Saturday, 12 October 2019

Week 41 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

Doing Project 365 makes me very aware of how close we are to the end of the year. Week 41 already. This year really has flown over. I feel like it's also the time of year when I really struggle to take photos. It's grey and wet and I have caught a cold off the kids so I'm feeling pretty rubbish so that hasn't helped. As I write this (yesterday) it's pouring down, I am hiding inside, still in my pj's, watching TV and feeling quite sorry for myself. I'm sure I'll be fine in a couple of days.

Now for a photo every day!

276/365 - 5th October
My fella bought some socks from the local auction. 30 odd pairs, brand new for a few pounds. They're quite thick too so perfect for this weather.

277/365 - 6th October
I started to watch Breaking Bad again. I've seen it all before but thought I would rewatch it and then watch the new film.

278/365 - 7th October
I was walking to my dad's and snapped this photo of the grey, wet weather. About 2 minutes later I came across a dead dear right in the middle of the path. It was horrific and had obviously been hit by a car. I contacted the council and asked them to remove it. Whoever did just pushed it into the hedge. It wasn't removed until Thursday. I know we live in the countryside and these things happen, a dead rabbit or bird is fine but seeing a huge dead deer is something else!

279/365 - 8th October
Ellie made savoury tarts at school. While she was measuring out the ingredients she was dead against even trying them because they had celery in but she tried them and actually loved them, so much so we're planning to make them at home ourselves.

280/365 - 9th October
The Halloween costumes are sorted. Ellie is going to be a zombie prom queen and Becky a zombie cheerleader!

281/365 - 10th October
I was freezing on Thursday. It was the start of me coming down with a cold. The hot water bottle was hunted out, filled and I spent all day with it keeping me warm.

282/365 - 11th October
Halls Soothers, the only thing that was helping my sore throat.

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  1. Aww sorry you've been feeling unwell, my daughter always reaches for the Soother's, personally they make me feel sick. I hope you're feeling better soon x

  2. I love those socks. What a bargain!

    Hope you're feeling better very soon.

    Cait @ Of Needles and Noodles

  3. Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather. Hope you feel better soon. The dead deer sounds horrific!
    The socks are brilliant. My eldest loves socks like that.
    I know what you mean about this time of year being rubbish for photos. There's definitely a lot less inspiration.

  4. Hope you are feeling better soon. Loving the socks - very bright and colourful. Not somewhere I'd have thought of buying socks: an auction.

  5. Ah, poor you, hope your cold disappears fast. That's a lot of socks! The savoury tarts look tasty, I'd love to try one too. Not a fan of Soother's, I'm more of a Strepsils girl.
    And eek @ the dead deer.

  6. I have a Christmas jumper with the same pattern on as your hot water bottle. Sorry you have gone down with the sniffles, quite right to laze around and feel sorry for yourself.
    Poor deer, we get them round here as well.
    Glad she like her school cooking

  7. Hope you are feeling better very soon. Love the socks bright and colourful. Glad your daughter is enjoying the cooking. My son enjoys that too x

  8. Yes I really struggle with pictures in this weather...gets dark quicker and generally we don't do much! The socks were a bargain!

    Loving the halloween outfits and hope you feel better soon!

  9. Awww bless you, hope you are feeling much better now! Breaking Bad was awesome, I totally need to watch it all again from the beginning - have you watched El Camino yet? Sim x

  10. Those little tarts look delicious! I hope you are feeling better now x

  11. Gosh that is a lot of socks. Should last a while. Hope you are feeling better now

  12. Love the socks! We see a lot of dead deer around here sadly, monk jacks even come into the town area #365

  13. The auction your husband goes to sounds fab, oh the poor deer, I thought the council had a duty to remove animals that size

  14. Brrrr it's been cold! And it is only October, yikes! The savoury tarts look good; I like something like that on picnics #project365
