Monday, 30 September 2019

Our weekly meal plan! 30th Sept - 6th October. #MealPlanningMonday

Where did September go? It has flown over. I can't believe that it's October tomorrow! Last weeks meal plan went well. We missed a couple of meals but nothing went to waste so it's all good.

I did a big shop this past week to fill the freezer. We had got to the point where there was only ice cream and potato products left. There was no chance of getting the shopping bill to under £100. It was one of those weeks where we ran out of random things like pasta, custard, condiments and cleaning stuff. Not things I buy every week but things we use most days!

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Jacket potatoes with baked beans and cheese.
Tuesday - Scampi, chips and peas.
Wednesday - A roast chicken dinner.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Lentil and bacon soup.
Sunday - Leftover soup.

What are you eating this week?


  1. Some lovely meals planned this week, the leftover roast dinner pie sounds good.

  2. Ha baked potatoes, roast dinner, leftover roast dinner and soup - we have almost identical menu plans this week! Must be a sign of the changing seasons ! xx

  3. Ha ha, me too. We had river cobbler with potatoes, carrots and peas last night but it was a roat dinner tonight and it will be baked potato tomorrow. Not sure about Thursday as my son has a club and we tend to eat at McDonalds. Sometimes I have chicken salad there and sometimes something at home. Friday would normally be fish and chip night but D is working so that could be pizza, salad and baked potato too!
