Saturday, 18 October 2014

I have a new Twitter account! Here's why! Please follow.

I don't usually ask people to follow me on Twitter but this time I am.....It's not all about numbers I have a genuine reason.....

What a day.....After a rubbish nights sleep I woke up to find my twitter account @kimmer2111 had been hacked somehow in someway....A spammy thing has taken over!!....

I haven't signed up to get fake followers......I had over 1800 of my own who followed me willingly.....

This morning I had gained about 30 followers and somehow when I was asleep followed about 40!! 

My twitter feed was and still is sending out a this tweet pictured above....If you notice my followers they are not going up....I'm not gaining anything from this annoyance! 

I was deleting them but I've given up now.....

 My account had been Frozen.....I changed my password and it took a while to become un-frozen.....Then I couldn't tweet as it was saying.... 

"To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can't complete this action right now. Please try again later!"

Every time my account tweets the spam.....I get the message and I can't tweet for anything from 5 to 30 minutes....

I checked the twitter apps.....There was nothing suspicious there.....I removed them all eventually just to be sure.....

I changed my email address associated with the account.....Scanned my computer with 3 different things but the spammy tweets kept coming.....Very randomly....As I write this one came through an hour ago then one 20 minutes ago.....

I changed my password on Stu's computer.....Cleared my history, cookies, cache and everything I could.....I even did a system restore on my laptop.....

Nothing has helped....I've sent messages to Twitter and heard nothing back....

I haven't stopped shaking all day! I've been angry, cried and I give up....

I've made a new Twitter account......

I am now @NorthumMam 

I would majorly appreciate it if you could follow me on my new account.....

What a rubbish day and I just know I'm going to get told off from Twitter for aggressive following by following all the wonderful people I did on my other Twitter account.....

Four years of Twitter gone.....Just because of scammy spammers!! No more tears!! I'm pulling my big girl panties up and getting on with it....

Thank you for ready this x


  1. That sounds awful. I totally get why you would be feeling upset. I've followed your new account!

  2. I hate these spammy accounts!

  3. Oh what a shame - Twitter is great but can be awful too. I have followed your new account.

  4. Sorry you've had such a rough day, my blog was hacked once and I've never been so stressed! Hope you either get it sorted or quickly get your followers back on the new account. x

    1. Oh no! It's awful....Getting your blog hacked is much worse though xxx

  5. I saw the weird one early this morning and thought it was odd but watching your drama unfold all day was horrid and I felt so sorry for you. I've only known spammers to send DMs out so this was new to me, a lesson to us all to be on our guard.

    Of course I'm following the 'new' you now honey x

    1. I am on my guard now.....It has scared and upset me so much!
      Thank you x

  6. Oh no, I really feel your pain, what a nightmare. I really hope you have no more problems with the new account, good luck. x

    1. Thank you! All seems to be going well so far x

  7. Aw no this is horrible. These spammers don't care about the damage they do either. I hope you don't have anymore issues. I've followed you xx

    1. Nope they don't and neither do Twitter.....They have been no help at all!
      Thank you x

  8. Happy to hear you're all sorted out now, what a nightmare!
    Have followed you on Twitter, good luck with the new account x

  9. This is hideous, Kim, feel so sorry for you x

  10. Just horrendous hun. So sorry you've had this. Angers me big time God knows how you feel. Now following and RT'd :-) xx

    1. Thank you! I've just checked the account and I'm getting DM's from people who are not following me....So strange.

  11. What an absolute horror. I feel for you as I was hacked once in an old account and there is a sense of loss of control when you can't stop these spammers. Poor you. I'm going to look for you now @NorthumMam x

    1. It is awful....The spammy messages have stopped but if they could do it once they could do it again! I didn't feel safe on my account at all....Feeling better now with my new one!
      Thank you x
