Monday, 6 October 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Despite us being hit with the lergy last week our meal plan just about went to plan.....Well apart from Saturday.....Stu decided to cook a curry.....

Ellie has this thing at the moment about eating foods from different countries and said she wanted Indian food.....I have told her I have made curries before but those apparently don't count.....She wanted Stu to cook it....So he did! 

 We went all out....Curry, rice, naan bread, poppadoms, dips and onion Bhajji's.....It was perfect!! I hate to say it but Stu's curry tasted so much better than mine....I'm using the excuse that I enjoyed it more because I didn't have to cook it....hehehe

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Tuna pasta bake...
Tuesday - Baked potatos with beans and cheese....

Wednesday - Chicken fried rice.... 
Thursday - Mince and sweet potato pie.... 
Friday - Birds Eye Sausage & Bean Rolls and chips.... 
Saturday - One of Ellie's "World Foods" I really don't have a clue yet....Ellie and Stu are in charge.... 
Sunday - Roast chicken dinner....

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. Your week looks yumm! I have just started meal planning with my lot - we genaerally just decide on the night. However, meal planning has really helped us. We are saving a lot on waste food and my shopping bill is definitely less as I am writing a list and, for the most, sticking to it :) x

    1. Good luck with the meal planning....It saves me so much money too! Fantastic especially at this time of year x

  2. Mmmmm that curry night looks delicious! I'll look forward to seeing which world food is next :-) x #mealplanningmonday

    1. It was! Thank you!....I want sushi but my fella doesn't like seafood or fish unless it's x

  3. Ooooh yes, where will you go? Love the idea of world food night!


    1. If I had my way Japan but my fella has mentioned Mexican :) x

  4. Mince & sweet potato pie sounds so yummy! I like the idea of a world food night too, might start doing that once my kiddo is old enough to get that.

    1. It does doesn't it....
      It is a lot of fun....I get a night off cooking and the kids love it. Everyone's a winner x

  5. Ooh I love a curry and it looks delicious! Love your 'world foods' night - and the night off it gives you! I might try that and get the tween to do the cooking, no chance my other half will lift a finger in the kitchen!

  6. Meal planning is such a good idea; I start at the beginning of the week on track then something happens like I forget I have to get them to gym and I don't have the time to cook! Or I forget to go shopping! Good for you for sticking to it xx

  7. I really need to get better at meal planning. I kinda do it but then go off course as the week progresses! Online shopping has helped me focus on what we are buying though xx

  8. I love world food night, such a fab idea. Thursday sounds good too..
