Monday, 20 October 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Monday again....The start of a new week and the last one at school before half term.....I'm so glad! We need a break from the routine I think...

Last weeks meal plan went fine until we got to the weekend.....Saturday was just a wasted day.....I had Twitter problems which ended up with me making a new account....I ended up not eating all day (I just can't eat when I'm stressed) By about 6pm I felt rotten from not eating and craved takeaway.... So that's what we had....

So this week I have a few parcels coming which I'll have to wait in for.....All Christmas presents I've ordered.....I must take stock of what I have already and work out who else I need to buy for....We have Ellie's parents evening after school today which should be interesting and on Friday I'm helping at the school with the PTA....The kids are having a disco so that should be a lot of fun....

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Tomato soup with sausage rolls to dip in...
Tuesday - Corned Beef hash & Baked beans....
Wednesday - Chinese pork ribs and rice....I found this gorgeous Chinese Marinade Seasoning in Tesco that is just so tasty.... 

Thursday - Chicken casserole, mash and veg....
Friday - Fish finger sandwiches.... 
Saturday - Hopefully this Saturday will be less stressful so we'll try again to make the Paella and Stu is going to try to make Churros too.... 
Sunday - Roast chicken dinner....


 As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. Every time I see corned beef hash, it reminds me how much I love it! I haven't shared my meal plan for weeks, I've been doing then, but not typing them up (except this week, it's all freezer diving lol)
    Following your new Twitter account, so crap for you sweetie xx

    1. I think it's my girls favourite
      Thank you x
