1. Whatever happened to cereals with toys! And you ate sugar sandwiches?? That does not sound good! But yes, growing up in the 80s was sooo different from now! Fun post x

    1. Sugar sandwiches were delicious! Just butter with sugar sprinkled on....You have to try just once...hehehe

  2. I thought I was so cool with cigarette candy sticks!!

  3. I was really an early 90's child but i have similar memories including dad smoking in the car and him no joke lying on the floor in the livingroom with his head on the hearth smoking so the smoke went up the chimney haha the things they did back then!

  4. I had that childhood too ... and it also included shimmying up the girders of the hay barn and then jumping down into wheat store on the other side.

  5. I remember those sticks and wandering off the lanes and the woods for a few hours no more though. Sitting on the garden walls there wasn't much fear living in the countryside! I rode in the trailer of the tractors wandered around horses yards only thing I can't ever agree with is the smoking in cars thing just not good at all imo!xx

    1. I used to live on a farm in the countryside and your right there was no fear.....

  6. Oh yes, I remember a lot of these! I remember car journeys with friends where there were quite a few of us crammed into the back seat and if it was an estate car some of us would sit in the boot as well. And definitely remember being allowed to have a bit of Babycham at Christmas, lol!

  7. Oh yes I did most of these too - and I still know children who play at pulling faces through car windows!

  8. So true, toys in the cereal were fab. kids don't seem to play out anymore!

  9. Sounds perfect :D I did the driving on dad's lap too and he took us for a (very) short spin on his new motorbike - mum was apoplectic about that one though. I used to get sent to bed without any tea, but knew dad would sneak me up a cheese sandwich later on. Growing up in the 70s wasn't so much different! Love this post #pocolo

  10. This is one of my favourite posts EVER! My nan brought he knitting pattern for Golliwog jumpers from Robinson's and we all had a handknitted jumper with the Golliwog on - I still have mine and it's one of my most treasured possessions. Lovely post and also loved the rhubarb one - did this many times and remember the tummy aches too!!! #pocolo

    1. Ohh yes! The tummy aches....But so worth it x

  11. The Mothers say - What a fab post. It's brought back so many memories. We especially liked the one about sleeping in the car with the seats down. This was done, especially when we were going on holiday. We also remember Witches Hats at parks - they were so cool :) #pocolo

  12. I LOVE this post! Loads of blasts from the past. Yes we totally survived, I am not sure if the world is a scarier place or if we just know more about how scary it is! #PoCoLo

  13. Growing up was a health & safety nightmare ;) Wouldn't change it Dad used to drive lorries and I loved going along with him, wouldn't be allowed now!

    1. I used to go in the skip wagons with my dad during the school holidays and loved it....hehehe

  14. Love this post. We are always saying about how we used to travel in cars. I have no idea how people have a car and three kids now with all the car seats you need. We used to play waving games in the back of the cars on long trips trying to see who got the most waves from people behind us. All part of the fun, now kids are plugged into their iPads etc!

    1. It is crazy....I can't remember having a car seat and I don't think there was such a thing as booster

  15. I remember doing many of these too, it is scary and sad how times change,there is no way I would let my children do most of these and look at us we are still alive, but then times were safer then #pocolo
