Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The Shelf of Shame....

We all have somewhere that attracts rubbish in our homes....

We have the Shelf of Shame.....

I was going to title this post the Shelf of something else but I try not to swear on here....hehehe

What is supposed to be on here are my books, the purple glass things, air freshener, dvds and the kids books on the bottom shelf....That's it!! It was clear on the morning and like this by mid afternoon.....Grrr!

When I ask the kids to tidy up anything they quickly can't find a home for gets dumped....

  • A tin with a card game in which belongs in the toy drawer or one of the girls bedroom....
  • 3 plastic tubs which should be in the kitchen cupboard....
  • A joke book which should be on the bottom shelf....
  • A DS which needs plugged in and charged....
  • A purse...Ellie's which should be in her room....
  • Hair bobbles belong in the bathroom or on the fireplace with the others....We even have a box just for hair bobbles....
  • The stripy bouncy ball isn't a bouncy ball.....It's in fact a planet which should be hanging from Ellie's bedroom ceiling....
  • The tablet should be on the TV stand where it belongs not on the shelf waiting to be knocked off again....
  • Toy doctors pliers....Should be in the toy drawer....
  • And lots of other bits which should be most probably be in the bin....

Don't get me started on the bottom shelf....You can only see a little of it but those books were sorted out at the weekend... There are now sheets of paper, Argos catalogues and heaven knows what else on there....

Please tell me I'm not the only one with shelves like this which seem to attract things which don't belong?



  1. Ha ha - I don't have one! Boo is ridiculously tidy, though I suspect when I stop tidying up after Little Man he might dump things randomly!

  2. Hehe I feel your pain. We too have a shelf of shame but it's more of a desk of shame :)

    1. I may blog about my fella's desk....That is shameful x

  3. You're not alone! We have an expedit in the front room that I desperately try to keep tidy but ends up looking like a Toys R Us exploded on it.

  4. yep the shelves nearest the front door are the family dump , drives me mad . Everything that appears is some hugely valuable scooter part an "essential" tool or something that has been confiscated from the munchkin and put out of his reach . makes no difference how many times i clear it within a couple of days its as bad again

    1. Thankfully we have nothing near the front door.....If we did I could imagine it being like that here too x

  5. Oh dear. I don't have a shelf of shame - I have a whole bookcase of shame, as well as a table of shame, a counter of shame and a chair of shame.

    *looks around* maybe I should tidy up...


  6. Oh my God, I am a shelf weirdo and I would be hysterical if somebody (by which I mean Andrew) disrespected my shelves! I even have a shelf related "look" for when he puts something down at the wrong angle!



    1. hahaha! I used to be....My kids have ruined me. lol

  7. I don't have a shelf, desk or bookcase I have an entire room that upon moving in was branded the 'mancave' or 'football room' which soon became my dumping site of random stuff that had no place haha xx

  8. Ha I feel like that Shannon. I think mine varies between the table and my desk. I hate clutter but we have so much ahhhh! xx #wickedwednesdays

  9. Lol, we have many, many shelves of shame. In fact every flat surface in our house pretty much ends up like this on a regular basis...

  10. Don't worry, we have a desk of shame. There is a desk in the guest room that is covered in the most random crap (even a doll house).

  11. My entire house looks like this by the end of the week and I can't even blame the kids as they're both at university! Note to self: tidy up as you go and the housework will only take 2 hours instead of 4!

  12. Lol your shelves looks tidy to me, what does that say about us hahaha. Ours is the dining table. In fact, any flat surface that looks empty will suddenly get a whole pile of rubbish and lettera stuck on it!

    1. They're tidy now....I threatened the kids...Anything on there which doesn't belong there will go in the bin. hehehe

  13. Story of my life! My house would be so lovely if I din't have kids or a OH lol x

  14. Oh god. We have the drawer of shame. It is full of the most random selection of crap I have ever seen. Sometimes I don't even ever remember buying these things! Thanks so much for linking up to #wickedwednesdays bab and I hope to see you this week! xxx

  15. Ohhhh i wish my shelf of shame looked this empty!!! ;) Shall tweet a pic later ;) X
