Saturday, 11 October 2014

Super Lottie has Launched!!! - #DayoftheGirl2014

Do you remember me mentioning Lottie Dolls.....Of course you do! Ellie and I have reviewed Branksea Festival Lottie previously and don't forget today is the last full day to enter the Lottie Doll Competition where you can win two dolls and two accessory sets....

In case you haven't heard of Lottie dolls....They became the first fashion dolls to display childlike characteristics....A healthy childlike body shape, childlike clothing (no make-up, high heels, tattoos, etc) and are themed around wholesome activities....

Now the UK toymaker Arklu is adding another fantastic item to the Lottie range.....Have you noticed how there is a lack of female superheroes available on toy shelves..... 

At 2pm this afternoon a NEW superhero outfit launched!!

Isn't it fantastic!!

The ‘Super Lottie’ outfit is the inspiration of six year old Lily  from Ohio, USA who created the winning design as part of a global competition.....

 Lily the designer of Super Lottie!

I think it's brilliant!!.....A Girl superhero doll, designed by a child for children!!

The competition was a result of a worldwide campaign launched to demonstrate that girls can be superheroes too.... A poll conducted among parents demonstrated a severe lack of female representation in the world of super-powers......I can only think of Wonder Woman and Supergirl but they are not that popular among younger children.....

Ellie has been enjoying the new outfit for a couple of days now....She fly's, jumps of really tall things and is very very brave.....It is a great costume.....We do love the cape and the mask! So cool!

We were sent a Super Lottie costume in exchange for writing about the wonderful Lottie products


  1. That's fabulous - what a great idea to create a doll's outfit designed by a child. I haven't come across these dolls before but love the idea of them having a more childlike figure and no make-up - sounds great to me! Ellie looks like she is enjoying playing with Super Lottie too x

    1. It is such a great idea isn't it....
      They are fantastic dolls....It is Ellie's favourite now :) x

  2. Oh this is brilliant, when our daughter is older I am sure she will have the full set of these. SO much better than the super skinny passive dolls :-)

    1. They are so good.....So much better than other dolls. x
