Sunday, 6 June 2021

I couldn't decide on just one photo. #MySundayPhoto

I usually just add one photo to my Sunday post but this week I couldn't choose between the two.

First up is the Pinata cake Ellie and I made which worked out surprisingly well considering they look so complicated to make. It tasted good too, it was just a baking mix from Home Bargains and well worth the few pound I paid.

Pinata Cake

I got a new phone during the week and I love it. My old phone was old and it was starting not to support the apps I had on it. Anyway when Stu bought me it I never even thought about the camera, it turns out it is 4 times better than my old one and it shows. I would never have got a photo of a dandelion like this with my old phone! 


My Sunday Photo linky


  1. Two lovely photos, well done on the pinata cake it looks amazing. x

  2. The cake looks delish! Your new phone gives good pics, the dandelion looks fab.

  3. That dandelion photo turned out great and the cake looks yummy!

  4. That cake looks great, as does your photo of the dandelion! Photography can be so much fun! x #MMBC

  5. Cake looks yummy and that is a great photo of the dandelion! It's important to be able to take great shots on your phone #MMBC

  6. Oh my word, the pinata cake looks amazing! As does the dandilion. In fact I'm tempted to head out with my youngest and try photographing similar today!

  7. Amazing shot of the dandilon and the looks really delicious x #mysundayphoto

  8. Wow that cake looks incredible, making me feel hungry.

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  9. The cake looks brilliant, but your photo of the dandelion is amazing! It must have been lovely to discover that the camera is so much better than your old one.
