Saturday, 19 October 2019

Week 42 of #Project365 - A photo every day for a year!

Last Saturday I was feeling pretty down in the dumps and full of cold but now I feel so much better. I got over the cold, we've had a couple of sunny day's and I dyed my hair bright red!

Today is the first day of the school holidays, half term. We seem to be having it a week earlier than everyone else. Hmmf. I think I would have much rather of had it the week Halloween was in. Oh well, we've not got much planned. We're going to have a day out shopping during the week, Stu has said I have to go and sit in a coffee shop while him and the kids buy me some birthday pressies. (I'm 40 next month), we're of course going to do some baking and I am sure the girls will spend some time out with their friends.

Now for a photo every day!

283/365 - 12th October
Ellie did some baking. She couldn't wait to show me and come barging in while I was in the bath. The cookies were so good!

284/365 - 13th October
I went through so many tissues this past week. I'm all better now though, even the cough has gone!

285/365 - 14th October
Ellie brought home some conkers that she found!

286/365 - 15th October
Ellie made sausage rolls at school. She has her orders to make more at home next week as they were so good!

287/365 - 16th October
I ventured into Becky's room to get her dirty washing. As messy as her floor is she always keeps her shelf tidy. It could do with a dust though.

288/365 - 17th October
New boots for me!

289/365 - 18th October
I decided that I needed a change and dying my hair was it. Pillar box red! I may have had a few moments of panic but it turned out well. I'm using the photo tomorrow for my Sunday photo. hehehe

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  1. Ooh can't wait to see your hair! X

  2. Red hair! I’d love to see. I’ve always wanted red hair but never had the guts.

  3. Cheat with the red hair, gonna have to come across tomorrow. Glad it worked out.
    The sausage rolls look good. Barging into the bathroom is what mine would have done as well.
    Glad your cough and cold is better

  4. Ooh I'll be looking out for your new hair too ! Glad to hear your cold has gone now :)

  5. Ooh will have to check out your hair. I'd quite like to try a bit of red in mine but dye struggles to take in my hair.

  6. I'm going through a lot of tissues this week myself! Happy to hear you're feeling better!

  7. I'm glad you're feeling better. Ellie has been very busy with her baking. I love Becky's shelf. I used to like collecting that sort of stuff when I was in my teens and early 20s. Then I had kids, so stopped buying stuff for myself! I saw your hair on Instagram and thought it looked amazing.

  8. Can't wait to see your red hair! Glad to hear you're over your cold. We still have one more week to go until the school holidays. The sausage rolls look very tasty, definitely ask her to make a batch for home. Becky's shelf looks lovely.

  9. Glad you are feeling better now!

    The cookies look good but had to laugh at the barging into the bathroom!

    That colour looks fab!

  10. I do like the idea of you being made to sit in the coffee shop while they buy your presents, hope they made you eat cake also. I had no idea it was half term, although the Things are on theirs this week

  11. I am loving the red hair. We had this week for half term but it felt like everyone else was off last week? Hope you get some nice treats for your birthday next month x

  12. I was confused when I saw some people were already having half term! Great boots, hope they keep you warm this winter #project365
