Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Blackberry picking on a sunny Saturday.

A couple of Saturdays ago we went to my dads blackberry picking. We had been meaning to go for a few weeks and my dad told us we better hurry up before they disappear for the year.

Before we left the house the kids weren't keen on going. They wanted to slob about and play on the computer and xbox. It was a glorious day and it seemed daft wasting it because in a couple of months we will be longing for the sunshine when it's wet and cold.

We biked down to my dads and when we were half way there the kids decided I was right and it was good to get out and make the most of a sunny Saturday!

We took our plastic tubs and got on with picking the blackberries.

My dad has a fair bit of land and the kids love exploring it. As well as picking blackberries we spent time looking at the flowers and chasing butterflies which there was a ton of.

We got a good haul of blackberries. More than enough for a crumble which Ellie helped me make when we had left the blackberries to soak in salt water to get the bugs out. Eww!

We went and found my dad's partner at a nearby cafe and had a sit down, drink and a chat before heading home. We had a good giggle about our fingers being purple off the juice from the blackberries.

I left the blackberries to soak in some salt water and then made a crumble using them. It was delicious. The kids want it again but I guess I'll have to buy blackberries now as there's not many left in the hedges.

The kids had a great couple of hours despite not being that keen on going out blackberry picking. Ellie wants to go again but I don't think there's many left at this time of year. I think our next outing will be hunting for conkers!


  1. It looks like a wonderful way to spend a sunny afternoon. I can remember the purple fingers from blackberry picking, we haven't done it for years. x

  2. Ah this looks great. My lot are the same never want to go out then when they do they have a fab time !Look forward to reading more #blogtober posts

  3. I've not been BlackBerry picking since I was a child. I definitely need to do this with my son.

  4. We've got loads again this year. I've got a lovely crumble recipe if you need one.

  5. I used to go blackberry picking when I was little, have not done it for ages, we used to have blackberries in our garden will have to see if we still do #blogtober

  6. Wow! I've never been blackberry picking. Looks like a lot of fun! I'm glad they ended up having a great time even if they were dragging their feet at first!

  7. I love crumble but haven't had one just with blackberries - always mixed with other fruits. Sounds like a lovely day though! #blogtober

  8. Great haul ! Great idea for getting the kids outside and who doesn't like crumble ?! :)

  9. you can not beat picking black berries

  10. What a great haul you guys got! I haven't been blackberries picking since I was kid, will need to put this on summer bucket list for next year, doubt there will be many left right now :)

  11. Lovely post about family time and timeless pleasures. Fruit picking can be hard work but so worth it for the lovely tasting treats and the togetherness as a family unit. I used to love going with my parents and with my own children. It is funny how you can feel so unmotivated to go outdoors but once you do you always feel better proving all they say about that Vitamin D stuff is spot on. Anything that gets us and our children away from gadgets and screens has my vote #Blogtober19

  12. What a lovely thing to do together as a family especially if you get crumble as well ;) X

  13. We went blackberry picking in The New Forest in the summer then made apple and blackberry crumble. We didn't soak the blackberries first though - just washed them.

